The One Spa

Justin was right after all


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
It's people like Tamara Lich, Patrick King and those who believe them that you should be worried about. People of this sort have no respect for the country they live in. They just want the state of things to conform to their twisted views.

It's them who want to take away your rights and freedoms hoping that everyone will believe and buy into their xenophobia and very thinly veiled racists views. Super extreme right wing bullshit that is not only offensive but extremely dangerous.

Hiding behind the Canadian flag, using the word "Freedom" while Swastikas flew around. What they did to the Terry Fox memorial?! Did Lich and King denounce this, ever? You best believe they had a shitty smirk on their face as they saw this happening. If ever the word revolting applied, here it is.

So, go ahead and sleep well knowing that the Lichs' and Kings' of Canada are fighting for your "Freedom".
you would have never heard of Tamara Lich had Justin Trudeau not over reached and taken away Canadians Freedoms

Patrick King , you may have heard of him

Are you going to stereotype the thousands of proud Canadians who protested peacefully in Ottawa with your view of Patrick King ?
Most of whom do not know Patrick King at all.

They just want the state of things to conform to their twisted views.
and what does an unelected Gerald Butts want the state of things to conform to?
He actual gets what he wants & he is far more likely to impact your future & your families future , whether you like it or not

Hiding behind the Canadian flag,

A Canadian, is a Canadian, is a Canadian
The protestors were proud of their country and proudly waved their flag while protesting as is their right

is it so inconceivable that thousands of protestors love their country and are deeply concern about government overreach ?

using the word "Freedom" while Swastikas flew around.

Oh boy
That dude was asked to leave

What they did to the Terry Fox memorial?!

give your head a shake

Did Lich and King denounce this, ever?
what is wrong with you ?
You assume because you have not read what you want someone else to say , you assume what their view is
unless everyone denounces any act, you assume they approve

Despite the fact 99.9% of all people will not approve of public urination and an even greater number not approve of urinating on a monument.

Has anyone asked either if they disapprove ?
Or do most rational people just assume both are not big fans of urinating on a monument, Like 99.9% of the population
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Active member
Mar 28, 2009
Pee Pee makes a fool of himself and doesn't back away from his donut meeting with the freedum twats and throws in nonsense not related to todays decision. He's just an angry man who is jelly of Justin.

If you want the shorter version without the whole French part...



Active member
Mar 28, 2009
Many of the convoy protestors from Alberta have gone back to work in the oil sands and their bank accounts became unfrozen. They should thank Trudeau for sanctions on Russian oil. The very few remaining conspirators, cannot be helped as they are so far deep stuck in the rabbit hole.
Not much really, the problem is getting oil out of Canada.



Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
The report was rigged. Paul Rouleau is a liberal hack. He played a major part in John Turners election campaign in 1983 so that right there shows he has a history of propping up losers.

The Freedom Convoy was a HUGE success. It showed the world how weak sauce turdeau and his lapdogs are- and he was rightfully ridiculed for weeks buy hundreds of millions of righteous people.
You should have said hundreds of billions of people it would have only been slightly more of an exaggeration. By using not only caps but caps and underline assure me that what you say is completely accurate and correct; it is futile to even fact check when you make that compelling of an argument. Since Trump is dead and you morphed from jackass pro to retardest yoh posts have become even more mundane than your orange lemon party fantasys


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
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Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
you would have never heard of Tamara Lich had Justin Trudeau not over reached and taken away Canadians Freedoms

Patrick King , you may have heard of him

Are you going to stereotype the thousands of proud Canadians who protested peacefully in Ottawa with your view of Patrick King ?
Most of whom do not know Patrick King at all.

and what does an unelected Gerald Butts want the state of things to conform to?
He actual gets what he wants & he is far more likely to impact your future & your families future , whether you like it or not

A Canadian, is a Canadian, is a Canadian
The protestors were proud of their country and proudly waved their flag while protesting as is their right

(You're so far off the mark here, I wonder if you know where Canada is.)

Despite the fact 99.9% of all people will not approve of public urination and an even greater number not approve of urinating on a monument.

Has anyone asked either if they disapprove ?
Or do most rational people just assume both are not big fans of urinating on a monument, Like 99.9% of the population
Thanks JL. You've shown me what you're all about.

God bless (you know, the one that's White)
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Thanks JL. You've shown me what you're all about.

God bless (you know, the one that's White)
Do you think that bothers me?
You are such a poor judge of character , that you determine your view of others depending on whether they have 'publicly commended' the obvious
What value could your view have?

God bless (you know, the one that's White)
your deity is what ever race you want him or her to be


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
A true leader

trigger trigger trigger alert

I didn't see the video, but facts are the provinces have access to all the revenue generating abilities that the feds do except for tariffs which is a very small contributer.
This whole federal provincial split for health care and other things means they get to pass the buck and blame the other guy while doing nothing.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Trudeau knocks Poilievre's 'simplistic' call to close Roxham Road
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is knocking Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's call for the federal government to close the Roxham Road irregular border crossing in Quebec as a "simplistic solution," saying the best approach is to renegotiate the Canada-U.S. migrant pact known as the Safe Third Country Agreement.

"Could somebody put up barricades and a big wall? Yes. If Pierre Poilievre wants to build a wall at Roxham Road, someone could do that. The problem is we have 6,000 kilometres worth of undefended shared border with the United States, and… people will choose to cross elsewhere," Trudeau said Wednesday.

"The only way to effectively shut down not just Roxham Road, but the entire border, to these irregular crossings is to renegotiate the Safe Third Country Agreement, which is serious work that we are doing as a government right now."
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
It was created by artificial intelligence. Of course it's fake as the guy in the video says, Justin TruDooh never answers questions.
But I guess you saw the thumbnail and off to the races you went.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Trudeau knocks Poilievre's 'simplistic' call to close Roxham Road
We should build a wall and get America to pay for it.
Richard Sanders is still alive.

Seems affordable.
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