Complete fucking clownshow in the whitehouse


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The WE scandal did not find any wrongdoing on Trudeau's behalf. How much was Trudeau paid for the SC Lavalin issue?
What "Ad Scam" are you referring to? Harper and the conservatives had ad scams.
Then we had the Harper Duffy scandal as well.
But when we talk of bribes and getting taxpayers money to the tune of $2.1 million while lying in court, obviously anything related to Trudeau pales in comparison when compared to Mulroney!!
LOL!!!! They didn't find anything because Justin stonewalled the investigation, like a good autocrat that he is. Oh, how I wish we were back to "Harper scandals" $90k versus Justin's billion to his buddies and with his whole family on the take. A bunch of fucking grifters!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
LOL!!!! They didn't find anything because Justin stonewalled the investigation, like a good autocrat that he is. Oh, how I wish we were back to "Harper scandals" $90k versus Justin's billion to his buddies and with his whole family on the take. A bunch of fucking grifters!
You cheer it when rump stonewalls.
If those are the rules you back, stop whining when others do it.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You cheer it when rump stonewalls.
If those are the rules you back, stop whining when others do it.
Was Trump the President of Canada? You really miss the man, eh?

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
LOL!!!! They didn't find anything because Justin stonewalled the investigation, like a good autocrat that he is. Oh, how I wish we were back to "Harper scandals" $90k versus Justin's billion to his buddies and with his whole family on the take. A bunch of fucking grifters!
Sounds like you are talking about the Mueller Trump did everything he could to sabotage's hard fighting for losers isn't it.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Sounds like you are talking about the Mueller Trump did everything he could to sabotage that...
No, I'm talking about the CANADIAN PM. You just caught a severe case of TDS. I read online Moderna is working on vaccine for that.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Here we go more riots to come because dick staiun donnie said to fight for HIM

Whether or not his intention is to foment violence, and I think it is, only a moron could not see his rhetoric as anything other than incendiary.
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Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
No, I'm talking about the CANADIAN PM. You just caught a severe case of TDS. I read online Moderna is working on vaccine for that.
I'm talking about America's most dishonest and corrupt human...the former United States president.

I read online that there are fertilizer companies that would hire people like yourself...spread a lot of bullshit and hope something beautiful grows.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
LOL!!!! They didn't find anything because Justin stonewalled the investigation, like a good autocrat that he is. Oh, how I wish we were back to "Harper scandals" $90k versus Justin's billion to his buddies and with his whole family on the take. A bunch of fucking grifters!
Please post the "billions" that Trudeau was involved in. Let me have a chuckle!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
No, I'm talking about the CANADIAN PM. I just caught a severe case of Trudeau Derangement Syndrome. I read online Moderna is working on vaccine for may syndrome.
Really? Is this thread about Trudeau? So corrected your post!!


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Donato is The King of Kings, what remains to be seen, will he recreate the Book of Joshua to make himself President for Life.


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Jc you know the story as Greg Lake sung it: Donato ties a rope to a tree and hangs the universe.



Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
If you are comparing conditions in 2018-19 and 22 you are ignoring reality.
I'm not, The article post is in regards to Trump leaving a plant open during COVID. That was after 2018-2019. You're ignoring reality that Biden is a disaster as president and he had a vaccine.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
Is Biden really responsible for the bleach drinkers ?
Nope, but a disproportionate amount of POC didn't get the vaccine. Apparently those are his voters and he couldn't get them to take the vaccine.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
I'm not, The article post is in regards to Trump leaving a plant open during COVID. That was after 2018-2019. You're ignoring reality that Biden is a disaster as president and he had a vaccine.
Thankfully for Americans Joe is POTUS and not the only twice impeached POTUS in history. Your hero's answer to everything was happy talk. Joe relies upon science and medicine. Covid is mutating and there are additional variants popping up which obviously makes things more difficult but the fertile ground for mutation is among the unvaccinated. You can thank your anti-vaxer friends for many of the death etc.

Unvaccinated people have a 10 times greater risk of dying of COVID-19 than the fully vaccinated, according to the CDC.

“To me, that is what is just so particularly heartbreaking,” Nuzzo said. Vaccines are safe and greatly reduce the likelihood of severe illness, she said. They “largely take the possibility of death off the table.”


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
Thankfully for Americans Joe is POTUS and not the only twice impeached POTUS in history. Your hero's answer to everything was happy talk. Joe relies upon science and medicine. Covid is mutating and there are additional variants popping up which obviously makes things more difficult but the fertile ground for mutation is among the unvaccinated. You can thank your anti-vaxer friends for many of the death etc.

Unvaccinated people have a 10 times greater risk of dying of COVID-19 than the fully vaccinated, according to the CDC.

“To me, that is what is just so particularly heartbreaking,” Nuzzo said. Vaccines are safe and greatly reduce the likelihood of severe illness, she said. They “largely take the possibility of death off the table.”
Trump isn't my hero. I'm just pointing out that the USA was doing better under Trump than under Biden. I agree with your point about vaccines. The misconception lies with the fact that the media is blaming Republican voters for this. The fact is per capita more POC are un vaccinated. They tend to vote for Democrats. Biden is doing a poor job getting his own voters to get vaccinated. I don't expect him to convince Republicans to get vaccinated


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Trump isn't my hero. I'm just pointing out that the USA was doing better under Trump than under Biden. I agree with your point about vaccines. The misconception lies with the fact that the media is blaming Republican voters for this. The fact is per capita more POC are un vaccinated. They tend to vote for Democrats. Biden is doing a poor job getting his own voters to get vaccinated. I don't expect him to convince Republicans to get vaccinated
And you are comparing apples and oranges. It is your automatic reaction that if it is Joe it must be worse than locking at some fact or event or occurrence critically.

If you want to see the impediment to higher vaccination rates just look at Fox news and the the various governors and legislators across the country. They and the now former only twice impeached POTUS in history have blood on their hands. If people are dying now it will not be for want of effort or trying or deliberate information by Joe or his administration. The same cannot be said of the former guy.
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