Teachers strike/walkout/protest


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Something like that.
They can go f*ck themselves.
Doug Ford spent $386 million with his $200 bribe to parents.
Support workers were only asking for $200 million.

Not to mention Ford's sticker license cut is costing Ontario $1 billion in lost revenue a year.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
What's wrong with forced arbitration? When did the nuclear option become the first resort?
They went nuclear due to the everyday impact it will cause to the voting population who have kids in school (i.e. daycare).

Forced arbitration will eventually fail when the increases outpace/outstrip the tax pool and willingness of the taxpayers to contribute more. The pay never goes down...
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
Janitors and such have a physically demanding job...
Not necessarily... Perhaps you're remembering the Custodian of yesteryear... The old dude (1 of 2?) that did everything... Cut the grass, shoveled the snow, fixed the toilets, etc. That is not what schools have now... The maintenance is likely to be contracted out.
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
The tax pool is finite. Discussion must be had now so the Apocalypse can start now.

Every sector is now deemed as underfunded. How is this possible when the taxpayer says they're not willing to pay more? Funding is resulting in unsustainable debt (which carries debt service charges).
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
I'll throw this in here:

Ontario's current debt is valued at roughly $350-380 BILLION!!! That's money we all have to pay back (roughly $32,000.00 each).

In all of these payment discussions, the above must be factored in. You have to pay off your debt.

Are any of us willing to take a haircut of $1K per year for 32 years? $2K for 16?, etc. Nope.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Are any of us willing to take a haircut of $1K per year for 32 years? $2K for 16?, etc. Nope.
I would if not a single cent go to monopoly public sector unions. I want that money to go reduce the debt that we pass on to our children and grandchildren but not a single cent to greedy teachers who can retire at age 55 with a fully indexed pension.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I'll throw this in here:

Ontario's current debt is valued at roughly $350-380 BILLION!!! That's money we all have to pay back (roughly $32,000.00 each).

In all of these payment discussions, the above must be factored in. You have to pay off your debt.

Are any of us willing to take a haircut of $1K per year for 32 years? $2K for 16?, etc. Nope.
Canada has contributed $3.4 Billions to Ukraine so far this year.

Let us say there are 150,000 Ed workers in Canada, that would be $25,000 per Ed worker.
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
I would if not a single cent go to monopoly public sector unions. I want that money to go reduce the debt that we pass on to our children and grandchildren but not a single cent to greedy teachers who can retire at age 55 with a fully indexed pension.
I'm right there with you. I have kids and want grandkids. It is up to us to relieve them of our burden.

Canada has contributed $3.4 Billions to Ukraine so far this year.
The West is fighting a proxy war against Russia using Ukraine. I get it. Time for Canada to turn off the tap for other country donations and fix our own house.

Just look at all the money spent over the last few years and ask yourself where it all went? Do we see transit improvements? Frigates purchased? Any military funding? We should be able to touch what our money has bought.
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
All Education Unions should be brought into the negotiations at the same time. Let CUPE fight with the Teacher's Federation over what each other should get paid.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
Perhaps others can help with the links, but Ontario had a $14 BILLION deficit in school required maintenance, upgrades, rebuilds... This is from a few years ago. If I remember correctly, Toronto was down $4 BILLION alone...

Where is that in today's discussion?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I'll throw this in here:

Ontario's current debt is valued at roughly $350-380 BILLION!!! That's money we all have to pay back (roughly $32,000.00 each).

In all of these payment discussions, the above must be factored in. You have to pay off your debt.

Are any of us willing to take a haircut of $1K per year for 32 years? $2K for 16?, etc. Nope.

do not forget about the $1.2 trillion in federal govt debt
Canada's National Debt Clock : The Canadian Taxpayers Federation
that's another $33 K for each Canadian (man, woman & children)

imagine the next child who is born in Ontario
he gets slapped on the ass, takes a breath and voila.... he owes $32K (provincial) + $33K (federal) = $65,000 and growing


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
All Education Unions should be brought into the negotiations at the same time. Let CUPE fight with the Teacher's Federation over what each other should get paid.

lord no
they would just team up and demand more for all unions


Active member
Oct 4, 2012
They went nuclear due to the everyday impact it will cause to the voting population who have kids in school (i.e. daycare).

Forced arbitration will eventually fail when the increases outpace/outstrip the tax pool and willingness of the taxpayers to contribute more. The pay never goes down...
I have no doubt that's the rationale, Goodoer, but so far it's not working. They went out anyway. If they stay out, what's the next move? Suspension of other human rights? On the other hand, Doug Ford's willingness to use the notwithstanding clause in pesky labour disputes could go some way towards attracting businesses that might otherwise have located in red state America.


Well-known member
May 17, 2022
Ford had to go nuclear because the Supreme Court has deemed the right to strike a protected right under the Charter. As such there can be no back to work legislation unless the Notwithstanding clause is used.

I would fire every single one who didn't show up for work today. I know you would eventually hire back most, but if you stick to your guns with those directly involved in the union they may think twice before making demands like they are doing. Imagine how quick the demands would change if the government told all the janitors they were being let go in favour of using private contractors.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I would if not a single cent go to monopoly public sector unions. I want that money to go reduce the debt that we pass on to our children and grandchildren but not a single cent to greedy teachers who can retire at age 55 with a fully indexed pension.
You should be arguing for everyone, including yourself, to have fully indexed pensions.
Not trying to take away living wages from those who take care of your kids.

Why do people always try to argue that nobody should get a living wage just because they don't themselves?
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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2020
During the first 4 months of the pandemic, the teachers were not working at all. Not even online classes had started a that point, but they were still getting full pay, benefits, and raises. For sitting at home doing nothing. All the while everybody else was getting laid off. Losing benefits, and barely getting CERB.

That was their fucking wage bonus right there.

Public sector collective bargaining has never been balanced. It has always been heavily weighted in favor of the public sector unions. I am the employer of these public sector workers, and not only do I never get a say in the contract. I'm still paying the same amount for their services when they are on strike.

This imbalance does not exist in Private sector collective bargaining, and as is demonstrated, with much less strikes in the private sector. Because both sides have an equal amount to lose from it.

Public Sector Collective bargaining needs to be changed. And maybe this action by the Government will be the catalyst for it.
Just wondering what you mean exactly that you’re an employer of public sector employees? Because I don’t see why you would be involved with collective bargaining when it sounds like you’re not even a worker in the public sector?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I'm old enough to remember when President Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers.
Absolutely terrible day that fucked over the country for decades.
Breaking the back of organized labor cost the country dearly.
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