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Toronto police chief to apologize to Black community as force unveils race-based data: sources


Active member
May 11, 2022
There will be more crime from racialized individuals as they will know police will be nervously apprehensive about confronting them. They will be less apprehensive about committing crimes.

The stats do show that there is more crime committed by blacks (as an example) than whites. I know, I've seen this with my own eyes. The data doesn't lie. I get in to heated arguments all the time about this.

I've said this in another thread. I conduct myself accordingly. Present myself well. Comply if I'm asked for ID and I'm rarely held up for more than 5 minutes. But I haven't been asked for ID or stopped by police in well over a decade, maybe two. Why? Because I obey the law.

Thank you


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
There will be more crime from racialized individuals as they will know police will be nervously apprehensive about confronting them. They will be less apprehensive about committing crimes.

The stats do show that there is more crime committed by blacks (as an example) than whites. I know, I've seen this with my own eyes. The data doesn't lie. I get in to heated arguments all the time about this.

I've said this in another thread. I conduct myself accordingly. Present myself well. Comply if I'm asked for ID and I'm rarely held up for more than 5 minutes. But I haven't been asked for ID or stopped by police in well over a decade, maybe two. Why? Because I obey the law.

Thank you
Thank you, Herschel Walker....


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
The stats do show that there is more crime committed by blacks (as an example) than whites. I know, I've seen this with my own eyes. The data doesn't lie. I get in to heated arguments all the time about this.
Shouldn't they also release crime statistics by race?
They should also release the race based data on who is committing the crimes in Toronto, but they won't. Why are they afraid to release the stats?
21-year-old assaulted on TTC subway platform speaks out | CTV News
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There will be more crime from racialized individuals as they will know police will be nervously apprehensive about confronting them. ...
Or the police will start treating all contacts based on the situation instead of making assumptions based on their skin colour.

But of course many people will just use this to support their fantasies that skin colour makes people more likely to be criminals.
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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
Of course an apology is meaningless if the cops don't start doing something to change.
According to this thread it's the fault of black people for being criminals, even more so than everyone else. So the cops are in the right, but it's the lucky day for black criminals since the police will look the other way out of fear of being called racist.
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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
There will be more crime from racialized individuals as they will know police will be nervously apprehensive about confronting them. They will be less apprehensive about committing crimes.

The stats do show that there is more crime committed by blacks (as an example) than whites. I know, I've seen this with my own eyes. The data doesn't lie. I get in to heated arguments all the time about this.

I've said this in another thread. I conduct myself accordingly. Present myself well. Comply if I'm asked for ID and I'm rarely held up for more than 5 minutes. But I haven't been asked for ID or stopped by police in well over a decade, maybe two. Why? Because I obey the law.

Thank you
Please provide statistics to support your claims.


Original..Non Original
Jul 19, 2002
In Someones Will Hopefully!
I think we should release all of the stats including who commits the crimes. Run the numbers and I am betting there is a direct correlation and no real inequality. A lot of crime goes unreported and unsolved extrapolate data from that and boom there goes this bullshit story.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Not my claims . Data shows violent crimes, in particular black on black crimes away.
The concern I have with that data is the very topic of this thread. Based on police behaviour, it is a serious possibility that black people are more likely to be charged/convicted. There have been multiple studies on this in the US that show with a strong correlation that in similar situations, black people are less likely to have charges dropped or stayed, more likely to be convicted, and have longer sentences for similar crimes. Some of this is likely tied to economic factors with on average, black Americans are poorer so are more likely to rely on public defenders instead of better lawyers.
There have been other studies that show black people are far more likely to be charged with possession of weed even though usage rates seem pretty consistent between different skin colours.

I've said this in many threads on the topic but I believe that crime rates are tied to economic factors with violent crimes and gang activity being most common in poor communities. Data in Canada about violent/gang crime has Asians being the largest number of cases out in BC, Indigenous in the prairies, Blacks in the GTA and Montreal, and Whites Down East, a close relation to which groups make up the low income families in those jurisdictions.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
I would think that the Toronto experience is probably similar.

"In fact, when all fragile community residents were asked to list their area’s three biggest problems — only 6% chose “unfair police practices,” putting it in 13th place out of 14 possible options. A lack of jobs, drug and alcohol addiction, and personal financial challenges topped the list."
Why America needs better, not less, policing in many neighborhoods (
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