Joe Rogan is Going to end up like Alex Jones -how do you even listen to his stick?


Active member
Oct 21, 2013
What's your point? Don't listen to him if you don't like what he says. If he defames you sue him that's why they have that law in place. The guy, just like everybody else, has the right to speak freely. What I can never understand is why the libs obsess so much over the people they don't like, just let it go, freedom of expression is for everybody not just people with "correct" ideas.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
What's your point? Don't listen to him if you don't like what he says. If he defames you sue him that's why they have that law in place. The guy, just like everybody else, has the right to speak freely. What I can never understand is why the libs obsess so much over the people they don't like, just let it go, freedom of expression is for everybody not just people with "correct" ideas.
Freedom of expression means the right to express your dislike for someone and their views. You can’t use that argument to stop the other side from doing it themselves. It is hypocritical.

Joe can say whatever he wants within the laws and I can say I think he is a scum bang blowhard who’s dick I wouldn’t touch even if he paid me. As that is within the law. Do I listen to him? No and fairly - does he want to hire me? No so we are golden.

But you can’t silence free speech on either side. So if the “libs” have to deal with Joey, you gotta deal with the Libs.
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Aug 23, 2001
What's your point? Don't listen to him if you don't like what he says. If he defames you sue him that's why they have that law in place. The guy, just like everybody else, has the right to speak freely. What I can never understand is why the libs obsess so much over the people they don't like, just let it go, freedom of expression is for everybody not just people with "correct" ideas.
And you guys post 100 times a day about Biden and Trudeau.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Freedom of expression means the right to express your dislike for someone and their views. You can’t use that argument to stop the other side from doing it themselves. It is hypocritical.

Joe can say whatever he wants within the laws and I can say I think he is a scum bang blowhard who’s dick I wouldn’t touch even if he paid me. As that is within the law. Do I listen to him? No and fairly - does he want to hire me? No so we are golden.

But your can’t silence free speech on either side. So if the “libs” have to deal with Joey, you gotta deal with the Libs.
I think he is a scum bang blowhard who’s dick I wouldn’t touch even if he paid me.

somebody hasn't been reading the fine print on their contract....

Nathan 88

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2017
People can say whatever they want, just like Alex Jones.
But your words have consequences and now someone like him is suffering those consequences. So go ahead say whatever you want, just be prepared to pay the price.

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
I think he is off the wall as well, though I gotta believe that some of it - he plays the part - he is a business man first. I do find him funny - I don't take his shit seriously - great UFC commentator though.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
What's your point? Don't listen to him if you don't like what he says. If he defames you sue him that's why they have that law in place. The guy, just like everybody else, has the right to speak freely. What I can never understand is why the libs obsess so much over the people they don't like, just let it go, freedom of expression is for everybody not just people with "correct" ideas.
The issue being that his "ideas" get people hurt, he is being a megaphone to spew his shit and his ideas are not based on fact yet he and others disseminate it like it is.

Freedom of speech btw also means those of us who don't like his bullshit have the right to call him out on it so no.

And your statement about "the libs" obsessing about people they don't like rings hollow when the repugnicunts are litterally banning books and passing laws preventing teachers from talking about sexual orientation and other subjects they don't like.

Where's your right to freedom of speech here?
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Lol. You can always tell someone who hasn't taken the time to actually listen in sometimes but gets their opinion from the media who hate his success. And that they can't gatekeep him.
Yes if they would take the time actually listen they would be shocked to know that he's said that he's never voted Republican.

He just laughs and says he just looks like one......

The JRE is just him and his guests just hashing out ideas and asking questions. He goes places that other platforms will not.

But in this age where information is being controlled that is labelled a bad thing...........


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2018
Been listening to Rogan for years. Most people who state their distate for him have never listened to a single podcast episode.

He has the most viewed platform for a reason & spotify jumped and gave him over $100m

He brings on some of the greatest, most interesting guests (second to Lex Friedman) for long formed, unscripted, unedited interviews. There is no network that can compete with his interview style. I can search for an episode from 2016 and still be interested in the discussion they were having then.

Different strokes for different folks at the end of the day. No one will be appealing for everyone. The media running a 5 months "horse dewormer", "n word" smear campaign was one of the most pathetic attempts to discredit him that I have seen.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Big fan for years - only real issue is that he’s so big, most of his guests are so in awe of him the conversations are less engaging. Guys like Burr will just call him out on his weirder shit - “I’m not going to sit here without a medical degree talking to you without a medical degree, telling people whether or not to wear masks.” Loved that interview.

The listener Is supposed to have a brain in their head and be able to toss out the silly stuff and enjoy or learn from the good stuff.

I really, really don’t want to be stuck only listening to stuff I agree with.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
He's not going to end up like Alex Jones because he doesn't have remotely the same political drive.
Jones, even back when he was mostly an unknown talking shit on the radio, had a real point of view about politics and government and shit going on.
It was batshit, but it mattered to Jones.

Rogan just doesn't seem to have that.
Sure, he will comment on this or that, but "they control you and we have to free ourselves from them" is just not a thing with him.
"This shit seems stupid" or "why can't this get fixed" and so on, sure. But he doesn't have that same driving need.

Yes, he says all kinds of stupid things and is pretty gullible about shit when he doesn't understand it (which is lots and lots of things) and with a big audience you could say he should be more responsible, but most big media figures are pretty careless that way.

Treating him as if he has any insight into politics is the strange thing. You can say he is a bellwether for a certain view point and it is worth seeing what they are responding to, but acting like he is some kind of danger to mainstream media or a source of hidden truth or anything else is just weird. (It's the same with people like Jon Stewart or Trevor Noah, and they actually *do* care about politics more. They are also not people anyone should seriously think of as major forces for agenda setting or political candidates or whatever.)

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
The guy has been hit too many times in the head when he was in the ring. He believes in UFO and government conspiracies. Or maybe he just brings on the controversial guest to boost ratings.

Years ago there was the Sally Jessy Raphael show that brought on all sorts of controversial guest without checking if their stories were true. There were women that claimed that they were sex surrogates and people that claim they committed incest with every member of their family ect, ect. The show was cancelled when they found out that many of the guest were fake. They just appeared for the $3000 appearance fee with air fare and a one week all expenses paid stay at a luxury hotel in LA.
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Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
He's not going to end up like Alex Jones because he doesn't have remotely the same political drive.
Jones, even back when he was mostly an unknown talking shit on the radio, had a real point of view about politics and government and shit going on.
It was batshit, but it mattered to Jones.

Rogan just doesn't seem to have that.
Sure, he will comment on this or that, but "they control you and we have to free ourselves from them" is just not a thing with him.
"This shit seems stupid" or "why can't this get fixed" and so on, sure. But he doesn't have that same driving need.

Yes, he says all kinds of stupid things and is pretty gullible about shit when he doesn't understand it (which is lots and lots of things) and with a big audience you could say he should be more responsible, but most big media figures are pretty careless that way.

Treating him as if he has any insight into politics is the strange thing. You can say he is a bellwether for a certain view point and it is worth seeing what they are responding to, but acting like he is some kind of danger to mainstream media or a source of hidden truth or anything else is just weird. (It's the same with people like Jon Stewart or Trevor Noah, and they actually *do* care about politics more. They are also not people anyone should seriously think of as major forces for agenda setting or political candidates or whatever.)
I find LATELY he is becoming very political its like he sides with Fox News calling Trudeau a dictator and Canada a communist Country and quite frankly a guy with such power really tunes into the uneducated and starts the wax rolling to their brains -my father heard that episode he texts me exactly what Joe rogan said im like oh man this sucks lol
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