You are dazed and confused. You dont realize what a messy argument you are making.
1. An aging population is not an economic issue. It is a demographic decline. It not only affects our ability staff people in jobs, but also our ability to replace dying people.
we have positive population growth
canada death rate - Google Search
What is the death and birth rate in Canada?
The crude birth rate is 10.18 per 1000 people. There are 0.3 million deaths in Canada in 2021. That is 821 per day, which is ranked 33rd. The crude death rate is 7.88 per 1000 people.
Aka have babies. So our immigration goals are NOT to staff people in jobs. It is to replace an aging population with a younger one, so we have a future as Canadians. Your understanding that it is just to staff for jobs, is therefore incorrect. This isn't social engineering. This is a necessity for our future. Canadas average fertility rate currently is 1.4. We need 2.1 to sustain a population.
you were confused about relative % (grade 5 math)
you were confused about housing supply
and now you are confused about population growth
i suspect if you were to review your sources you will find the 2.1 value is what is
required to sustain positive GDP growth i.e. economic growth
an economic issue which requires economic criteria to address
the same economic criteria admen Hussein
watered down from 600 points to 50 points
2. You are making a messy and confused argument, where on the one hand you acknowledge that human capital factors are job requirements. But on other hand you are against people with said requirements coming in, to take up the jobs that you say are short staffed
not at all
#1. your human capital criteria ARE all requirements for a job offer. this is obvious when you list them and you have provided no counter argument other than to deny the obvious, in a rather obnoxious manner
#2 watering down that job offer criteria will guarantee fewer of those in demand positions are filled. this is a mathematical certainty
You argument is that they should already come here with a job. That is not a practical scenario because no Canadian employer will give you jobs to someone 20,000 miles away.
it happens all the time.
our Canadian Doctors, nurses get offers for international positions on a regular basis
international job offers are available for engineers, scientists, finance, heath care, technology professional and skilled trades persons
it is a two way trade, Canadian corporations do the same
the thousands of international students studying in Canada also located perfectly to seek a Canadian job offer prior to applying for immigration
So if that condition were to be applied you would neither reach your goal of fulfilling positions nor reversing Canada's population decline.
see above, we do not have a population decline, we likely
have a workforce decline , with specific gaps requiring specific skills (Health Care, trades, IT, fiancé)
again it is economic issue that required targeted economic criteria to address
Immigrants come here and get a job. May be initially they will take up part time jobs as the search, but that is all very acceptable.
not when the objective is to fulfill in-demand positions
serving double doubles at Tim Horton's or driving an uber vehicle is not going to cut it when we need welders, electricians, doctors and nurses
We ABSOLUTELY DO NOT water down any criteria and we ABSOLUTELY DO NOT allow immigration for "specific jobs". That has NEVER been the case before or after Harper.
The absolute number of immigrants admitted under Prime Minister Steven Harper was the highest in 90 years
Admen Hussein messed with what worked well for all parties and he did this for ideological reasons/ at the demand of the UN
Immigrants that come here are willing to work, want to work and are often times harder workers and smarter individuals than Canadians.
i have seen cases where this is true,
i have also seen examples of lazy assed immigrants who avoid work like the plague
no different from the domestic population
that happens when you observe a large enough sample size
generally speaking, most immigrants i have encounter are decent, intelligent , hard working and family orientated
welcome to Canada
that does not change our economic requirements , nor the objective of the immigration system
So all of your requirements as well as Canada's requirements are actually being fulfilled by the current immigration system:
- Immigrants are intelligent, qualified and capable
- Immigrants are hard working
- Immigrants are not getting anything for free.
- Immigrants are helping Canada move towards being able to sustain the population
All that is missing is a job offer
- Immigrants are not getting anything for free.
budget of the ministry of immigration and citizenship canada - Google Search
Investments will increase the capacity of the asylum system and enhance system efficiency. Budget 2022 provides $1.3 billion over the next five years, and $331.2 million ongoing, for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and partner departments to facilitate timely processing of asylum claims.
they also use public infrastructure and have access to public health care
So arriving with out a job offer does cost the Canadian taxpayer, do not delude yourself
There is no watering down of any criteria and the right criteria are being prioritized.
Only a boneheaded and foolish partisan ideologue (a fool by any other name) would lie that it is.
your confusion never ends
you were confused about relative % (grade 5 math)
you were confused about housing supply
and you were confused about population growth
and you are most definitely confused about watered down criteria
reducing the value of a job offer from 600 to 50 points is watered down criteria
it is a statistical certainty that altering this criteria will reduce the number of placements into in demand positions
which is the primary objective of our immigration system
only a fool or a uncompromising partisan ideologue (a fool by any other name) would argue it is not
watered down criteria