anyone who has any understanding of economics Know what the case Shiller index represents
You should avoid pontificating about what you do not understand
You insult Jean Chretien / Paul Martin trying to use their names to defend the moron Justin Trudeau
You are not aware enough to see or even understand what a hard left turn the Liberals have taken under the moron
This is not the Liberal party of Jean Chretien / Paul Martin
The prices of every asset declined in 2008/ 2009 - It was called a financial crisis- not caused by Stephan harper
Canada came out of that crises better than any G7 country under Stephan harper stewardship
He got back to balance
The moron Justin won't ever balance a budget and will leave generations of Canadians saddled with his debt
What is wrong with you?
Doug Ford does not make Justins any smarter or less culpable in his financial miss management
The real argument is simple
Justin is a moron and he is spending your grandkids tax dollars today
What part of "
That is the way the chart was displayed upon opening', did you not understand?
you are too much
Stephen Harper throttled back the spending once the 08 crisis abated and he got back to balance
The pandemic is over , yet Justin continues to borrow and will never even think about getting back to balance
Franco Terrazzano: Ottawa depending on economic blue skies to balance the budget (
1. Interest rates are increasing
2. The economy is headed for a recession Maybe Canada will luck out with two decades of uninterrupted growth — something that hasn’t happened since, well, ever
3. Justin can’t summon the spine to say no to new spending.
learn something for a change
Justin Trudeau is a moron and he is making a god awful mess