Justice Roberts probably had the best approach. [...]
I think some Southern states think that the will of their people is to outlaw abortion. I think some of them will find otherwise in 2022.
Roberts's approach was designed to make Roe effectively useless while claiming to never overturn it and to reduce backlash against the movement and preserve the prestige of the court.
The rest of the gang doesn't care - they are there to impose their will and push forward the agenda as much as they can.
They don't like that moving fast like this is destroying the court's reputation, but they aren't as patient and calculating as Roberts is. Or maybe they just don't see the need in the same way - they think they should be rewarded for being Justices and don't understand that the court's prestige
can be eroded - it is just supposed to always be there for them.
As for "the will of the people" - that doesn't enter into it.
At the state level, many of these legislatures are largely insulated from voter feedback.
Since they can't be voted out, the "will of the people" (or the voters) isn't a factor.