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Maine School Social Worker Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl with Chest binder to flatten her breast.


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
saying this is about due process rights does make some sense.
The idea that parental rights to parent their child are in the constitution has a long history
LOL, I told you this, but you brushed it off. Now you're trying to hedge yourself. 😆

That's hilarious.
Go big or go home, I guess.
I applaud your audacity.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
LOL, I told you this, but you brushed it off. Now you're trying to hedge yourself. 😆
I acknowledge the error.
I'm so used to people claiming shit is constitutional when it is not, and you quoted the 14th without any follow up, which is usually a sign of utter bullshit.

So I looked into it further and while it really doesn't look like she has a good case, there is substantive due process history saying you can't take a child away from a parent without due process.
Stretching that definition of "parental rights" to include "you have to give me the notes of any meetings my kid had" is a stretch, but it seems I would be in error to assume this court isn't crazy enough to rule that a parent has an absolute right to control their child at all times. (At this point, I think it isn't off the table for the Supreme Court to rule that a child is literally the property of the father.)


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
I acknowledge the error.
I'm so used to people claiming shit is constitutional when it is not, and you quoted the 14th without any follow up, which is usually a sign of utter bullshit.

So I looked into it further and while it really doesn't look like she has a good case, there is substantive due process history saying you can't take a child away from a parent without due process.
Stretching that definition of "parental rights" to include "you have to give me the notes of any meetings my kid had" is a stretch, but it seems I would be in error to assume this court isn't crazy enough to rule that a parent has an absolute right to control their child at all times. (At this point, I think it isn't off the table for the Supreme Court to rule that a child is literally the property of the father.)
No, it's just you're part of the agenda. It's not that difficult.

You're not understanding, this is not about protecting children, it's about protecting themselves. If there's no evidence against you, there's no case against you. The kids are used as sort of a cat's-paw.

Like I said this all breaks down to the judge. If it's a Democrat Judge he won't even consider this because it goes against the LGBT agenda. If it's a Republican, it will at least be considered.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Entire Gender Industry Is Based On A Failed Study That Disproved Scientist’s Theory: Psychiatrist

Authored by Jan Jekielek and Masooma Haq via The Epoch Times,

Child and adolescent psychiatrist Miriam Grossman, who has been a mental health professional for 40 years, said the gender industry is built on the lies of one troubled psychologist.

With schools teaching sex and gender ideology beginning in kindergarten, the Biden administration encouraging early medical treatments for gender dysphoria, and social media influencers discussing the topic, a record number of adolescent girls believe they are transgender and are transitioning to live as males.

Concerned adults are sounding the alarm on the lack of scientific studies to support transgender medical treatments that permanently alter a young person’s physiology and leave their mental health issues unresolved.

Child and adolescent psychiatrist Miriam Grossman, who has been a mental health professional for 40 years, said the gender industry is built on the lies of one troubled psychologist.

“The person who came up with the theory was Dr. John Money, and hecame up with this idea that a person’s biology—their body, theirchromosomes—is completely separate from their feeling of whether theyare male or female,” Grossman said during a Sept. 23 interview for EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program.

Grossman said the industry surrounding gender ideology—from gender clinics and hospitals to transgender pride flags and the emergence of a transgender civil rights movement—is based on a concept that was never proven to be true.

“In fact, the opposite was proven,” she said. “This whole concept of having an identity as male or female being completely separate from your biology has actually been proven incorrect by John Money’s experiment.

Money was instrumental in establishing the first clinic to perform gender reassignment surgeries on children and adults at the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic.

In the 1960s, Money set out to prove his theory of gender identity to theworld, and the perfect case study showed up in his office, Grossman said. But instead, his theory was disproven, and it was later revealed that his gender theory came from a study that was seriously corrupted.

The Canadian Twins
Grossman told the story of Janet and Ron Reimer, a Canadian couple with twin boys who consulted Money in the mid-1960s after one of the twins, Bruce, suffered a botched circumcision as an 8-month-old that permanently disfigured his genitals.

After seeing Money speak on a TV program about his research, the parents thought their grievously injured son could—like Money was promoting—change the sex he was born with and live a happy life as a girl.

Money’s hypothesis was that humans are born with a blank slate in terms of gender.

“He told the parents that they must immediately change Bruce’s name to a girl’s name, put him in girl’s clothing, tell everybody that he’s a girl, and never, ever tell him the truth about his birth and what happened to him,” Grossman explained.

Money advised the parents to have Bruce castrated and for doctors to construct an elementary female genitalia for the boy, Grossman said. Bruce was renamed Brenda and raised as a girl.

However, after many years of being treated by Money, at about the age of 10 the twins refused to see him again. It was later revealed that Money sexually abused the twins during their appointments. Bruce was reportedly never happy as a girl and had masculine inclinations that disturbed him throughout his life.

When the parents finally revealed the truth to the twins as they were entering puberty, Bruce (who was living as Brenda at that time) chose to revert to living as a male and took the name David.

“We have to acknowledge the unbelievable arrogance of a professional high-standing academic—widely respected, accomplished—the arrogance that he had to exploit this family in order to hold them up as proof of his theory,” said Grossman.

Money received a slew of awards during his treatment of the twins, including 25 years of continuous funding from the National Institutes of Health, Grossman said.

“His ideas about gender were institutionalized, were immediately adopted within an entire field of medicine—within mental health, psychiatry—and outside of medicine as well,” she said.

Children have been indoctrinated with Money’s gender ideology, and now most young people do not believe there is a fundamental connection between biology and gender, which Grossman said is troubling.

She cited a poll published in September by The New York Times which found that over 60 percent of respondents aged 30 and older said they believe gender is determined by a person’s biological sex at birth, but 61 percent of respondents aged 18 to 29 said they believed that gender identity is distinct from biological sex.

The different between the younger and older group is directly due to the spread of gender ideology, Grossman said. This is because children as young as 5 years old have been indoctrinated with Money’s gender ideology in schools.

Kids are repeatedly being told that gender identity is separate from biology and that one can choose one’s gender identity, and it’s being presented as fact in the same way children are taught that the capital of California is Sacramento, she said.

Children are being told that a person can choose their own gender and that “gender-affirming care” is available for them if they want to become a different sex.

The “care” starts with puberty blockers and later progresses to opposite sex hormones and finally sex reassignment surgeries, at which point there is no room for the children to change their minds, Grossman said.

Researchers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, published a study in JAMA Pediatrics (from the Journal of the American Medical Association) and reported that the number of gender-affirming chest surgeries performed in the United States on adolescents aged 13 to 17 years—the majority of which were elective mastectomies on girls—increased from 100 surgeries in 2016 to 489 surgeries in 2019, a difference of 389 percent.

Adolescents are constantly changing and trying to discover who they are, so allowing them to make a drastic change to their bodies during or before puberty is having a devastating impact on many young people and families, said Grossman.

Dutch Protocol Run Amok
Prior to the 1990s, the majority of those seeking medical treatment for gender dysphoria were men in their 30s and 40s, Grossman said. Doctors were finding that opposite-sex hormones and surgeries were less effective after puberty, so they thought if they started these treatments before puberty, the patient might have better outcomes in the sex change.

Researchers in Holland came up with a study that’s now referred to as the Dutch protocol. Children were only chosen to participate in the study if they had discomfort with their biological sex from an early age and their discomfort became worse when they reached puberty. They also could not have any other mental health issues.

“They took those kids and they put them on puberty blockers at age 12. And those puberty blockers had never been used before for that purpose, and to this day, puberty blockers are not licensed or FDA approved in any country to be used with gender dysphoria,” said Grossman. They are only approved for disorders or medical conditions like precocious puberty, she said.

The researchers then gave opposite-sex hormones to the 55 children in the study, and later the children could have surgeries if they wanted them. There were problems with this study, including the fact that there was no control group alongside the transitioning kids, said Grossman.

Grossman said there is a lot of evidence to suggest that if the kids who were uncomfortable with their sex at adolescence had been left alone, the majority of the cases of gender dysphoria would have resolved on their own after puberty.

“This Dutch protocol was immediately adopted in other countries, including in the U.S., as ‘this is the solution for these kids,’” said Grossman.

‘Gender Affirming Care’
The phrase “gender-affirming care” is a euphemism for radical medical experiments that are leaving patients with long-term physical health problems, and they don’t address the more important mental health issues these young people have, Grossman said.

“You’ll have to note, again, the manipulation of language and the Orwellian use of language, when the term ‘gender affirming’ is used. They’re experimenting on the body, and people are paying a massively high price for these medical experimentations,” she said.

“Gender-affirming care means that whatever the child comes up with in terms of their identity, no matter how old they are or what other conditions they may suffer from, that is their identity and we accept it. We affirm it. And we give them the treatment that they would like to get,” said Grossman.

President Joe Biden and Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine are promoting these treatments, and the majority of U.S. professional organizations are backing it, leaving parents to fight an uphill battle should they oppose their child’s wishes to change their gender, said Grossman.

Further, there are not enough long-term studies regarding the impact of “gender-affirming care” on children, but there is evidence about the dangerous outcomes, including being left sterile and developing blood clots, heart attacks, cancers, kidney failure, and early menopause, said Grossman.

Even with all the adverse effects of “gender-affirming care,” the Biden administration is trying to mandate that all medical professionals participate and support children to get these types of treatments, Grossman said.
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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Yea, keep changing the subject, keep distracting with other issues.
You want to turn this into a political issue rather than deal with why people are rejecting your agenda.
I'm not right wing, I'm not religious, I'm not anti gay, I'm not anti Trans. And there's lots like me.
So? I guess we're just not as progressive or broad minded as you, right?

Nobody's telling the LGBTQ community how they have to be. It's LGBTQ community that's telling everyone how they have to be, what they have to believe.
You are so self entitled and self righteous, you can't see how absurdly hypocritical you are.
No one is telling you what you have to believe. Just that society including you cannot discriminate against someone or treat them in an intolerant manner just because you do not believe.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
No, it's just you're part of the agenda. It's not that difficult.
I'm part of the agenda!

Do I get a badge? Some kind of secret sign?
Does this mean I have kids I'm forcing to transition tied up in the attic?

You're not understanding, this is not about protecting children, it's about protecting themselves. If there's no evidence against you, there's no case against you. The kids are used as sort of a cat's-paw.
So you just want the government to order a fishing expedition into people's private lives whenever you don't like something?
I thought you believed in due process?

Like I said this all breaks down to the judge. If it's a Democrat Judge he won't even consider this because it goes against the LGBT agenda. If it's a Republican, it will at least be considered.
And I thought I was cynical about judges. :D

No, this won't all depend on the judge because that is a ridiculously simplistic binary.
It will also depend on the argument they make about how the parental rights were infringed.
It will depend on the damages and remedy they ask for.
It will depend a lot on the actual facts of the case, which we don't know. (As I keep pointing out.)


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
No one is telling you what you have to believe. Just that society including you cannot discriminate against someone or treat them in an intolerant manner just because you do not believe.
Infringing on his right to control other people is limiting his freedom, though.
He's in the group that gets to tell other people what to do.
Telling him what to do is intolerable and a sign of the breakdown of the natural order.
Don't you get that?
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I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
I'm part of the agenda!

Do I get a badge? Some kind of secret sign?
Yes, actually you do

Does this mean I have kids I'm forcing to transition tied up in the attic?
Give it some time. You never know how for this will go.

So you just want the government to order a fishing expedition into people's private lives whenever you don't like something?
I thought you believed in due process?
The law does this all the time.

But hey, if the school doesn't want to defend themselves in court, even better.

And I thought I was cynical about judges. :D

No, this won't all depend on the judge because that is a ridiculously simplistic binary.
It will also depend on the argument they make about how the parental rights were infringed.
It will depend on the damages and remedy they ask for.
It will depend a lot on the actual facts of the case, which we don't know. (As I keep pointing out.)
If you're ok with a hardcore republican judge looking over this case, then I'm ok.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Yes, actually you do

Neither of these look very secret to me.

The law does this all the time.

But hey, if the school doesn't want to defend themselves in court, even better.
Why would the school not defend itself in court if she sues?
I suppose they could settle because it would cost less, I guess.

If you're ok with a hardcore republican judge looking over this case, then I'm ok.
Depends what you mean by "hardcore Republican".
If you mean a straight up partisan who is there specifically to promote culture war shit, then no, that would be bad. Crazy activists like that are no good.

If you just mean "appointed by a Republican President and with a solid history of conservative opinions that respect precedent and the law" then fine.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I'm kind of surprised you didn't post about the New York Times piece so you could talk about how this was a horrible trend nationwide.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Meanwhile, more schools in Maine debate and vote on what their policies should be.
You know... democracy.

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