Ashley Madison

Sikhs forced off the job due to City of Toronto rule that security guards can't have beards


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2020
Over here we go again, the same old game woe is me. Through my career, I had to wear a heavy rubber suit due to the working environments inside a nuclear reactor Darlington. I knew this before, therefore I could make my decision either work there or not. I also worked with chemicals that you had to have a full face mask on and a supplied air Scott air pack. I’ve never complained about whirring wearing PPE equipment it’s their for a reason! Now if they don’t want to wear a mask or don’t want to wear a motorcycle helmet signed a piece of paper that if you develop cancer or any other diseases or decide to crack your melon open no one will be responsible for it except you. The guy behind me takes his motorcycle out now I don’t know if it’s stolen or not there are no plates on the vehicle and he’s showing off to others, sure enough gravity took over and he smacked himself. And if you think I’m going to take my cell phone note and phone 911 I forgot the number he made the decision to be stupid let him deal with it. This is Canada, bend over and grab your ankles and wait for it. We need someone in Ottawa that has those things, the two small things that hang between your legs. The biggest thing that irks me they come here and change everything they do not acclimatize to the values of Canada.
So I take it that you supported the government mask and vaccine mandates, correct?

The Mechanic

Active member
Jan 5, 2007
up to a point how you have to worried about monkeypox. little off topic WHATS a virus to do...multiply and evetime you multiply there is a chance of it changing which we see in covid. qucik question has anyone seen a fire fighter with a bread....... and I wonder why
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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
Alt-Right Terb: How dare the Government tell me to wear a mask in public places. This is unconstitutional. Everyone knows Covid is fake. It's just the flu.

Also Alt-Right Terb: If Sikhs can't follow the N95 rules and policies the Government lays out, they need to find new jobs. No exceptions. Covid is a very serious issue, just look at the global stats.
It's okay when WE do it.

It always boils down to that.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2014
So…COVID is deadly and people must wear N95 masks, which must be fitted to bare skin to be effective at preventing you from passing on the virus, but being Sikh will also prevent you from passing on the virus?


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
Wonderful. Another race and religion bashing thread.
Some are clueless about religion. Today the Sikhs, tomorrow the Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist etc
Has the Covid mask restrictions relaxed in the past couple of months ? Folks going back to offices ?
If it is a free country lets be non biased against race and religion.

Uh, if you have an imaginary friend and you're older than 10, you should probably be in an asylum.
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Active member
Aug 27, 2002
I personally don’t think there should be an exception to that law. If you can’t ride a motorcycle because you have to choose between a turban and a helmet then that is on your god you have chosen to worship. And if you choose your religion then you don’t go on a motorcycle. Religion is choice.

But if you are not harming or going to possibly be harmed, then I don’t care what you choose to wear on behalf of your religion.

You're simply referencing people who are in a rush to meet their imaginary friend.
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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Uh, if you have an imaginary friend and you're older than 10, you should probably be in an asylum.
And you need geriatric care. You keep mentioning "imaginary friend".
It is the first sign of your "MIND" is going south. Talk to your doctor.
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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
When I went to Florida I thought it was crazy seeing motorcycle riders riding without helmets. One fall and your head is cracked open like a watermelon.
One more 'Its my RIGHT not to wear a helmet''! Don't think wearing a helmet is in the Constitution. I think a LOT of Americans think its their RIGHT just to do something they want to laws be dammed.

The Mechanic

Active member
Jan 5, 2007
I now see job adverts that state masks must be worn skin contact so right there they are telling you know beards facial skin. Now we just have to wait how long before somebody takes court? The company is straight up and forward there is noted in surprise. I wonder if the advert should be written in a different language ( not English or French) might not help?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
I now see job adverts that state masks must be worn skin contact so right there they are telling you know beards facial skin. Now we just have to wait how long before somebody takes court? The company is straight up and forward there is noted in surprise. I wonder if the advert should be written in a different language ( not English or French) might not help?
Good that employers are stating the job requirements up front. What is there to contest in court ?
Your racially biased comment on language is unnecessary. What language do you suggest ?
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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2019
I now see job adverts that state masks must be worn skin contact so right there they are telling you know beards facial skin. Now we just have to wait how long before somebody takes court? The company is straight up and forward there is noted in surprise. I wonder if the advert should be written in a different language ( not English or French) might not help?
Is Farsi acceptable to you ? Probably not.
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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2019
Farsi is Persian/Iranian. I know because I met two Persian sisters and sometimes they would talk to each other in Farsi in front of me.
I was being sarcastic to this statement " I wonder if the advert should be written in a different language ( not English or French) might not help? "
And I know Farsi is Persian language. Thanks


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
I was being sarcastic to this statement " I wonder if the advert should be written in a different language ( not English or French) might not help? "
And I know Farsi is Persian language. Thanks
Ok, got it. I'm still bugged why the two Persian sisters looked at me and spoke to each other in Farsi. I asked them in English what they said. They answered in perfect English: "Oh nothing, just sister talk".

What the heck is "just sister talk"?
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