Did you miss the part where Trudeau invoked the Wartime Act to deal with protestors and then froze private bank accounts associated with them? Calling Trudeau a dictator and Canada a communist country is hyperbole, but the issues he is bringing up are serious issues that deserve discussion.I find LATELY he is becoming very political its like he sides with Fox News calling Trudeau a dictator and Canada a communist Country and quite frankly a guy with such power really tunes into the uneducated and starts the wax rolling to their brains -my father heard that episode he texts me exactly what Joe rogan said im like oh man this sucks lol
I don't listen to much Rogan, but the few times I have he appears to be a very considerate interviewer, and he explains logical reasoning for his views, even if I don't always agree with his reasoning. Alex Jones, on the flip side, is a bombastic asshat spouting nonsense that he doesn't even attempt to anchor in logic.
Conflating the two either means you don't actually know them, or that you have a political agenda in trying to link Rogan to Jones's sinking ship. It'll be the same thing with Poilievre when he gets the Conservative nomination. People will try to link him to Trump to score political points, even though he's nothing like Trump, in an attempt to sink him.