Oh I understand it well enough.
no you do not
that is clear enough from your uninformed comical response to the saturation of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation
And none would claim you can saturate a unit if measurement. But hey, you've got memes on your side, so you must know real science!
you really confused yourself
saturation of a wavelength is well known and understood scientific principle
no-one who has a BSC in the physical sciences would mistake saturation of a wavelength as you have
in fact i believe this subject matter is covered at the advanced high school level
i guess not
if you are willing to misrepresent yourself, you really do not care about integrity
The same criticism I'm sure you level at the 99% of climate and earth sciences academics and researchers who disagree with your view.
Again you demonstrate your lack of scientific training and your inability to apply logic by quoting 99%
no way in hell 99% of scientist agree on any hypothesis , particularly one which has not be experimentally verified and certainly not this specific unverified hypothesis
Again no-one who has a BSc in the physical sciences would quote 99% as a valid response to scientific principles
no credible BSc would pretend a consensus of opinion is a valid response to scientific principles
Ah yes, that bastion of real science: the meme. Who needs studies and research web we can just use memes, right? And you criticize my use of science? Lol
Again you demonstrate your lack of scientific training by calling a collection of spectra a meme
my guess is you do not have the first clue what these spectra represent, despite the explicit instructions to compare the black and red spectra
this actual a slide from a presentation by Dr. Will Haper
I said "there's no point discussing this." Once again words are not your strong point. When I'm leaving a conversation I say so. When I say there's no point discussing it, I stop discussing it.
and yet here you are still trying to
discuss fake your way through a scientific discussion
Those are different things.
really ?
you are claiming that this
I said "there's no point discussing this.
is completely different from
When I say there's no point discussing it, I stop discussing it.
and yet here you are still trying to
discuss fake your way through a scientific discussion
I haven't discussed science with you since, as you noticed since you claimed I "dismissed" it. Instead of laughed at your silly attempts to make points, like you're continued reposting of an image you claim demonstrates your claim when the words your used aren't even mentioned in it
And once again, anyone with sufficient scientific training would have recognized what 'the saturation of a wavelength' means
and more importantly the implications for your catastrophic climate alarmism
do you get confused when the a team 'ices the puck ' in hockey ?
or when a scientist "bombards a sample'
does the phrase 'raping the land' give you nightmares of sexually deviant real estate barons ?
do you freak when the doctors attempts to 'take your temperature' ? don't worry you can ask him to give it back to you
or how you're trying to use memes and claiming to be done scientific genius.
i have not claimed to be a genius
although, I am able to identify bullshit artists trying to fake their way through a scientific discussion
and i have a good understanding of electromagnetic absorption by organic molecules, ... which is at the heart of the matter
did my use of the word ' heart' confuse you as well?
will you try to claim I am a ' climate denier ' because of the human circulatory system?
But hey, it's not a bad idea. I think I'm not only done discussing your weak grasp of science, but everything.
keep fooling yourself, because you are not fooling anyone
Anyone who has a BSc in the physical sciences should have been able to demonstrate their scientific understand and make some logical science based rebuttals
you instead chose to play word games
So you can declare victory and say I ran away, that's about as accurate as your portrayal of the science, which is to say not at all. But again, I don't care. Welcome to the ignore list.
too funny
science is not about wining or losing, it is about discovery of the truth and advancement of understanding
again Anyone who has a BSc in the physical sciences should know and understand this
so get back to us when you stop mis representing yourself and finally learn something about the science of the matter