The logical way to curb the court is through impeachment of rogue justices.
Can't happen.
You need 2/3 of the Senate to convict and the GOP has made it very clear they will not convict anyone supporting their agenda in any way, regardless of what they do.
"Being a judicial activist to put in laws and powers we can't win democratically" is not something they will ever impeach over.
There has to be potential for impeachment. What if justices failed to attend sittings, were drunk in court or openly took bribes?
The GOP will not convict them of that.
At least not if there is a Democratic President and Senate.
The GOP will accept impeaching a drunken justice who takes bribes if they get to pick the replacement.
Even then it will be iffy.
There needs to be a clear statement that the law is America's and not just Thomas's and Alito's. What I mean by that - in part - is that landmark social justice precedents should only be overturned with reference to clear social sciences material indicating that views on the topic have changed widely throughout America and the law has to keep pace. If that is not a basic understanding of how the USSC operates, then each party can stack the court when it has the opportunity and flip the law back and fore - as with Dobbs - regardless of the views of the mass of Americans and the established prior law.
That's a norm.
Norms aren't enforceable and the Federalist society and GOP spent generations working their people into place to break that norm.
All that matters is they have 5 votes on a 9-person court.
People can make whatever clear statements they want, those don't matter.
The problem is a political one. FDR could beat up the USSC because he had huge Congressional majorities and a very angry electorate. Biden does not have those Congressional majorities. Impeachment or enlarging the court are likely equally impossible without a major Dem landslide win and that in turn is likely impossible with the Red State / Blue State divide and gerrymandering.
That's the strategy, which is why I don't see a way out of this without something drastic.
The problem is that people don't want to go drastic if they don't absolutely have to, because most people want a functioning society.
Some of us warned again and again that the Supreme Court was a huge deal and major reason to not let the GOP get in position to take it over with a significant majority.
We were told we were blackmailing people for their vote and besides Roe was being used for fundraising by the GOP and would never be overturned and also focusing on women's issues like abortion was "woke" and "pandering to social justice warriors" and taking away from the important things.