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What will be the biggest disaster in the next 7 years?

Next major crisis humans will face?

  • Nuclear war (Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, Russia, etc.) results in WW3

    Votes: 9 19.6%
  • Wars over natural resources (water, food, minerals) as resources dwindle

    Votes: 9 19.6%
  • Climate crisis (major natural disasters such as hurricanes, heat waves, ice capsmelt, flooding)

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • Much more deadly and contagious epidemic (10X deadlier than COVID)

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • Global financial meltdown (China and US both suffer catastrophic fianancial meltdown)

    Votes: 12 26.1%
  • Lack of food due to climate change (food prices become insane, starvation in first world countries)

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • AI becomes exponentially more intelligent, replaces humans, humans start to lose control of AI

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • American social unrest due to racial, political and class differences. Major riots and deaths

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • Asteroid, solar flare, or other cosmic event disrupts Earth in major way

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • UFOs finally confirmed with concrete evidence, human panic erupts, aliens begin to take over Earth

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'm glad they shot down the Chinese Death Star, but they should have done that the moment it was over Alaska. I know they said they were worried about it hitting people, however, Alaska and British Columbia are sparsely populated.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Absolutely none of the above.

The biggest disaster would be policies that are anti-growth enacted worldwide.

Human flourishing depends on productivity and economic growth, which allows us to have more resources directed towards other things other than mere existence. And when I say we, I am talking about the entire planet. As economies get richer, diets improve, education improves, the environment improves, health care improves, and happiness improves.

So what has improved world growth?

Capitalism, and trade. And education, particularly of girls.

The things that threaten this now IMO is number one the hysteria surrounding Global Warming, and the war on fossil Fuels. The idea that the planet has some 'correct' climate is not based on facts. For most of the earth's existence it has been warmer with much more CO@ than now, and life flourished. It is the outright deception that is so disturbing. Polar bears are doing absolutely fine. The Hockey Stck was proven nonsense, cherry picked data. It goes on and on. Anyhow, no need to re-hash that here, except to say that:

The human race has a long, distinguished history of predicted world-ending disasters that never came to pass, and I think the current climate is hysteria is another of them. We need cheap, reliable, abundant power to thrive, and that cannot happen without fossil fuels. The NEGATIVES associated with abandoning fossil fuels are enormous, and they are never fairly discussed. Literally, lives will be lost because of it. All because of erroneous computer models that have repeatedly failed earlier predictions.

But lets take a more fundamental step back - why is this occurring? Why for example did we worry about Y2K, for instance?

I think that the media has much to blame. I feel that the news used to exist to, well, give you the news. Now, the news is designed to make you watch the news. Which requires drama-queening on a constant basis.

This has led to a requirement to play down facts, and play up hysteria. The hijacking of these hysterias for purposes of reshaping society in an illiberal, censored, freedom-destroying regime, brought in always to purportedly protect us from non-existent calamitous threats is the most worrying development in the world today.


Active member
Jun 20, 2017
The answer is to not let the righties govern. For most of the last 40 years the U.S. economy has done better with a Democrat as prez. That is factual history. Not speculation.

GOP are CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT and LIE LIE LIE and STEAL STEAL STEAL from the middle and lower class.

Trickle down effect? Hahahahahaha
Again with comparing American politics with Canadian. They are not the same at all and it doesn't change the fact that our current administration is activepy and willfully destroying our economy, trying to censer free speach, punishing legal gun owners and doing nothing to stop real criminals. These are all facts. And "Righties" are giving practical solutions for them and have been shot down at every turn. If you actually pay attention to CANADIAN politics, and watch question period and see how the current administration deflects questions and lies, you will know that "just dont let righties govern" is a very ignorant a short sighted political outlook.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Active member
Jun 20, 2017


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
And yet again you only use American politics for examples. It's clear that you aren't even capable of discussing canadian politics. You are aware that we have our own government right?
Less government, less taxes for the rich, less services and social safety net for the common and poor man.

The specifics may differ between countries but the basic concepts are the same.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Depopulation…. And collapse of Russia and China.

8 mins. If you don’t understand how these demographics will affect you… well…



Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Toronto Escorts