Teacher fired for deadnaming trans students; appeal court backs board


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
You didn't grow up in the early 70's where hair length = masculinity. Wearing shoulder length hair'd get you a beating in any southern state - usually with the cops joining in.
It's still fashion... not biology.

Seems to be succeeding to me. If York Mills CI can have a drag queen whooplah with pink tinsel and stories about the Stonewall Riot, then the trans people have won.
It's "succeeding" in the way that communism and dictatorships "succeeded"... by casting fear in anyone that opposes it... their livelihood at stake and a media machine that would thrust them into social isolation.

The general populace is incredibly confused and not all that bright. Think about it... adults believing that men can become pregnant. They can be convinced of almost anything. This is how tragedies like genocide have been carried out in history.

Disagree. Out of sight, out of mind. And Muslims are too large a % of the population now for rightie pols to target them in rhetoric.
There are 3 to 4 million Muslims in the USA. The USA has over 330 million citizens. That's as close to non-existent as it gets.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
It's still fashion... not biology.
No. It's what annoys reactionary people and makes them mad.

It's "succeeding" in the way that communism and dictatorships "succeeded"... by casting fear in anyone that opposes it... their livelihood at stake and a media machine that would throw them into social isolation.
Except it's supported by the majority of medical and social sciences people in a democracy. That suggests that it's genuinely popular.

There are 3 to 4 million Muslims in the USA. The USA has over 330 million citizens. That's as close to non-existent as it gets.
The Muslim pop in Canada is 1 million and growing fast and concentrated in the 905. PeePee will not criticize the Muslims, I guarantee it.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Transgendered makeup about 0.3% of the population, in the US that is about 1.3 million people.
Amazing that with such a tiny population, approx half born biological males have already climbed to the top of professional female athletics and started shattering records with ease.

650,000 biological males vs 165 million females, and the results are coming in fast.

They've also managed to create millions more mentally ill hangers on that want to play the gender identity shuffle game, pronouns and all.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
OK, Before I answer you here's what I get from your question and why I get why you don't get it.
That post was a video of a couple spoiled rich kids, not anything to do with the news. They have their opinion of what went on in their school but we don't have any idea of the reality. If they or their parents want to complain, they can.

Tribalism would describe the people who are constantly trying to portray Trans, gays, Muslims, or immigrants as 'others'. People like me on the other hand support the idea of treating people as if they are people, not part of a group that you can hate on to make yourself feel better.

And your objection to treating people with respect seems pretty nonsensical.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
IMHO, the whole thing is ridiculous. Why should a 34 yr old music teacher be fired, and lose his living, just because he won't call three trans kids, by their proper pronouns. ...
Actually names. If the kid, the parents, and the school said that the new name was their name then he wasn't doing his job.

As I said, there is absolutely nothing in the bible saying you must call people by the name on their original birth certificate.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
If you watched the rebel news and true north videos, most of the YM students, seemed irritated about the whole thing.
A camera zoomed in on a small group of people with the volume down so you don't realize that at least half of the kids were out there yelling at the outside anti-trans protesters.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Actually names. If the kid, the parents, and the school said that the new name was their name then he wasn't doing his job.

As I said, there is absolutely nothing in the bible saying you must call people by the name on their original birth certificate.
What happens if one day, they want to be called she/her, the next day they want to be called two spirit, the next day they want to be known as a fox, the next day they want to be identified as a "black Lesbian." Where do you draw the line? Will teachers keep losing their jobs, because of all this pronoun nonsense??
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
A camera zoomed in on a small group of people with the volume down so you don't realize that at least half of the kids were out there yelling at the outside anti-trans protesters.
If you watched both the RN and TN videos, there was a nice crowd of people outside the school. These kids were cheering for the pro-trans protesters. That's why Josh Alexander, was giving out free bibles, and the kids were taking them.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The son of a friend must be thanking his lucky star that he is teaching ESL in South Korea.
Whew yeah!

He might actually come face to face with one of the 0.3% trans people in the US and bad things might happen.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
What happens if one day, they want to be called she/her, the next day they want to be called two spirit, the next day they want to be known as a fox, the next day they want to be identified as a "black Lesbian." Where do you draw the line? Will teachers keep losing their jobs, because of all this pronoun nonsense??
That's not actually happening is it, Mitch?

My dick might transform itself into a snapping turtle and attack my neighbour lady and kill her. You never know what's down the road.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2011
That post was a video of a couple spoiled rich kids, not anything to do with the news. They have their opinion of what went on in their school but we don't have any idea of the reality. If they or their parents want to complain, they can.

Tribalism would describe the people who are constantly trying to portray Trans, gays, Muslims, or immigrants as 'others'. People like me on the other hand support the idea of treating people as if they are people, not part of a group that you can hate on to make yourself feel better.

And your objection to treating people with respect seems pretty nonsensical.
I actually know better, but even I sometimes get sucked into thinking somewhere, sometime, even bc can have a straightforward conversation.

I'll remember and try not to get sucked in next time.


Tall/Curvy Ebony Seductress
Supporting Member
Apr 25, 2017
Actually, I read a story somewhere and I doubt I can find it now, where a teacher refused to use the nickname of a child. Nothing to do with transgender shit.

I think the kids name was like Tobias John and everyone called him TJ. The teacher refused.

Teachers power trip a lot.
I knew a teacher like this in high school. Everyone found him annoying and no one liked him. Not even his colleagues. A kid in my class was embarrassed by his name (can’t remember it at this point) because although it was a normal name in his home country, it sounded like a sexual reference to English speaking people. So he preferred to be called by his shortened name. This teacher called him by his full given name every time and sometimes people would laugh. Other times it invited people to pick on him once in a while too!


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I knew a teacher like this in high school. Everyone found him annoying and no one liked him. Not even his colleagues. A kid in my class was embarrassed by his name (can’t remember it at this point) because although it was a normal name in his home country, it sounded like a sexual reference to English speaking people. So he preferred to be called by his shortened name. This teacher called him by his full given name every time and sometimes people would laugh. Other times it invited people to pick on him once in a while too!
Yup. Asshole teachers. They power trip. Not all but some and it seems the guy in this article is no different.

It is just a name.
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Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
Do you think the kid could have been power tripping, entitled or being a regular rebellious teen? If so, maybe the teacher was actually doing his job, setting boundaries and enforcing them, maybe a bit too harshly and to his detriment?

Singling out a kid and conspicuously using a different name every time they are addressed, is basically telling the kid "You are abnormal and I am uncomfortable with it and look down upon you". That is the teacher power tripping and the kid here is the victim. The teacher was effectively being a bully and these situations can be very distressing for a kid regardless of their gender identity.

This motherfucker deserved to be fired. He can go beat off to Jesus in church and stop messing around with kids.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
What happens if one day,...
What happens if one day mitch decides to read the story? It's about using the name that the student, parents, and school accept.

And why is it such a big issue if the kid keeps changing between he/she/they? Might make it hard to remember but it's not like it's an imposition (then again, I'm arguing against people who feel wearing a mask is like the Holocaust)..
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