Ukraine updates

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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
The major difference between the American and old Soviet army was the fact that Americans were all volunteers- motivated, professional, exquisitely trained and equipped. I had the chance to see the Russian military up close and it was full of drunks(officers and men) and full of people who wanted to be somewhere else. Their competency was questionable, equipment alway broken, their NCOs almost useless and the officers treated their men like cattle.

Did you not mean to say meat?


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Jan 31, 2014


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The major difference between the American and old Soviet army was the fact that Americans were all volunteers- motivated, professional, exquisitely trained and equipped. I had the chance to see the Russian military up close and it was full of drunks(officers and men) and full of people who wanted to be somewhere else. Their competency was questionable, equipment alway broken, their NCOs almost useless and the officers treated their men like cattle.
It's always the same. The Czarist army in the Crimean War or 1914. The Putin army in Ukraine.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
It's always the same. The Czarist army in the Crimean War or 1914. The Putin army in Ukraine.
LOL!!! You got to know Russians. It's a cultural thing that no amount of Marxist Leninism could overcome. I asked a Soviet Major at a seaside resort about their lack of consideration for soldiers' lives. His answer? Ludey u nas mnogo- we have a lot of people. The wonders of classless society. ROTFLMFAO!
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Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
LOL!!! You got to know Russians. It's a cultural thing that no amount of Marxist Leninism could overcome. I asked a Soviet Major at a seaside resort about their lack of consideration for soldiers' lives. His answer? Ludey u nas mnogo- we have a lot of people. The wonders of classless society. ROTFLMFAO!
People from oppressed societies tend to be like that.

Its the same reason why the middle east is cruel too. Or many African nations.

Hurt people, hurt people.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
I asked a Soviet Major at a seaside resort about their lack of consideration for soldiers' lives. His answer? Ludey u nas mnogo- we have a lot of people.
Maybe that story/rumour about how Russians clear land mines in WW II is true. Apparently, they used POW's but when POW's aren't readily available ...........................
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
People from oppressed societies tend to be like that.

Its the same reason why the middle east is cruel too. Or many African nations.

Hurt people, hurt people.
Nah, it's the Mongolian genes asserting themselves.


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
Nah, it's the Mongolian genes asserting themselves.
Mongolia is one of the most peaceful countries today lol.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
They certainly weren't when they "shared" the gene with Russians.
They actually were contrary to popular belief. The Mongols waged war, but they really operated by letting other kingdoms thrive, but under their umbrella.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
So the T-14 are finally being brought in. Not to do tanky McTankface stuff but as fire support from the back.

Keep in mind, they took out T-62s and T-54/55s out of storage first. The T-14 is apparently so bad and such an embarrassment that they waited till after the archaic gear was taken out of storage before they resorted to risking them in the front line for a face plant.

Bravo <sarcastic clapping>

And before anyone goes but brah they are using up their old gear first, I believe Puren [spelling?] did a study of tank losses showing their early loses were more weighted towards their newer tanks showing that they were not holding back their newest shit but actually sending the best they had [and the T-14 aint' it]

Clown shoes.
Tanks for all the info...
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Jan 29, 2017

"We Simply Don't Have The Ammo" - Polish General Says Can No Longer Supply Ukraine, Warns Russia Has Resources To Continue War

Via Remix News,
Speaking at a strategy session of the National Security Bureau, the Polish Armed Forces chief of staff General Rajmund Andrzejczak said that when he analyzes the war in Ukraine politically, he is pessimistic.
This is, he explained, because “there is nothing that indicates that Russia will lack the resources to continue the conflict.”

He said during the session that he did not feel sanctions would stop Russia from having the funds to continue the war.

The general also offered a bleak assessment of Poland’s ability to send ammunition to Ukraine.

“We simply don’t have the ammunition. Our industry isn’t ready to send the equipment to Ukraine and to maintain our own dwindling reserves,” he said.
He noted that he was tirelessly presenting such an analysis in order to raise awareness.

He continued his remarks by saying that “war is not the business of soldiers.”

It is rather “a question of politics with economic factors involving finance, infrastructure, technology, food, and a range of other problems that you have to figure into the equation to be able to understand it.”

Gen. Andrzejczak observed that “Ukraine is experiencing huge financial problems,” despite the huge aid packages it was receiving from the U.S., the West and Poland.

Gen. Andrzejczak told the National Security Bureau that he regarded the security situation facing Poland as highly dangerous. Asked if the leaders of the West appreciated how far Ukraine is from winning the war with Russia, he opined that “an honest assessment of the threats was still both a surprise and a shock for most of them.”

The general also said there was no indication that Ukrainians who fled their country would return home to start reconstruction, adding that he felt that the NATO summit in Vilnius will be “a summit to define our credibility, of NATO, and the whole of the West.”

If the response was “late” and lacking in determination, then Ukraine would have no chance of a secure future

PS. Mainstream media now showing their lies about Ukraine winning the war or Russia running out of amino … it just like the lies on IRAQ war justification likE IRAQ leader had WMD ! Ukrainian as a nation is finished when your younger demographic population fled from war and those ( western Ukrainian who fled Ukraine to EU or eastern Ukrainian to Russia) . They will never comeback !! Ukraine as a country will no longer exist!

PPS. Wonder if folks in the Ukraine think how much better off their country would be today if:

There was no 2014 coup

They still abided by the Minsk Accords and remained neutral

They never let NATO advisors in the country

They never shelled the Donbas
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017

Putin sends his 'invisible' T-14 Armata tanks into battle in Ukraine for the first time after Britain said using 'poor condition' fleet was 'high risk' for Russia
  • RIA said that the tanks have been fitted with extra protection on their flanks
  • It said crews have done 'combat coordination' at training grounds in Ukraine

PUBLISHED: 01:15 EDT, 25 April 2023 | UPDATED: 16:33 EDT, 26 April 2023

Russia has begun using its new T-14 Armata battle tanks to fire on Ukrainian positions 'but they have not yet participated in direct assault operations,' the RIA state news agency reported on Tuesday, quoting a source close the matter.

RIA said that the tanks have been fitted with extra protection on their flanks and crews have undergone 'combat coordination' at training grounds in Ukraine.

The T-14 tank has an unmanned turret, with crew remotely controlling the armaments from 'an isolated armoured capsule located in the front of the hull'.

In 2015, the designers of the T-14 claimed it would be the world's first invisible tank.
The vehicles have a maximum speed on the highway of 80 kilometres (50 miles) per hour, RIA reported.

Russia has begun using its new T-14 Armata battle tanks to fire on Ukrainian positions 'but they have not yet participated in direct assault operations,' the RIA state news agency reported on Tuesday, quoting a source close the matter.
RIA said that the tanks have been fitted with extra protection on their flanks and crews have undergone 'combat coordination' at training grounds in Ukraine.
The T-14 tank has an unmanned turret, with crew remotely controlling the armaments from 'an isolated armoured capsule located in the front of the hull'.

Pictured: Armata T-14 battle tanks move along Tverskaya Street ahead of a Victory Day Parade rehearsal in Moscow's Red Square
Pictured: Russian tank Armata T-14 during the Victory Day military parade in the Red Square in Moscow

Pictured: Russian tank Armata T-14 during the Victory Day military parade in the Red Square in Moscow

n January, British military intelligence reported that Russian forces in Ukraine were reluctant to accept the first tranche of the tanks due to their 'poor condition'.

It also said that any deployment of the T-14 would likely be 'a high-risk decision' for Russia, and one taken primarily for propaganda purposes.

'Production is probably only in the low tens, while commanders are unlikely to trust the vehicle in combat,' the British military said.

T-14 Armata tanks

Crew: 3
Length: 10.8m
Width: 3.5m
Combat weight: 48 tonnes
Max speed: 90km/h
Manufacturer: Uralvagonzavod
Source: Army Technology

'Eleven years in development, the programme has been dogged with delays, reduction in planned fleet size, and reports of manufacturing problems.'

The T-14 would also pose a logistical headache for Russia as it is larger and heavier than other Russian tanks.

The Kremlin ordered the production of 2,300 of the tanks - first unveiled in 2015 - by 2020, but this was later stretched to 2025, according to Russian media reports.

The Interfax news agency reported in December 2021 that the state conglomerate Rostec had started the production of some 40 tanks, with an anticipated delivery after 2023.

The T-14 war machine was among the new vehicles unveiled by Putin at Russia's Victory Day parade in Moscow in 2015.

It was produced as part of Russia's £250billion military update programme.

The previous Russian tank, the T-90, was designed to have a low profile, light armour, and to be extremely manoeuvrable on the battlefield.

It weighed 20 tonnes less than the American Abrams tank, but that meant it was also particularly vulnerable if hit by high-explosive rounds.

By comparison, the Armata T-14 has a high ground clearance and increased armour, especially on the tank's traditionally soft underbelly in order to protect the crew from mines.

The T-14 Armata is equipped with an unmanned turret mounting a 125mm 2A82-1M smoothbore gun fed by an automatic loader.

The turret holds 45 rounds of ammunition, including ready-to-use ammunition. The main gun can also fire laser-guided missiles.

The tank's remote-controlled main turret was designed in such a way to improve the crew's chances of survival if the tank is hit.

Instead, those inside are locked inside an armoured pod, which is also separate from the tank's ammunition store.

Pictured: T-14 Armata main battle tanks during the Victory Day military parade in Red Square marking the 75th anniversary of the victory in World War II, on June 24, 2020

Pictured: T-14 Armata main battle tanks during the Victory Day military parade in Red Square marking
the 75th anniversary of the victory in World War II, on June 24, 2020

Pictured: Russian Armata T-14 tanks move along a street in Moscow as day breaks following Victory Day military parade night training on May 5, 2015

Pictured: Russian Armata T-14 tanks move along a street in Moscow as day breaks following Victory Day
military parade night training on May 5, 2015

If the outer armour of the tank is hit, it is designed to explode outwards, potentially detonating any explosive rounds fired at it, and preventing heavy shells from penetrating it.

In 2015, developers UralVagonZavod made claims that the T-14 is loaded with high-tech equipment that will screen it from enemy radar and infra-red heat-seeking target finders.

The manufacturer's head of special equipment Vyacheslav Khalitov boasted: 'We essentially made the invisible tank.'

Khalitov went on to claim that the T-14's special stealth technology includes radar absorbing paint and materials that make it resistant to rapid detection by radar.
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Jan 31, 2014
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