Okay lets do it this way. And this is my last try in keeping you honest. Lets hope.it was meant to be sarcastic
you need to go and buy a clue or two
i do not hate Justin Trudeau
I do not wish any harm to him
He was , is and will always be unqualified for the office of the Prime Minister
and he is making a god awful mess
Justin Trudeau needs an occupation more aligned with his skill set
Attention Justin Trudeau " Clean up on Ailse 5 needed"
my only concern is somehow he would still manage to cause a scandal in that position
i knew he was a stupid fool in 2015
imagine my disappointment to learn he is also corrupt
Take the points system from Stephen Harper days, say 2015. And take the points system today in 2023.
Select the criteria which you think are important for immigration - English speaking criteria, Education, Work experience you name it. And tell me which criteria had what points in 2015, and what it was reduced to in 2022 that you think that the current points system is watered down.
I dont care for what the PM did or what the immigration minister said or whatever. I dont care for charts that show an increase in immigrants, that is common knowledge.
I am challenging you that the current criteria are not watered down and ensure the best immigrants come. You clearly dont think so. So prove it.
Be specific and tell me something like:
"English ability used to be 50 points per candidate for a CLB level 7 score. Now they are awarding 100 points for a CLB 4 score, which is a reduction in standards".
When you do that its easy to prove that the point system is watered down.
Additionally, also pick on criteria that previously did not exist, that currently do and how many maximum points they give for each of these criteria that you think should not be the case.
This is not evidence. This only proves what we already know that the number of immigrants have increased. I asked you more specifically above. Answer it.look at the evidence