4 Year Old Girl Killed By Go Train


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2020
People also like to wear headphones/ear buds and can't hear trains coming.
Stupidity will never end.
Just some more info after I actually looked it up:
Like I said above, I've heard they can be surprisingly quiet sometimes but still didn't really understand how.

But I see there's a lot of info about it online. Partly, it's because most of the noise goes to the sides, so they can be quiet when you're directly in front of them, until it's too late. A crazy example of that is this selfie where the light in the background is a train and they couldn't hear it coming. All three girls died.

train tracks.JPG

That's from this article and video about how trains can be surprisingly hard to hear:
You really can't hear trains until they're almost right on top of you

And I say that as someone who spent much of my youth taking short cuts along train tracks (although usually to the side), and I remember when we were quite young, a bunch of friends would hang out beside the tracks and flatten coins, until a friend's dad caught us one day and totally flipped out. I thought he was just being a dick at the time.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
That's the problem, there was a fence there, every time it gets replaced it gets torn down again soon after .
Because some people are too lazy to take the long way, they always want a shortcut. How come the parents didn't carry the child with them and just the child walked over track like that, the parents should be charged, they know it dangerous and unsafe


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2022
It’s just too sad. RIP little girl. We lost few in Ottawa years back when the bus just went through the gate.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
Just some more info after I actually looked it up:
Like I said above, I've heard they can be surprisingly quiet sometimes but still didn't really understand how.

But I see there's a lot of info about it online. Partly, it's because most of the noise goes to the sides, so they can be quiet when you're directly in front of them, until it's too late. A crazy example of that is this selfie where the light in the background is a train and they couldn't hear it coming. All three girls died.

View attachment 160277

That's from this article and video about how trains can be surprisingly hard to hear.
You really can't hear trains until they're almost right on top of you - DIY Photography

And I say that as someone who spent much of my youth taking short cuts along train tracks (although usually to the side), and I remember when we were quite young, a bunch of friends would hang out beside the tracks and flatten coins, until a friend's dad caught us one day and totally flipped out. I thought he was just being a dick at the time.
Wow that is crazy.

I think i remember this story or seen it somewhere.

RIP to everyone who has gotten killed by a train . It is extremely sad what happened to that little girl. The parents should have just took another route , now the thought of losing their daughter will haunt them forever.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Apparently it doesn't even take headphones though. I still find it hard to imagine, but they say sometimes they can really sneak up on you. Maybe if its a part of the track where the acoustics are strange or the train noise is blending in with other stuff. I don't really get it, but I have heard of accidents or near misses where people say somehow they didn't hear it until the last seconds.
You will never hear a train coming up behind you. Trains are virtually silent when you are on the tracks and you may hear them about 2 seconds before you are killed. Not even enough time to say, "what's that noise?" and bam, you're dead.

There's simply not enough time for you to process the train is virtually on top of you and get out of the way.


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2002
You will never hear a train coming up behind you. Trains are virtually silent when you are on the tracks and you may hear them about 2 seconds before you are killed. Not even enough time to say, "what's that noise?" and bam, you're dead.

There's simply not enough time for you to process the train is virtually on top of you and get out of the way.
are you kidding me have you been beside a GO train they are so noisy and the vibration they make can be felt many hards away.
It should have scared anyone away . Anyone thats on the tracks is going to hear it...I just think the child was too young to understand so sad


Mar 29, 2022
Parents are stupid, they warned this one. Look both ways, hold your child. I crossed the track for 6 years from age 12-16 and no one had this incident expect for one older man who wanted to die.

That’s on the parents not the city to keep rebuilding the fence when it’s clear there are tracks. Shall we put helmets on everyone too
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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
You will never hear a train coming up behind you. Trains are virtually silent when you are on the tracks and you may hear them about 2 seconds before you are killed. Not even enough time to say, "what's that noise?" and bam, you're dead.

There's simply not enough time for you to process the train is virtually on top of you and get out of the way.
OMG, stupid people are brain dead, cannot process cannot hear. Are they also blind ? Is it difficult to look on both sides of a track to see if a train is coming ?
God help all of us from these deaf and blind a**holes driving on the highways. How about giving them handicap tags to hang around their necks.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
The family will hire a lawyer and sue whoever is responsible to maintain the fence along the tracks. They will argue there shouldn't have been a hole in the fence. The family will walk away with a nice payout, even though they're 100% responsible for the death of their child. Pathetic!


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
The family will hire a lawyer and sue whoever is responsible to maintain the fence along the tracks. They will argue there shouldn't have been a hole in the fence. The family will walk away with a nice payout, even though they're 100% responsible for the death of their child. Pathetic!
Wishful thinking on a pay out. Good luck dealing with corporate lawyers.
This family has to deal with the loss of a child.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
The parents are 100% responible for the child death, how come they not charged yet and media keeping saying it safety concerns.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The parents are 100% responible for the child death, how come they not charged yet and media keeping saying it safety concerns.
because they only charge parents in the case of obvious neglect. This does not fall into that category. The loss of a child is a greater punishment than any Canadian judge can impose. Leave it be, lesson learned.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Wishful thinking on a pay out. Good luck dealing with corporate lawyers.
This family has to deal with the loss of a child.
You'd be surprised, there's always a lawyer around who's willing to take on a case pro bono. Even if they can find the Go Transit or whoever looks after the tracks even partially responsible, they may get some money. Wouldn't be the first time someone pulled a bonehead maneuver and walked away with a nice sum of cash.

The parents are 100% responible for the child death, how come they not charged yet and media keeping saying it safety concerns.
That's because people don't take responsibility for their actions. Can't be their fault. Hey, there was a hole in the fence. Let's see who was responsible for that. If that hole wasn't there, that kid would still be alive. Let'$ call a lawyer! :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
You'd be surprised, there's always a lawyer around who's willing to take on a case pro bono. Even if they can find the Go Transit or whoever looks after the tracks even partially responsible, they may get some money. Wouldn't be the first time someone pulled a bonehead maneuver and walked away with a nice sum of cash.
If people worship money and not mourn the loss of a child, shame on them.
There are people in this world who have no conscience or guilt.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
You'd be surprised, there's always a lawyer around who's willing to take on a case pro bono. Even if they can find the Go Transit or whoever looks after the tracks even partially responsible, they may get some money. Wouldn't be the first time someone pulled a bonehead maneuver and walked away with a nice sum of cash.

That's because people don't take responsibility for their actions. Can't be their fault. Hey, there was a hole in the fence. Let's see who was responsible for that. If that hole wasn't there, that kid would still be alive. Let'$ call a lawyer! :rolleyes:
It the parents fault, people like to blame the fencing. It common sense, don't cross over the tracks, they know it trespassing and dangerous., they wanted a shortcut
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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2002
Just some more info after I actually looked it up:
Like I said above, I've heard they can be surprisingly quiet sometimes but still didn't really understand how.

But I see there's a lot of info about it online. Partly, it's because most of the noise goes to the sides, so they can be quiet when you're directly in front of them, until it's too late. A crazy example of that is this selfie where the light in the background is a train and they couldn't hear it coming. All three girls died.

View attachment 160277

That's from this article and video about how trains can be surprisingly hard to hear:
You really can't hear trains until they're almost right on top of you

And I say that as someone who spent much of my youth taking short cuts along train tracks (although usually to the side), and I remember when we were quite young, a bunch of friends would hang out beside the tracks and flatten coins, until a friend's dad caught us one day and totally flipped out. I thought he was just being a dick at the time.
They took a photo with a train in the background they would have seen the train in the camera ..especially the light...
something is not right about this photo and what happened? Sometimes Ive heard that people think the train is on another track since there are usually 2 tracks side by side and get confused
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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
They better start double fencing the tracks.

These trains are going electric. That is a silent killer.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2020
They took a photo with a train in the background they would have seen the train in the camera ..especially the light...
something is not right about this photo and what happened? Sometimes Ive heard that people think the train is on another track since there are usually 2 tracks side by side and get confused
That's a good point. That case is particularly weird. Looking up more info on it now, apparently they were watching a train coming in front of them, and were so preocupied they didn't notice the one coming behind, even though the light was in the photo.
"What they didn’t realize was that the bright lights in the top right side of the photo were actually the headlights of an oncoming train from the other direction." One of the conductors of the train that hit them said it seemed like they "were in their own little world."


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2020
They will sue GO for not maintaining the fence. This will let them blame someone else so they don’t feel guilty. Taxpayers will pay to alleviate their consciences.
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