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A question for christians regarding trans


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
I am having trouble understanding a few things and I am hoping some Christians on here can help. If you can tell me if these statements are true or false :

1 - a woman has only x chromosomes a male must pass on either x or y chromosome for a baby to be conceived
2 - if a male passes on an x chromosome the baby is female if he passes on a y chromosome the baby will be male
3 - a trans person is one born male or female yet they dress and act as the opposite gender

Does everyone agree that these statements are true ?


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
No Christians will answer because they know they will look silly when you ask if they belive it takes a man and woman to reproduce but the immaculate conception says otherwise


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Not all Christians believe virgin Mary was a virgin. Liberal Christians
believe her marriage with Joseph was consummated. The Gospels
clearly revealed Jesus had siblings.
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
I'm really a Christian but I guess the answer would be God is a man and Jesus is the son of God.
God can't be human or he wouldn't be God. If Jesus didn't have a human father he could have only had x chromosomes making it impossible he could be anything but a female.
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I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
God can't be human or he wouldn't be God. If Jesus didn't have a human father he could have only had x chromosomes making it impossible he could be anything but a female.
Man is made in the image of God and the power of The Holy Spirit made Mary pregnant.

I'm not saying I believe this, it's just the explanation.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Man is made in the image of God and the power of The Holy Spirit made Mary pregnant.

I'm not saying I believe this, it's just the explanation.
My point is the same people that believe this also believe that there are only men and women. Allowing for some sky fairy to impregnate humans also allows for men to get pregnant


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
My point is the same people that believe this also believe that there are only men and women. Allowing for some sky fairy to impregnate humans also allows for men to get pregnant
If a man gets pregnant and gives birth to a child that can heal the sick, I would definitely call that a miracle. 😄
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
I am having trouble understanding a few things and I am hoping some Christians on here can help. If you can tell me if these statements are true or false :

1 - a woman has only x chromosomes a male must pass on either x or y chromosome for a baby to be conceived
2 - if a male passes on an x chromosome the baby is female if he passes on a y chromosome the baby will be male
3 - a trans person is one born male or female yet they dress and act as the opposite gender

Does everyone agree that these statements are true ?

My point is the same people that believe this also believe that there are only men and women. Allowing for some sky fairy to impregnate humans also allows for men to get pregnant
It the problem the crazy libtard woke ideology is taken to the extreme and push by the left like big maybe by you as liberals/ libtard which lot of conservatives having problems with! Like arrested a for misgender conviction of a preacher or get report to terror list on the FBI !

Judge Overturns "Misgendering" Conviction For Street Preacher Reported To Terror Watchdog

FRIDAY, MAR 10, 2023 - 11:25 AM
Authored by Owen Evans via The Epoch Times,
A judge has overturned the conviction of a Christian street preacher who was arrested and reported to Prevent for “misgendering” a member of the public.

Dave McConnell, 42, was appealing a conviction on Thursday at Leeds Crown Court after he was arrested under section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986 for insulting a member of the public in Leeds City Centre on June 8, 2021.

The arrest was made after he “misgendered” someone who self-identified as transgender.

In footage from McConnell’s body-worn camera, Farrah Munir is seen approaching the preacher and asking, “Does God accept the LGBT community?”

In the video, McConnell refers to Munir as “a man” and “this gentleman.”

As the police arrive, a growing crowd chants, “Hate speech, hate speech.”

McConnell is later arrested after a policeman says, “Listen mate, I’m not having that because she’s told you she’s a woman.”

“She asked me, he asked me what do I think,”
replies McConnell. At that point, the officer handcuffs him, adding, “OK, you’re under arrest.”

Joint Counter-Terrorism Team
McConnell was convicted of causing harassment, alarm, or distress to Munir at Leeds Magistrates’ Court last year and sentenced to a 12-month community order with 80 hours of unpaid work. Following his conviction and prior to the sentencing hearing, the Probation Service reported McConnell to the Joint Counter-Terrorism Team.

A legal team supported by the Christian Legal Centre sought to overturn the conviction by arguing that the police response was unlawful, disproportionate, and interfered with his rights under Articles 9 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

McConnell’s appeal was backed by evidence from Sex Matters campaigner Maya Forstater and Toby Young, general secretary for the Free Speech Union.

On Thursday, the judge in the case, Recorder Anthony Hawks, sitting with two magistrates, allowed the preacher’s appeal against his conviction.

At the start of the hearing and before cross-examination, Hawks said of the complainant, “This is a woman—we will have no more debate.”

During proceedings, the arresting officer was asked why he had arrested McConnell after initially suggesting that he just move on. The officer said: “He wanted to argue his rights of free speech. Regardless of what he’d have preached, I think the crowd wouldn’t allow it … the final trigger was when [McConnell] referred to the victim as a man in a dress. I stopped him and told him he’d been told the victim was a female.”

McConnell was asked in court whether he knew that “misgendering” a trans person could be insulting, to which he replied: “I wasn’t misgendering. I was telling the truth.”

He told the court: “I think people could have been offended but that’s not the intention. My intention was to simply stay faithful to my beliefs, stay faithful to God, and to stay faithful to my conscience.

“I wasn’t being transphobic—I was expressing what I believe,” he added.

Hawks said that McConnell “misgendering” the complainant did cause the complainant distress but “it is not an offence to insult someone.”

Furthermore, he said that under the Public Order Act “it is not enough to show words were insulting and that [the complainant] was distressed.”

“They must prove that we as a bench are sure that when [McConnell] was using those words that he intended to cause distress,” he said.
“[McConnell] said he had no such intent. He says he goes out preaching the word of God and the last thing he wants to do is upset. He said he was not intending distress, just repeating what he genuinely believed to be the Bible’s teaching.”
The judge concluded that there was no evidence McConnell had intended to harass Munir.

Following the hearing, McConnell said he was “delighted and relieved,” adding: “I am, however, appalled at how I have been treated by the authorities in this matter.

“No other street preacher, professional, or member of the public must go through what I have.
“Misgendering is not a crime and should never be treated as such.”
He added, “How I was treated was totally unreasonable and should concern anyone who cares about Christian freedoms and free speech in this country.”

‘Disturbing Trend’
“This case represents a disturbing trend in our society, which is seeing members of the public and professionals being prosecuted and reported as potential terrorists for refusing to celebrate and approve LGBTQ ideology,” said Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre.

“Police forces who fly Pride flags from their headquarters are failing to provide Christian preachers with impartial protection. If a person cries ‘offence’ at a street preacher’s words, it’s the street preacher that is punished and taken out. This is deeply illiberal,” she added.
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Active member
Mar 23, 2011
I am having trouble understanding a few things and I am hoping some Christians on here can help. If you can tell me if these statements are true or false :

1 - a woman has only x chromosomes a male must pass on either x or y chromosome for a baby to be conceived
2 - if a male passes on an x chromosome the baby is female if he passes on a y chromosome the baby will be male
3 - a trans person is one born male or female yet they dress and act as the opposite gender

Does everyone agree that these statements are true ?
Go ask Alice I think she'll know...keep your head. Not a question just a rabbit hole claiming to be a question.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
It allows that children are not solely the product of sex between a man and a woman and other forms have existed thereby giving credence to the assertion that a man can become pregnant.
When we say man and woman in the context of conception, we mean biological male and biological female.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
I am having trouble understanding a few things and I am hoping some Christians on here can help. If you can tell me if these statements are true or false :

1 - a woman has only x chromosomes a male must pass on either x or y chromosome for a baby to be conceived
2 - if a male passes on an x chromosome the baby is female if he passes on a y chromosome the baby will be male
3 - a trans person is one born male or female yet they dress and act as the opposite gender

Does everyone agree that these statements are true ?

Just for you in case you are a smart ass libtard !


Maximum fucking happenings this weekend as the world tries to figure out the next bank to fail. We know now the most woke bank in America did many things wrong, one of which was not having a risk officer for 8 months prior to Jan 2023. By that time, the die had been cast and SVB was well on its way towards perdition.
These things happen when confidence is lost. It can quite honestly happen to any bank. If people lose confidence they pull money out and if enough people do it at the same time — IT’S OVER.
A few bullet points until I give some ideas.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I am having trouble understanding a few things and I am hoping some Christians on here can help. If you can tell me if these statements are true or false :

1 - a woman has only x chromosomes a male must pass on either x or y chromosome for a baby to be conceived
2 - if a male passes on an x chromosome the baby is female if he passes on a y chromosome the baby will be male
3 - a trans person is one born male or female yet they dress and act as the opposite gender

Does everyone agree that these statements are true ?

Dr John Money the inventor of trans gender ideology

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