I did not know that.C.S. Lewis and Aldous Huxley also died on that day.
Expeditionary force sent there by John F Kennedy.Nov 22 1963, was a bad day for America all around. While John F Kennedy was breathing his last, the Expeditionary Force sent to Vietnam was getting their asses handed to them by the Viet Minh. By the time the report reached the White House, President Johnson was in command. We know what happened next.
Many theories. Justifiably. Saw an interview on youtube which I can't find anymore. Johnson's personal secretary said Johnson couldn't stand Kennedy and told her that he wasn't going to be humiliated by him any more. Johnson predicted Kennedy wouldn't leave Dallas alive.That is because the majority of the posters on this site are way too young to remember. They don't know their history and to most of them, the assassination of Kennedy is akin to the assassinations of Lincoln and McKinley. I was in grade eight at the time and the principal came on the intercom to give us the bad news. No one could believe it. I recall the events thereafter as if they were yesterday. The lying in state in the Rotunda and the six white horses pulling the funeral coach and the controversy of the shooting. There were no cameras other than the Zapruder film. The ancillary events surrounding Oswald and Ruby are still controversial.
I still believe in my own theory of the assassination. To me, it was simple. Kennedy was fucking Judith Exner. Judith Exner was Sam Giancana's girlfriend. While Sam was dating Phyllis McGuire at the time, anyone dating old girlfriends of Sam was "on the spot." No one fucked with Sam. It was humiliating for Sam that Judith went for Kennedy.
there was the little matter of Robert Kenndy going after the Mafia as the attorney general , shortly after the mob supposedly delivered Illinois to JFK in the 1961 election via strong arm techniques & a lot of Joe Kenndy's moneyThat is because the majority of the posters on this site are way too young to remember. They don't know their history and to most of them, the assassination of Kennedy is akin to the assassinations of Lincoln and McKinley. I was in grade eight at the time and the principal came on the intercom to give us the bad news. No one could believe it. I recall the events thereafter as if they were yesterday. The lying in state in the Rotunda and the six white horses pulling the funeral coach and the controversy of the shooting. There were no cameras other than the Zapruder film. The ancillary events surrounding Oswald and Ruby are still controversial.
I still believe in my own theory of the assassination. To me, it was simple. Kennedy was fucking Judith Exner. Judith Exner was Sam Giancana's girlfriend. While Sam was dating Phyllis McGuire at the time, anyone dating old girlfriends of Sam was "on the spot." No one fucked with Sam. It was humiliating for Sam that Judith went for Kennedy.
Once there was a Camelot.In many ways his death was the beginning of the end for hope for the American dream.
I always think to myself what could have been if that day didn't unfold the way it did....
In many ways his death was the beginning of the end for hope for the American dream.
I always think to myself what could have been if that day didn't unfold the way it did....
I remember the day he was shot very clearly. Even in Canada it was a very impactful event. I remember that at the time before his death whether you agreed with his policies or not there was a feeling if optimism and that all things were possible and achievable.I listened to a podcast recently where someone had said that. If Kennedy was not assonated, how different would the US be…. The world be?
We likely would not have gone into Vietnam. 58,000 more Americans alive. History would be completely different. So much changed with one “magic” bullet.