Nonsensical statement. Underemployment is on the job seeker. Unemployment is a macroeconomic indicator, and the fact that it is low under Trudeau, means credit to him.
Inflation is due to various reasons. Blaming CERB for it is ridiculous. Sure CERB wasn't perfect, but these kinds of programs are never perfect.
It IS a good thing because the people wanted it. This gateway drug etc is bullshit. There is no good study that establishes a causal relationship between weed and other hard drugs.
CERB, Pandemic restrictions, vaccines etc., He didnt do a perfect job but show me 1 country the world over that actually received appreciation for pandemic management. All things considered he did do a good job.
Nothing says you dont lean either way like saying you love guns and freedoms.
Nobody forced you to get a vaccine. What are you on about?
Wow you are the PERFECT SHEEP lol. Perfect little ignorant sheep.
Under employment isn't on job seekers when your business gets shut down by the government by force. Did they have a choice??
How much do you think was given out for CERB and how much of it do you think was fraudulent??
You dont think CERB is contributing to inflation?? Lol. Please stop talking about the economy right now. Zero sense or knowledge how debt ceilings and spending works.
And see your arrogance thinking only a certain group can love guns and freedom lol. Thats you not loving guns and freedoms. You just dont like guns and freedoms because of your group politics. You are not an independent thinker. You will always go with your 'base'.
Tory and Ford are both corrupt and terrible. Doug Ford and Trudeau are equally bad but Trudeau just is a little more disgusting.
You would do anything your government tells you. You still didn't address how big pharma (private business) own you and you paid for their products forcefully.
No one forced anyone to get vaccine?? Government led businesses as well as many private businesses told their workers vaccine or youre fired.
Cops get paid leave for literally assaulting or shooting someone. They got unpaid for refusing a vaccine. Hmmm..not suspicious at all right??
Im pro-abortion without question. Imagine firing women for getting an abortion? You would be UP IN ARMS! HIPOCRITE.
Even those against abortion are hipocrites because they refuse vaccine 'based on my body my choice' yet they force women to carry out to term a baby they didnt want and cant afford or raise.
Im down the middle. You're a dummy and brainwashed. You're the reason Canada is failing in every way. Ig you don't see Canada is failing, then no point in further debates as you're sheltered