do not tell me what I should know
If you want to pretend you are about the science, you should at least be able to fake knowing things people who are about the science know.
"considiered" , so a subjective value in a branch of science with roughly double that age?
Science involves data and assessing it.
I know you oppose that idea, but science doesn't care.
its more than 10% of time frame the alarmist claim is sufficient to call the science settled , so 17 years is enough to circle and say 'hypothesis failed' , please explain
Explain basic stats to you?
Don't have the time nor the inclination.
Crack open a book.
There is insufficient statistical power in this series to say anything of value, and that's not even getting into that it is limited in geographical scale, making it ill-suited for use globally.
That you want to over-interpret it doesn't mean I have to pretend that's valid.
do not tell me what I should know
focus on what you do or do not know
cross referencing tempature data sets ?
How does one cross refence data orginating from a city airport which has been moved three times due to expansion with data from the mountains of Idahoe
You should know how the data is gathered.
Haven't you cut and pasted whole sets of article snippets and memes about the inadequacy of the measurements?
Left it on the chart? WTF ?? The only other option would be to hide it. I am not in the business of deceit
OK, sure.
But yes. You may notice that the article/meme snippet you pasted complains that this data (USCRN) isn't referenced often and doesn't show the commonly referenced ClimDiv set.
Their argument (which you pasted in) was that the USCRN set doesn't show warming and is supposed to be more reliable than the ClimDiv set.
Only since the website posts both sets of data and you didn't bother to just filter to the USCRN data, you have successfully showed that the ClimDiv and USCRN data agree.
That apparently you didn't even notice this is amusing to me, but sure - claim it is because you wanted to undercut your own argument due to being excessively honest.
Nope that is flat, hold a flat edge across your screen, it slices it right in the middle, no angle
Thats flat
Oh my god, do you not even know what linear regression is or how to make a trend line!?
You should really know at least basic stats if you are going to pretend to care about the science.
You cite r-squared later, so why on earth would you try to pass that off like a real statement about the numbers?
GHG do not take extended 17 year vacations
You're quite right.
One would think so, however, that would imply all propaganda efforts should fail and we know that is not the case
Dr. Gobbles sadly proved that and he did have the internet to work with
(Dr. Gobbles - artist's rendering)
the propaganda has embeeded such persistant image of AGW with a huge upward bias trend , that there should be no way April 2005 was warmer than April 2022.
That will be just about everyones intial thought
But that would be ignorant and ill-informed.
That pop-culture understanding of statistics and trend lines and complex systems is as bad as yours isn't an argument against AGW.
Now exclude the AGW propganda campaign
You call it noise, and I call any precieved change in the last 150 years noise
But you also tried to argue that laying a flat edge across a screen was an adequate analysis, so forgive me if I treat your opinions with even less seriousness than I did before.
besides the tend here is clearly flat
1. It isn't.
2. It is too small and constrained a sample to make a meaningful statement about the trend using just this.
I do not need to , the trend is flat and you already showed a miniscule R squared - your independant variable (time) explains very little of your dependant variable (temp)
That is no trend for a time series plot
It's a very weak correlation, as you would expect with such a constrained and noisy sample.
That you want to pretend it is a meaningful rebuttal of AGW is just due to your ideological blinders.
I mean, think about it. You have the data to do the analysis yourself and you refuse to - instead saying it looks flat to you.
That's some impressive ideological blindness going on right there.
That is some "I won't look through the telescope and see Jupiter's moons because it might contradict my faith" shit right there.
it is number noodling in excel
You can calculate the sin of the angle of that line to the axis in excel as well, that does not mean the resulting figure has descriptive value
I quite agree.
It's too small and constrained a sample size to have real descriptive value.
But I'm not the one who brought it into the discussion claiming it was meaningful.
That was you.
Then I showed that even under the terms you brought it in with, it contradicted you, and now you are complaining that the data isn't meaningful enough to engage with.
Sorry not sorry.
#1. Do not tell me what to do
why would I take orders from someone i have zero respect for ?
#2. I already generated the graph , what you think you have been looking at?
The site doesn't do stats analysis but it provides all the raw numbers that generate the graph.
You can run the numbers yourself if you want.
I know you prefer your "hold something against the screen and guess" method, but don't complain when people don't take you seriously.
No, however you have provided others with instructions to cancel me
"Mention Adebatic and see if he goes away"
So you
do think people disagreeing with you is "cancelling".
I haven't once even put you on ignore.
I haven't tried to dox you.
I haven't once complained to get you banned or suspended.
Instead, I mock your ideas and insist that you aren't a serious person on this subject (and others).
I sometimes take the time to point out your errors directly as in this case.
I provide people links to the original articles you reference sometimes, as well as additional engagement with those articles from some in the science literature.
I also post that Johnny LaRue picture sometimes because it is funny.
So yeah, it is pretty clear "Not treating me and my ideas with the respect I feel I am due" = "cancelling".
And to be fair, that's the position of most of the "anti-cancel culture" people, so you are good and mainstream there, I guess.
why would I take orders from someone i have zero respect for ?
It has been run for 17 years & no warming
Jupiter's moons, baby.