Are most people cool cats you can jive with ?
With all the educational stuff going on it seems intriguing and spiritual
or is it a lot of slobs bothering girls trying to talk them into the sex dome
they have established no rapport with?
Are psychdelics common?
It's a mix.
A lot of Burners are just professionals who like rave music and drugs. (Yes, psychadelics are common.)
Some are really into the idea that it is a radical transformative mode of living that will revolutionize the world and destroy capitalism. (These people are often idiots.)
Some are there for the sexy times.
Some are there for the art/maker community and build cool shit.
It's a mix.
They tend to be welcoming, but also get kid of cult-like on the extreme edge. Lots of Burners end up with no friends who aren't Burners and don't even notice.
It depends a LOT on the region, too, Burners end up with their own sub groups and styles. The Burner community in Boston is going to have a different reputation than the one in San Francisco which will have a different rep from Toronto or Montreal.