Like anti abortion, or teaching creationism or whatever the fuck that nonsense is called. The right wings laws are all based on religion except for gun laws and the liars protection act aka the 1st ammendment
They don't like abortion and some may still believe in creationism but
I am not aware of making abortion illegal and teaching creationism in
school being on the agenda of the PC Party of Canada. In the states
the evangelical segment of Christian voters are in bed with the Republicans.
But as far as I know their influence is only a shadow of its past from the days
of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. Even if the Republicans win in 2024 it is
unlikely you will see abortion banned and creationism forced into elementary
school curriculum.
Society has progressed tremendously. Today's conservatives are way
more liberal than they were. If I am wrong I'd like to hear if I've missed
any significant social events organised by abortionists and creationists
in recent years in Canada.