Discreet Dolls

Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hey Frankfooter, you have a hard on for Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, right. How many professors, other professionals with something to lose, etc, do you think would go on public record to support your cause? How many elected officials would go on record to support you?
Are you a loser?
Answered here.
And stop with the insults, I hear the mods don't like that.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Do you not remember his list of courses that were bad and needed to be driven out of existence?

View attachment 210755

Let's see... build a website, identify professors, get their classes shunned and then shut down.
Looks like cancel culture to me!

Like I said, he gave it up due to the pushback.


So he wants to inform students who is teaching post modernistic marxist ideology in their classes so they can have informed consent.

Sounds good to me.....Ambitious to be sure but but educational.

And let's be real here. Those same professors that he was going to expose had been going after him for years at the U of T.

This was in 2017. He'd had enough and was starting to push back. This was when he was starting to take off on YouTube. He probably figured he could better get his message out if he concentrated his efforts on his second book and touring so he dropped this project. This was small potatoes too him.
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Aug 10, 2010


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So he wants to inform students who is teaching post modernistic marxist ideology in their classes so they can have informed consent.

Sounds good to me.....Ambitious to be sure but but educational.

And let's be real here. Those same professors that he was going to expose had been going after him for years at the U of T.

This was in 2017. He'd had enough and was starting to push back. This was when he was starting to take off on YouTube. He probably figured he could better get his message out if he concentrated his efforts on his second book and touring so he dropped this project. This was small potatoes too him.
So cancel culture is fine when its revenge for perceived cancel culture from others?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Ms Pfahl dodged a bullet when the Teachers' Professional Association let her off with a warning yesterday. But she's simply upped the ante today and will continue to provoke the Teachers' Assoc.

That's because it's all about being a star on Twitter and running with the Rebel News folk. Watching your P's & Q's and being less provocative in your posts doesn't draw a response. And if you don't draw a response from your professional body, you can't claim your being "martyred" for your free speech. So I'm guessing that she's going to get more and more in their face until she faces further professional discipline. At which point, she'll give more interviews to Rebel News about how "Trudeau" has stolen Canada's "freedom". Jaw Pee has blazed the trail. The Catholic grade 12 student has followed that pattern and Pfahl will do the same shit to get equal time on Fox News.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Here's another sane and normal tweet from the Doc...

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