trump to be arrested Tuesday


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
they really want to stop him from running for President. No Different then when they imprisoned Mandela . Trump is a straight shooter. They can't have him going Roque and serve the people of America vs serving the elites
That is GOOD comedy. Trump the spoiled rich asshole for the people. Fuck the Constitution, screw the election results, to hell with democracy. just let the selfish manchild rule forever like the racist dictator he wants to be! LOL.... Lock him up... everyone knows he's a criminal.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Quite ironic to see Trump may very well go down because he paid for sex. That will end up being one hell of a costly escort.

its comforting to see that no matter how much money you have if you are a prick, worst if you are a fat prick, you have to pay to get sex... Same justice for all ;)


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
How was Trump on the way out? He was leading all polls for the nomination by huge amounts.
You don't know is because you don't follow the "right wing" media. LOL!


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Quite ironic to see Trump may very well go down because he paid for sex. That will end up being one hell of a costly escort.

its comforting to see that no matter how much money you have if you are a prick, worst if you are a fat prick, you have to pay to get sex... Same justice for all ;)
Most alledged crminals do not have the US congress running interference for you inclsuing the Speaker thertening to stike a committe to investigate the DA etc. The GOP are the party of law and order except when it comes to their supreme leader.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Wrong. The Dems MUST do this because Trump is THE existential threat to the establishment- left and right. It's also an objective lesson to any other would be candidate naive enough to think that he can actually represent the ordinary voters. This is a war over whom the country belongs to- the people or the parasites.
Last time I checked, "the existential threat to the establishment" got his ass kicked by 8m votes in the last election and has whined and lied about it ever since. Same thing'll happen to him in 2024.

Looks like 80m people decided that they were the "parasites" last time. There's no indication that those ratios have altered.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Heaven knows I am no admirer of Trump, but this whole idea of jailing him is bizarre.

A financial "mistake/crime" like the assignment of a payoff of $150,000 as a legal expense, is usually dealt with in the form of a tax bill of $50,000 and a fine of $50,000.
Danny, he committed a crime.
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