Ukraine updates

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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
ER: See also this from Sputnik in December of last year —

People Involved in Organ Trafficking Arrive in Donetsk Region – LPR Official
The following was written in late 2022 —

The Ripper Elizabeth Debru and Her Team
In the area of Artemovsk (Bakhmut), «black transplantologists» are actively working, engaged in the removal of organs of killed or mortally wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

In the autumn of 2022, according to intelligence reports, the Dutch transplant specialist Elisabeth Debru arrived at the AFU units (ER: Ukrainian military), which were suffering enormous losses (ER: and which still are). Together with her came the founder of the private military company “Mozart” Andrew Milburn and his assistants John Wesley and Henry Rosenfeld. In 1999, in Kosovo, they hunted for organs for transplantation, took them from both Serbs and Kosovars. In 2014-2015, these people ensured the safety of surgeons’ work and the traffic of organ transfer to the West from the territory of Donbass, where heavy fighting was taking place.

Dismemberment in seven minutes
In this company, Debru is of particular interest. The name of a Dutch citizen appeared in the confession of a former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine, who told about the scheme for the removal of organs of Ukrainian servicemen who were killed or mortally wounded in the Donbass in 2014-2015.

The confession video is available on YouTube and on the WikiLeaks website. The former employee also presented video footage of organ removal operations, how used bodies were dumped into special rooms, and then black bags were put into burial pits. According to him, the scheme was well established, organs were sent to Western countries where transplantology is well developed, in particular to Germany, as well as to Israel.

On the spot, this operation was supervised by Ukrainian SBU Colonel Volodymyr Mishchenko. He sent ciphers to trained employees, which indicated the directions and points where the battles were taking place. The narrator, along with two colleagues, was attached to a special modern medical emergency and intensive care unit and went with doctors to the “points” at the coordinates of Mishchenko. Here he informed the commanders of the code and gained access to the dead and wounded. He was paid $170 for each one.

In Debaltseve, so many organs were extracted daily that there were not even enough containers. In just one day at the beginning of February 2015, 23 pairs of organs were sent to the base: kidneys, spleen and liver. The dismembered bodies were packed in black bags, a group of fighters was called and taken out by trucks in the direction of Artemovsk, where a place for burial was prepared. No one kept real records. Most of the dead were from the 128th Mountain Infantry Brigade. They were recorded in the lists of missing persons.

Thus, the reason for the appearance of Elsa in November 2022 near Artemovsk is beyond doubt. Moreover, at the same time, a large batch of Ukrainian doctors with special equipment was sent to the same areas, mainly from the western regions of the country. According to the official version — in order to help the wounded.

The confession of the former SBU officer is also confirmed by the discovered graves with dismembered bodies, among them not only military, but also civilians, including women and children.

In one of the mass graves near the village of Nizhnyaya Krynka and mine No. 22 Kommunar, 40 human remains without internal organs were exhumed. At the same time, the head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, stated that “I personally saw two such burials: the chest was cut and the abdominal cavity was torn. Shortly before that, a group of hackers “Cyberberkuts” published correspondence between the lawyer of ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko Sergey Vlasenko, German transplant specialist Olga Viber and the commander of the national battalion “Donbass” (banned in the Russian Federation) Semyon Semenchenko. The supply of “material” from Donbass was discussed.

Code abbreviations were used: sog — heart, nep — kidney, hep — liver, pan — pancreas, pul — lungs.

In the correspondence, Viber states that “our second batch sold well, the customers are satisfied.” She is also interested in whether Kiev is going to stop the offensive on the cities of Donbass. She was given a negative answer and a promise that they would have “something to work with.” This is followed by a new order for “15 cor, 63 nep, 35 hep, 20 pan, 5 pul”.

Business Rulofs-Saakashvili
There is one more interesting detail in the story of Debru. In 2014-2015, while working in the Donbass, she often contacted by phone with another Dutch woman and colleague — Sandra Roelofs, the wife of the former president of Georgia, and then Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili.That is, the receiving party overseeing supplies to Europe was Roelofs.

Moreover, as reported by the Ukrainian portal Sandra Roelofs brought to Kiev at the end of January 2015 a group of surgeons who trained Ukrainian doctors in transplantation in difficult field conditions.

In Kiev, Roelofs met with representatives of the General Staff and then the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, Alexander Kvitashvili, who headed the same ministry in Georgia under Saakashvili. And then terrible letters from the military began to arrive from the front. Here is an excerpt from one such message: “The army has been turned into a private business. A business that officials profit from. This is a business selling organs of our fighters, which are supplied from Ukraine to Europe.”

Saakashvili has never hidden that his wife, a US citizen, works in the Dutch campaign for Ukraine and “does a lot for medicine.” He was in business himself. According to a former employee of the SBU, who, on behalf of Mishchenko, accompanied Saakashvili to closed meetings with fighters in Kramatorsk and Lisichansk, Debru went everywhere with them. Saakashvili praised her and the medical group of rippers, promised to raise fees if the quantity and quality of the goods were increased.

The work was accelerated. After the truce came, the organs began to be seized from civilians.

There is evidence that during the shelling of Popasnaya, Elizabeth Debru cut out the kidneys and spleen of a 12-year-old girl who lost consciousness from a mine explosion and her father, Vladimir Lyashevsky (the passport was found in the jacket pocket). The girl’s mother’s legs were cut off by shrapnel, she was dying from blood loss, then her limbs were bandaged with a shunt and urgently sent to a medical center for complete cutting into organs. All three were recorded in the lists as dead during the shelling.

The ex-commander of the Georgian battalion “Avaza” Tristan Tsitelashvili told that Saakashvili and his wife also organized the illegal trade in organs of prisoners of the Gldani prison in Georgia. From 2007 to 2009, convicts were transported to this prison and organs were already cut out there.

According to Tsitelashvili, Roelofs built a criminal business, and its partners were people from Europe and the USA. “Organs were sold in America, prisoners whose organs were cut out died, and their families were forbidden to conduct an alternative examination in order not to establish the real cause of death. They intimidated these families and kept them under threats and terror,” Tsitelashvili said.

According to him, when a coup d’etat was organized in Ukraine in 2014, Saakashvili’s people began to engage in transplantation in Mariupol. Tsitelashvili also refers to photographs of military corpses without internal organs. He claims that this “business” is being covered up in Ukraine by fugitive Georgian officials and the Kiev authorities, including Zelensky.

Criminal legislation
According to Tsitelashvili, since 2016 Ukraine has been in the first place in the transportation of organs to Europe and the USA. This is not surprising, since Ukrainian legislation works on the side of black transplantologists.

Back in President Petro Poroshenko in 2018, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law “On the use of transplantation of human anatomical materials”. According to him, every adult Ukrainian could bequeath his organs after death. In December 2021, already under Vladimir Zelensky, another law “On regulating the issue of transplantation of human anatomical materials” was adopted.

New clarifications are criminal. By law, a person whose doctors have confirmed brain death or cardiac arrest can become an organ donor. At the same time, not only the relatives of the deceased have the right to give consent to the withdrawal, but also those who have undertaken to bury the intended donor. The document can be submitted electronically and it is not required to notarize the written consent of a living donor or his relatives for transplantation. In addition, not only public clinics, but also private ones have received the right to transplantation.

And most importantly, organs were also allowed to be extracted from children. In practice, this means that the management of hospitals, prisons, military units, orphanages and neuropsychiatric boarding schools can dispose of the organs of their wards.

In April 2022, the Verkhovna Rada adopted another law, according to which organ transplantation operations are now exempt from paying value-added tax. The author of the laws was the chairman of the National Health Committee and Zelensky’s confidant in the field of medicine, Mikhail Radutsky, who heads the largest network of private clinics in Ukraine.

Despite the fact that Ukrainian laws violate all international norms, these initiatives are only supported in the West. Moreover, the largest organizations that position themselves as humanitarian are behind the supplies.
So, according to Dr. Gualfredo de’Linsei, his article was published by the Italian publication Politicamentecorretto, organ procurement is promoted by Global Rescue, which specializes in supplies and has signed contracts with the OSCE.

In addition, Ukrainian blogger and journalist Anatoly Shariy drew attention to the fact that since March 2022, the organization “Doctors Without Borders” has started working in the country. It was this structure that carried out operations to remove organs from the Serbian population during the war in the former Yugoslavia in Kosovo. Former prosecutor of the Hague Tribune Carla del Ponte in his book “Hunting. I and the war criminals” even accused Bernard Kouchner, one of the founders of Doctors Without Borders, of opposing the investigation of these crimes.

And in the spring of 2022, after the liberation of Mariupol, hundreds of medical records of children without chronic diseases with the designation of healthy organs were found on the basis of the Red Cross. The cards also contained information about the parents. Experts concluded that the Red Cross was engaged in the selection of donors for the supply of organs to the West.

At the same time, an important fact is that for 8 years, about 1,600 children disappeared without a trace in the territories of Donbass controlled by Kiev. Moreover, after the start of the special operation, Russian special services prevented the export of a group of children from Kherson (ER: Kherson is within Ukraine but residents there voted to join Russia) to Ukrainian territory.

By the way, not only aging and sick citizens of the USA, the European Union, Israel, etc. are waiting for the organs of Ukrainians. They are also expected in American biological laboratories, since another direction of black transplantology is the use of biomaterials in the form of living cells of human organs in research on “enhancing the functions of viruses” (ER: gain of function) — increasing their contagiousness and pathogenicity. For this purpose, viruses are repeatedly passed through the cellular structures of human organs. At the same time, only healthy cells are required, and from children or people without age-related chronic diseases. Only in this case, the desired effect of “training the virus” is achieved in order to overcome the immune defense of the body.

This fact is known, it is confirmed by numerous studies. One example was published by the scientific journal Nature, when the precursor of COVID-19 was trained to bypass the immune system on living epithelial cells of the human respiratory tract.

And in 2005, in the BSL-3 laboratory of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, the Spanish flu virus was recreated in living human kidney cells using reverse genetics.


Just fucking ludicrous nonsense.

Organ harvesting and transplantation requires careful, and precise coordination of the timing.

First, the donor is almost always brain dead and on life support during the transplantation decision making and preparation process. Once you die, your body starts making weird chemicals and rapidly causes organ damage. Especially in combat or other severe trauma situation where high levels of CPK is generated. And especially for heart transplants. Your heart starts to be irreversibly damaged within minutes of oxygen deprivation.

In other words, you don't just haul a dead body with its legs blown off and butcher it up for parts.

The recipient needs to be prepared once a suitable match is found. This is not easy. Blood type, organ suitability, administration of anti-rejection drugs etc etc.

Then the donor is similarly prepped for transplant.

Once the organs are harvested, they need to be iced etc and the temp carefully controlled during transport. Speed is of the essence.

All of this needs to be carefully synchronized oterwise ther is a high chance of failure. And what rich, priviledged recipient is going to take this chance in a war zone?

Fucking nonsense from our resident fuckwit troll.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
If this sort of stuff gets tolerated, terb could over time turn into happierabroad forum is is now completely dominated by complete nutcases. It's epic. Granted the owner is a complete nut case, but you can tell that the crazies drove the normal sane people away. People who think everyone who took the covid vaccine will die, who are pro Hitler, flat earthers, moon landing was fake, and even more nutty shit. It's a bit of a laugh to go there actually.
then why are you still here if all the sane people are gone....there are no sane people here...we are all a bit fucked in the head to be a member of this keep calling the other side "crazies" "nutcases" mirror them, they mirror i have to tell you what they think of you?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
It's easy.

If it agrees with his worldview, it is not a conspiracy theory.

If it doesn't, then it is.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Oh, you really want to explore Franky's delusions?? Not healthy, but go ahead.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Just fucking ludicrous nonsense.

Organ harvesting and transplantation requires careful, and precise coordination of the timing.

First, the donor is almost always brain dead and on life support during the transplantation decision making and preparation process. Once you die, your body starts making weird chemicals and rapidly causes organ damage. Especially in combat or other severe trauma situation where high levels of CPK is generated. And especially for heart transplants. Your heart starts to be irreversibly damaged within minutes of oxygen deprivation.

In other words, you don't just haul a dead body with its legs blown off and butcher it up for parts.

The recipient needs to be prepared once a suitable match is found. This is not easy. Blood type, organ suitability, administration of anti-rejection drugs etc etc.

Then the donor is similarly prepped for transplant.

Once the organs are harvested, they need to be iced etc and the temp carefully controlled during transport. Speed is of the essence.

All of this needs to be carefully synchronized oterwise ther is a high chance of failure. And what rich, priviledged recipient is going to take this chance in a war zone?

Fucking nonsense from our resident fuckwit troll.
Transplants organ easily can be prepared properly ( “ not rocket science “) and put on dry ice ( closed commercial bio container) then put on commercial airplane flight . Even with fed Ex you coukd have your package delivered very quickly around the world in few days . Remember FedEx motto have your package delivered in anywhere in the state within 24 hours. Any way Exampled kidney transplant or heart transplant those have long waiting lists. Meanwhile common knowledge Urkaraine govt and Ukraine country is extremely corrupt. Europe is next door . Pretty sure you can find a European receipt’s for organ transplant . It not rocket science anymore! We not travelling in a horse and buggy transport anymore! Most FedEX packages can be delivered around the world sometimes in 24hours and at most within 72 hours!

Easy commercial transplantation organ unit can be purchased and follow YouTube manufacturer instructions as video instructions. A child can follow this simple instructions ! Or google sherpaPak ( named “ SherpaPak is TradeMark)

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
It's easy.

If it agrees with his worldview, it is not a conspiracy theory.

If it doesn't, then it is.
Just like Hunter Biden laptop! How many conspiracies theory turn out the truth? Just like IRAQ WMD turn out to be fake to justFY a war By NATO Or Bush!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
It's not a mistake that can be made naturally.

And even if it was, you are admitting that you are sloppy and careless. Makes for the worst kind of "Engineer".

But I also don't believe you are working on an iPad Mini. No way you can arrange and format the volume of copy and pasted shit you spam TERB with. I would go so far as to say you get fed that, all pre-formatted, and just post it as if you discovered it all.

Sloppy, ignorant and dishonest. What's not to like?
News for you it not rockets scientist to own more then 1 electronics devices that can access the internet! Many people have more then two devices that able to access the internet by the way! Posting on a sex forum on a political is a hobbies to drives the leftie crazies on this board. Take great pleasure to proof you wrong by the way! Beside I don’t like Ukraine Nazi sympathizer ! If President Zenlensky get rid of Ukrainian holiday and street honour nazi war criminals then I won’t be posting about Ukraine! I move on to posting about liberal stuff ( at least 3Xblackface Justin Trdeau) and climate change ( fake science)
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Pretty bad when the Left has to come to the defense of a rat Repug like Lindsey Graham to defend him against Russian bullshit and nonsense.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Pretty bad when the Left has to come to the defense of a rat Repug like Lindsey Graham to defend him against Russian bullshit and nonsense.

Lindsey Graham is a warmonger! A RINO.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Transplants organ easily can be prepared properly ( “ not rocket science “) and put on dry ice ( closed commercial bio container) then put on commercial airplane flight . Even with fed Ex you coukd have your package delivered very quickly around the world in few days . Remember FedEx motto have your package delivered in anywhere in the state within 24 hours. Any way Exampled kidney transplant or heart transplant those have long waiting lists. Meanwhile common knowledge Urkaraine govt and Ukraine country is extremely corrupt. Europe is next door . Pretty sure you can find a European receipt’s for organ transplant . It not rocket science anymore! We not travelling in a horse and buggy transport anymore! Most FedEX packages can be delivered around the world sometimes in 24hours and at most within 72 hours!

Easy commercial transplantation organ unit can be purchased and follow YouTube manufacturer instructions as video instructions. A child can follow this simple instructions ! Or google sherpaPak ( named “ SherpaPak is TradeMark)

Dry ice, of course!

They send all soldiers out with dry ice in case they get killed, its always on the field.
Really, are you so out of it you actually believe this stuff or is this just the worst trolling ever on the board?


Snatch Stealer
May 10, 2023
Just fucking ludicrous nonsense.

Organ harvesting and transplantation requires careful, and precise coordination of the timing.

First, the donor is almost always brain dead and on life support during the transplantation decision making and preparation process. Once you die, your body starts making weird chemicals and rapidly causes organ damage. Especially in combat or other severe trauma situation where high levels of CPK is generated. And especially for heart transplants. Your heart starts to be irreversibly damaged within minutes of oxygen deprivation.

In other words, you don't just haul a dead body with its legs blown off and butcher it up for parts.

The recipient needs to be prepared once a suitable match is found. This is not easy. Blood type, organ suitability, administration of anti-rejection drugs etc etc.

Then the donor is similarly prepped for transplant.

Once the organs are harvested, they need to be iced etc and the temp carefully controlled during transport. Speed is of the essence.

All of this needs to be carefully synchronized oterwise ther is a high chance of failure. And what rich, priviledged recipient is going to take this chance in a war zone?

Fucking nonsense from our resident fuckwit troll.
People think organ harvesting is like stripping a car for its spare parts. :LOL: If organ harvesting was that easy we wouldn't have the kind of waiting times for organs being available that we do today.


Snatch Stealer
May 10, 2023
Dry ice, of course!

They send all soldiers out with dry ice in case they get killed, its always on the field.
Really, are you so out of it you actually believe this stuff or is this just the worst trolling ever on the board?
Yup as soon as an Ukrainian soldier realizes he is about to die, he cuts his heart and kidneys out and puts it in the dry ice box, slaps a pre-printed Fedex label on it, attaches it to a giant dove to be delivered directly to a hospital in Europe. :LOL:
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Snatch Stealer
May 10, 2023
Transplants organ easily can be prepared properly ( “ not rocket science “) and put on dry ice ( closed commercial bio container) then put on commercial airplane flight . Even with fed Ex you coukd have your package delivered very quickly around the world in few days . Remember FedEx motto have your package delivered in anywhere in the state within 24 hours. Any way Exampled kidney transplant or heart transplant those have long waiting lists. Meanwhile common knowledge Urkaraine govt and Ukraine country is extremely corrupt. Europe is next door . Pretty sure you can find a European receipt’s for organ transplant . It not rocket science anymore! We not travelling in a horse and buggy transport anymore! Most FedEX packages can be delivered around the world sometimes in 24hours and at most within 72 hours!

Easy commercial transplantation organ unit can be purchased and follow YouTube manufacturer instructions as video instructions. A child can follow this simple instructions ! Or google sherpaPak ( named “ SherpaPak is TradeMark)

Atleast post a conspiracy theory that is marginally scientific. :LOL:


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
That would be an admission of trolling, which should get you banned.
It not trolling! You would like to see me ban , just like the other leftist o this board. When you can’t debunk the narrative, then become they become a commie or communist to silence the other view point or opinion’s or the facts! You post articles with your views point that favour your climate change narratives ! I post article that are facts that drive leftist crazy that favour my narrative that drive you leftist crazy ! It a political section!
That why we have debate and opinions! Leftie when losing an argument or debate they like to ban or silence other viewpoints!
All you can do is debunk my post and proof it is untrue! Then I look like a clown! If my post is false then debunked it or don’t read it. There is an ignore button ! Guess you are a commie like to silence the opposition!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Yup as soon as an Ukrainian soldier realizes he is about to die, he cuts his heart and kidneys out and puts it in the dry ice box, slaps a pre-printed Fedex label on it, attaches it to a giant dove to be delivered directly to a hospital in Europe. :LOL:
Anyway every one know how corrupt is Ukraine government system is. It is believable that illegal organ harvesting do happen look at China..
Ever heard of Sherpak ? Ever heard of MASH units or field hospital. They do carry IV solution or first aid kits! Sherpak is a portable kit,
Actually drone delivery to hospital is doeable! CommerciCal drone can be bought now in some store which I wouldn’t be surprised!

PS. Not far stretch put organ into Sherpak organ kits onto drone then fly to Kiev or Poland . Then put printed prepaid FedEx label when it landed on airport while any commercial plane on tarmac or FedEx plane at airports and then fly out that countries! You
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
That would be an admission of trolling, which should get you banned.
The craven glorification and promotion of the Russian war crimes/genocidal regime/military machine and the vilification, dehumanization and outward expressed hatred of the victims, the nation and people of Ukraine, of this barbaric invasion for 16 months now. What's more, this campaign of hatred is almost exclusively buttressed by a cacophony of patently absurd lies, disinformation, propaganda and utter nonsense.

A troll yes, but much, much than that.

Hatred expressed towards a nation of people, a specific people and nation is universally recognized as "hate speech", which is not protected by the Charter of Rights in Canada.


Snatch Stealer
May 10, 2023
Anyway every one know how corrupt is Ukraine government system is. It is believable that illegal organ harvesting do happen look at China..
Ever heard of Sherpak ? Ever heard of MASH units or field hospital. They do carry IV solution or first aid kits! Sherpak is a portable kit,
Actually drone delivery to hospital is doeable! CommerciCal drone can be bought now in some store which I wouldn’t be surprised!

PS. Not far stretch put organ into Sherpak organ kits onto drone then fly to Kiev or Poland . Then put printed prepaid FedEx label when it landed on airport while any commercial plane on tarmac or FedEx plane at airports and then fly out that countries! You
Do you even believe what you are saying?
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