Canadian soldier says the war in Ukraine is going very badly


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
utter nonsense. The vast majority of the weapons that won Russia WWII were made by Russia. And Russia caused more then 70% of the casuaties suffered by Germany. If it was not for Russia a great many Westerners would not be alive today as their fathers woud have died fighting the Germans tha were not killed by Russia
This is....not really accurate. Let me put it this way, with out Canada, USA and UK sending weapons, food and equipment, the Soviets would've been out of the war eventually. Russia was an industrial and military basket case for many reasons. For example, just before the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Germany tricked Stalin into thinking some of his generals were thinking about overthrowing him. So, he purged the military and killed off experienced leadership. So, when they took Poland, and then went into was not going well for them.

Their industrial output was fucked. They needed materials and fuel from the allies to power their military. Here are some of the things Russia got:
  • 400,000 jeeps & trucks
  • 14,000 airplanes
  • 8,000 tractors
  • 13,000 tanks
  • 1.5 million blankets
  • 15 million pairs of army boots
  • 107,000 tons of cotton
  • 2.7 million tons of petrol products
  • 4.5 million tons of food
They were not a modern military (and from the looks of it, still are not). And, ss I said, without this herculean effort to supply Russia with materials, they would've lost. And, without the Soviets, the battle to take Europe might have turned out very differently. It's hard to say what would have happened. It would have been a bloody battle, that is for sure. Would Truman or Rosevelt nuke Berlin to end the war? Who knows.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Rightness or wrongness is irrelevant in the face of inevitability. All those young ukranians are dying for nothing

You would have made a great French President around 1940.


Active member
Dec 7, 2005
This is....not really accurate. Let me put it this way, with out Canada, USA and UK sending weapons, food and equipment, the Soviets would've been out of the war eventually. Russia was an industrial and military basket case for many reasons. For example, just before the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Germany tricked Stalin into thinking some of his generals were thinking about overthrowing him. So, he purged the military and killed off experienced leadership. So, when they took Poland, and then went into was not going well for them.

Their industrial output was fucked. They needed materials and fuel from the allies to power their military. Here are some of the things Russia got:
  • 400,000 jeeps & trucks
  • 14,000 airplanes
  • 8,000 tractors
  • 13,000 tanks
  • 1.5 million blankets
  • 15 million pairs of army boots
  • 107,000 tons of cotton
  • 2.7 million tons of petrol products
  • 4.5 million tons of food
They were not a modern military (and from the looks of it, still are not). And, ss I said, without this herculean effort to supply Russia with materials, they would've lost. And, without the Soviets, the battle to take Europe might have turned out very differently. It's hard to say what would have happened. It would have been a bloody battle, that is for sure. Would Truman or Rosevelt nuke Berlin to end the war? Who knows.
According to some Canadians that I know Canada won that war not Russia. And yes Notty is 100percent accurate. google is your friend.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
20 million russians died in the face of inevitability. And yet russians have learned nothing. Following your argument, they should have just laid down for the germans. and nobody would have got hurt.
nottyboi is still upset that anyone resisted Hitler at all, I guess.


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
Watched some Russian news on the Ukrine war, oops, special miliary operation, last night.
Russia advanced into Donbas 6 miles, killed 390 Ukranian soldiers, disabled or destroyed 138 peices of hardware (including passenger vehicles and ambulances being used by soldiers), took 190 prisoners and destroyed or captured 33 command and communication headquarters.
All of this was described while stock footage of multiple missile launch systems were shown.
No images of destroyed units or hardware.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Ukrainians are fighting an imperialist country that has already stolen 200,000 Ukrainian children, sent over a million Ukrainians to the far corners of Russia to repopulate and is trying to 'conscript' captured Ukrainians to fight against their own country.

Why shouldn't they fight that?
Because Tucker and the Donald say so? When you say it it sounds kind of lame, doesn't it?


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Watched some Russian news on the Ukrine war, oops, special miliary operation, last night.
Russia advanced into Donbas 6 miles, killed 390 Ukranian soldiers, disabled or destroyed 138 peices of hardware (including passenger vehicles and ambulances being used by soldiers), took 190 prisoners and destroyed or captured 33 command and communication headquarters.
All of this was described while stock footage of multiple missile launch systems were shown.
No images of destroyed units or hardware.
What about news regarding Russian advances and pincer movements in the critical TERB Oblast?

Meth and Bottie appear to be flailing away here to no avail.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
According to some Canadians that I know Canada won that war not Russia. And yes Notty is 100percent accurate. google is your friend.
What I was trying to say there is that without the allies support, Russia would have been knocked out of the war before they could've got their shit together. As I showed, they received a shit load of equipment and materials. Without them, Germany would have reached Moscow (well...who knows. Hitler got into a pissing match over Stalingrad and that fucked the advance). Here's something to consider: Six months into Germany's invasion into Russia, it had captured about 60% of the country's coal, iron and aluminium production, 40% of its grain farm land and 60% of its livestock.....and something like 40% of the Russian population.

Things were so dire that the USSR moved entire factories to the Urals to start production, and threw allied weapons at the Germans. So, I think my point stands: if the allies didn't help Uncle Joe, the German's would have likely knocked Russia out of the war. Obviously, that would have been bad for any planned allied invasion into Europe. Now, yes, the USSR was able to get production going, and they built a crazy number of tanks, and their soldiers and civilians paid dearly with blood for the victory. I would agree that Russia probably won WWII just because of the sheer sacrifice they made.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
if only USA bombed the shit out of Russia in 1945 maybe we would have a normal world today
Or if the USA had taken Russia's appeal to join NATO seriously back in 2002, this shitstorm would not have happened. The two Greats (Ivan and Peter) have always been correct, Russia's best interests are with Europe.

In other news, the PRC needs the PLA to survive, they have been pampered since the Tienanmen Square Massacre. The PLA is very good at putting down Ugyurs, Tibetans and dissidents. How would these shark fin soup fed dandies do against Taiwanese Commandos?



Active member
Dec 7, 2005
Watched some Russian news on the Ukrine war, oops, special miliary operation, last night.
Russia advanced into Donbas 6 miles, killed 390 Ukranian soldiers, disabled or destroyed 138 peices of hardware (including passenger vehicles and ambulances being used by soldiers), took 190 prisoners and destroyed or captured 33 command and communication headquarters.
All of this was described while stock footage of multiple missile launch systems were shown.
No images of destroyed units or hardware.
I am sure you think otherwise, but most Russians are not psychotic and wouldn’t get off watching scenes like that.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Now, yes, the USSR was able to get production going, and they built a crazy number of tanks, and their soldiers and civilians paid dearly with blood for the victory.
And now it appears .... that they're still using those same tanks, those same soldiers in addition to those soldiers 18 year olds great-great-grandchildren as cannon fodder in their glorious de-Nazification and peacekeeping special operation in Ukraine.
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
I am sure you think otherwise, but most Russians are not psychotic and wouldn’t get off watching scenes like that.
I guess, they just present as such en masse lest their psychotic overlords determine otherwise


Active member
Dec 7, 2005
if only USA bombed the shit out of Russia in 1945 maybe we would have a normal world today 1945 Ukraine was a part of Ussr. If they states bombed them back than they would have had more grain, oil and resources.And clearly wouldn’t have to spend this much on military aid to anyone.I am sure now they know it was a big mistake and are trying to fix it using Ukraine as a slave. Your personal opinion pretty much confirms one of Russian conspiracy theories :)

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
utter nonsense. The vast majority of the weapons that won Russia WWII were made by Russia. And Russia caused more then 70% of the casuaties suffered by Germany. If it was not for Russia a great many Westerners would not be alive today as their fathers woud have died fighting the Germans tha were not killed by Russia
We were more than capable of finishing off the germans without russia. Russians only started fighting the germans when they switched sides.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
What I was trying to say there is that without the allies support, Russia would have been knocked out of the war before they could've got their shit together. As I showed, they received a shit load of equipment and materials. Without them, Germany would have reached Moscow (well...who knows. Hitler got into a pissing match over Stalingrad and that fucked the advance)........................
Allied shipment of aids to Soviet Union began around mid 1941.
Deliveries in the 1st year amounts to 80% less than in 1942. While
there is no question the lend-lease agreement was critical to the
defeat of Germany I doubt it was as critical to the Russians not losing
the battle in defending Moscow in 1941 though.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
We were more than capable of finishing off the germans without russia. Russians only started fighting the germans when they switched sides.
Imagine how the war would have unfolded had Operation Barbarossa
succeeded in meeting Hitler's objectives in 1941. How do you think the
UK could have defended itself from Germany in 1942? Remember they
had yet to turn the tide in the Battle of Atlantic that year.
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