Had a guy call about those 20 dollar books of coupons.
Do you want to save money
Do you go to X Y or Z
No [which was true]
I told him I wasn't interested and he just kept going on. I had to leave to go to university, I could have hung up on him but I figured fuck it, if the putz won't listen to me I won't listen to him. I put down the phone with the line still connected and started getting ready. At about the time I was done I could hear to stream of words from him stop and I just hung up on him. That was about 25 years ago. No it's just no and hang up.
My ducks are clean. I provide them with a nice pond for them to swim in. Do these people think I am a monster?
My ancient father will actually try to reason with people. Someone called begging for charity and he tried to explain that he only gives to certain causes and never gives over the phone and when the person started to try and close the "sale" he didn't hang up right away. Fuck them, we don't have a phone line so beggars can bug us for money, we are sitting down comfortable and our peace is disturbed it better be for something important or someone I want to hear from.
I hear if you are really mean to them they can put you on a call back list out of spite.