In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
While staying silent on the extremist, religious and hateful motivations of groups like Hamas and their complete rejection of the concept of peace.
Your characterization of Palestinian views is racist and hateful. It is Islamaphobic.
As is your support of apartheid, as reported by the UN, Amnesty, HRW and B'tselem.
As confirmed by polls of Palestinians and Israelis.

Apartheid is a crime against humanity, one of the most evil forms of racism known to humans.
That is the issue, not Hamas.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Thank you for putting to rest your claims of supporting peace.
I said I support BDS, sanctions designed to end apartheid and give Palestinians equal rights.
That is the best, non-violent way towards peace.

All you can do is demonize Palestinians to justify apartheid.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Your characterization of Palestinian views is racist and hateful...
Wow. Quoting Palestinian polling is racist? Quoting Palestinian leaders is racist?

Why is it that you refuse to hold Palestinian leadership and the significant proportion shown in these polls accountable for their violent, anti-peace views? I can never tell if it is more because you are willing to ignore anything from anti-Israel sources or if you simply think Arabs incapable of being responsible for their actions.

I said I support BDS, sanctions designed to end apartheid and give Palestinians equal rights.
That is the best, non-violent way towards peace.

All you can do is demonize Palestinians to justify apartheid.
Of course Canada (and many other rights respecting countries) has condemned BDS as being counter-productive and often a home for racism. BDS doesn't even endorse any peace plan. And it say a lot that instead of supporting peace talks, you prefer the Palestinians being forced into something they detest.

Very few Palestinians refer a One State peace like you want pushed on them. That is why Canada and the UN support the idea of a negotiated peace as the only possible way forward.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow. Quoting Palestinian polling is racist? Quoting Palestinian leaders is racist?

Why is it that you refuse to hold Palestinian leadership and the significant proportion shown in these polls accountable for their violent, anti-peace views? I can never tell if it is more because you are willing to ignore anything from anti-Israel sources or if you simply think Arabs incapable of being responsible for their actions.

Of course Canada (and many other rights respecting countries) has condemned BDS as being counter-productive and often a home for racism. BDS doesn't even endorse any peace plan. And it say a lot that instead of supporting peace talks, you prefer the Palestinians being forced into something they detest.

Very few Palestinians refer a One State peace like you want pushed on them. That is why Canada and the UN support the idea of a negotiated peace as the only possible way forward.
Why would I hold Palestinians responsible for the views they hold under a 50 year old, apartheid occupation?
Those views are the result of living under a brutally racist, apartheid occupation.

They tried peace for 20 years with the Oslo Accords and all that happened was Israel stole more of their land through settler colonialism or 'facts on the ground'.
You personally call BDS 'racist' and Israel attacks anyone who calls for boycotts and sanctions.
You supported Israel when they used snipers every Friday for a year on peaceful protesters in Gaza.

There have been no negotiations for 8 years now and the only side that can end the occupation is the military power occupying Palestine.
Not Palestinians.
Israelis control the occupation.

Blame Israelis, blame the occupation, blame apartheid, blame the Israeli government.
They are responsible for the views of Palestinians.

Support the call to end apartheid and apply equal rights if you are pro peace.
In the years of these posts you have never once come up with a peaceful way forward.
So join the international BDS movement to end apartheid.

That's the only way.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Why would I hold Palestinians responsible for the views they hold under a 50 year old, apartheid occupation?
Because you support peace? Because 44% of polled Palestinians support attacks on Palestinians. Because Islamic Jihad and Hamas think killing civilians in a restaurant is a heroic act? Because Hamas and other factions reject the concept of peace?

Your continual justification for Palestinians who kill or support killing civilians is pathetic. Just a reminder: according to Canada, examples of Anti-semitism include:
  • Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.

But sure, keep on pushing for the Palestinians being forced into a peace they reject instead of encouraging a negotiated peace as supported by Canada and the UN.

p.s. Are you going to admit how stupid it is to call someone racist for discussing Palestinian polling?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
Making accusations of this type is against board policy, basketcase.
Please retract it.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
remember kids "pro-palestinian" sentiments has zero, zilch, nada, nothing to do with the rights of the Palestinian people.

“Free Palestine.” One of the most common slogans of anti-Semitic organizations around the world. A slogan with which many people refer to the State of Israel, the only existing Jewish state, blaming it with racism, apartheid, and the like. For those who do not research deeper, it is easy to get carried away by such calls, which are part of a general campaign of slander against the State of Israel in particular, and against Jews, in general. But trying to trace the basic literal meaning of these words – you may be surprised.

In the summer of 2012, on a sunny day, I was walking in the main pedestrian street of Vienna, Austria. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large group of demonstrators appeared, carrying red-black-green-white flags and “Free Palestine” signs, shouting loudly. There was something a little barbaric in this half-hour presentation in the heart of a civilized city like Vienna. The demonstrators shouted slogans condemning the State of Israel, and after half an hour they disappeared as if they had never been there. A short, one-time incident, during the eight days I spent there. But very unpleasant for Israelis who were touring around the area.

It was hard for me to avoid comparing very similar events, which are the daily routine of the residents of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with one big difference: in Amsterdam, such incidents are not single-time incidents. They are a daily routine, and are very long lasting – usually a few hours. This is despite the fact that the slogans raised there violate the Dutch law that prohibits incitement. And this is not only a routine, but a routine supported by the local authorities. Yes, the same authorities that are supposed to enforce it.

The call “Free Palestine,” along with the “flags,” which are nothing more than banners of the PLO terrorist organization, plays a crucial role in the entire range of slogans, apparently directed towards the State of Israel, but practically directed towards the Jewish people.

Arabs calling themselves “Palestinians” claim a historical connection between the name “Palestine” and ancient Philistine. Ancient Philistine was a geographical area, where a people called “Philistines” was situated, located in the southern coastal plain – today’s Gaza area, within a slightly wider radius. The phonetic similarity between the two names has nothing to do with historical facts, but is only another, deliberated, means, to convince the world that there are some historical rights of a non-existing people on a non-existing land.

“Palestinians” and “Philistines”, as well as “Palestine” and “Philistine,” have nothing to do with one another. According to archaeological findings, and based on DNA tests carried out lately, the Philistines originated in Europe and were given their local name by the Romans, after the latter had conquered Judea, expelled the Jews, and gave it a new name – Philistine. The source of the name is unclear. Some say it is derived from the Semitic root P.L.Š ‘invade,’ and it was used as a derogatory term, but there is no proof of this claim. The Philistines lived in the Philistine region for several hundred years, and Israel haters have identified it as an irreplaceable opportunity to use it for anti-Semitic propaganda. Phonetically, it does sound quite persuasive. Yet, the so called Palestinians have nothing to do with ancient Philistine, which was the name of a geographical area in the historic land of Canaan, nor with the Philistines, who ruled that area; neither historically nor biologically.

“Palestine” was a geographical area, which was given its name by the British, when they received the Mandate for the land of Israel. They called it that way, because of its partial location in the original, historical, Philistine region. All the inhabitants of Palestine – Jews and Arabs – were called “Palestinians” during the British Mandate. But those who actually used that name as their official nationality were the local Jews, whereas the Arab inhabitants refused to use it, and preferred to use “Arabs” as their nation.

The name “Palestine” in Arabic is pronounced, and written, differently from the original “Philistine”. It uses an emphatic consonant instead of the original “t”. In European languages there is no use of emphatic consonants at all, nor was such a sound change known from the linguistic history of a Philistine’s language. Therefore, the claim that the two names are connected has no scientific basis. Since European languages cannot recognize emphatic consonants, absent from European languages, the so called “Palestinians” use the similarity between the two names for political purposes.

And the word “free”? According to Miriam Webster’s dictionary, it can be interpreted in three ways: as an adjective, as an adverb, or as a verb. As an adjective it means “not subject to the control or domination of another.” As an adverb it means “freely” or “with no charge.” As a verb it means “to relieve or rid of what restrains.” But as a verb it has one more meaning: to banish.

The combination “Free Palestine” can be interpreted in several ways, most of which indicate that “Palestine is free.” But the anti-Semitic brainwashing is aimed at interpreting the one meaning that would make Israel “the bad guys” in this story: Free (as a verb) Palestine. And the fact that there is a universal agreement on this interpretation suggests that anti-Semitism is so deeply rooted in so many people, that out of all the possible interpretations of this combination, the least expected meaning has been chosen. Both among the spreaders of the hate message, and among the potential interpreters. All this, when there is no entity called “Palestine,” and has never been one, nor a people called “Palestinians.” A state by the name of “Palestine” is an invention; there have never been any national symbols of such a state – no Prime minister, president or king; no flag, no currency, no postage stamps, and no many other features that characterize states. As the national anthem of “Palestine” the PLO’s anthem is used, yes – the same terrorist organization that I mentioned earlier, whose goal is to destroy Israel. “Palestine” is a term used to define a geographical area, that has been intentionally distorted, phonetically and politically, that has been using the anthem of a terrorist organization. That invented entity “Palestine” hoists as a flag the banner of the same terrorist organization that was established by an Egyptian student, and whose agenda consisted mainly of the destruction of another state, the Jewish state; and not surprisingly, it emerged only after the establishment of the State of Israel.

And to this entity, with all its anti-Semitic slogans, the world gives a stage with a generous hand. No lesson has been learned.

Antisemitic Pragmatics: What’s behind “Free Palestine” ? | Nurit Dekel | The Blogs (


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
remember kids "pro-palestinian" sentiments has zero, zilch, nada, nothing to do with the rights of the Palestinian people.

“Free Palestine.” One of the most common slogans of anti-Semitic organizations around the world. A slogan with which many people refer to the State of Israel, the only existing Jewish state, blaming it with racism, apartheid, and the like.
Well, if you're going to copy and paste articles you should at least read even one week's reports from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, which details life under apartheid which you appear to support.

Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory Weekly Update (07- 13 April 2022)

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

Eight Palestinians, including 2 children and 2 women, were killed, and 48 others, including 6 children, a girl and 2 who lost their eyes, were wounded by Israeli occupation forces’ (IOF) fire while tens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in separate incidents in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

On 10 April 2022, a Palestinian woman was shot dead by IOF near an Israeli checkpoint in Husan, western Bethlehem. More information available here. On the same afternoon, IOF killed another woman in Hebron, claiming she stabbed an Israeli soldier near the Ibrahimi Mosque and killed another Palestinian after directly targeting him in al-Khader village, Bethlehem, claiming he threw stones and Molotov Cocktails. More information available here.

On 11 April 2022, a child succumbed to wounds he sustained a day earlier in Jenin. More information available here.

On 13 April 2022, IOF killed a lawyer without justification while their troops withdrew from Nablus after conducting a widescale incursion in the city, wounding 3 Palestinians, including a child. More details available here. In the afternoon, IOF killed a Palestinian and wounded 6 others during clashes when IOF withdrew from Silwad village in Ramallah. During the incursion, IOF surrounded 2 houses; one was uninhabited, and opened fire at them, detaining the residents inside and then beating and arresting 3 of them. On the same afternoon, IOF opened fire and killed a child with several bullets in Husan village, western Bethlehem. They detained his body and took him with them but few hours later his body was delivered. IOF claimed that the child was targeted after he was seen trying to throw Molotov Cocktails at a military checkpoint in the area.

Most of them were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied suppression of peaceful protests and gatherings and they were as follows:

07 April: 4 fishermen were wounded with rubber bullets and then arrested by IOF when the latter chased 2 fishing boats sailing within the allowed fishing area (8 nautical miles ) off Rafah shore, southern Gaza Strip. They were released the next day, but their boats were

confiscated. Another chase recurred in the same area and IOF arrested 3 other fishermen and confiscated their boat. A child sustained teargas canister shrapnel wounds in his hand, and another Palestinian was arrested in clashes erupted during IOF’s incursion into al-Am’ari refugee camp in Ramallah. In the afternoon, IOF again suppressed Palestinians gathered in Bab al-‘Amoud in occupied East Jerusalem and arrested 3 of them, including a child, after assaulting them. This recurred the next day after setters gathered and chanted slogans against Arabs and Muslim; during which, IOF arrested and severely beat up a Palestinian.

08 April: 3 Palestinians were wounded, including 2 children, with rubber bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddoum weekly protest in Qalqilya. A Palestinian child lost his eye when IOF directly targeted him with a rubber bullet during their suppression of protesters in northern East Jerusalem. More details available here. IOF wounded 3 Palestinians near Gate 104 near the annexation wall, northern Tulkarm, during their attempt to enter Israel for work. In the afternoon, a Palestinian was wounded with a rubber bullet in his foot and 2 others were arrested, including a child, during clashes with IOF in Kafr Malek village in Ramallah.

09 April: 13 Palestinians, including a child and a girl, were wounded; 2 sustained serious wounds in clashes during IOF’s incursion into Jenin refugee camp to surround the house of the Palestinian who carried out the shooting in Tel Aviv in Jenin. The area witnessed clashes between IOF and members of Palestinian armed groups; as a result, one of the latter was killed. IOF arrested 2 Palestinians; one of them was wounded, and later withdrew.

10 April: a Palestinian was wounded with a bullet in his waist and others suffocated in clashes during IOF’s incursion into Yabad village, Jenin. IOF arrested 8 Palestinians after raiding their houses and 3 shops, damaging their contents, and later withdrew. A Palestinian also sustained bullet shrapnel wounds in his hand and 3 others were arrested in similar circumstances in the eastern neighborhood in Jenin. Another Palestinian was wounded with a bullet in the right thigh in clashes during IOF’s incursion into al-Bireh, northern Ramallah. Moreover, two Palestinians were arrested in clashes during IOF’s incursion into ‘Aqabet Jaber refugee camp in Jericho.

11 April: a child was wounded with a bullet in his right leg, and 9 Palestinians were arrested, including a national security officer, during IOF’s incursion into Kafr Qalil village and the down suburb adjacent to the village, eastern Nablus.

12 April: IOF wounded 4 Palestinian university students after raiding Khadouri University’s campus in Tulkarm. In the next day, an Israeli Special Force raided the university in a civilian car and opened fire at a student, visitor, and a security officer whom they arrested after wounding him. Further information available here.

13 April: 7 Palestinians were wounded, including one in critical condition and another lost his eye by a rubber bullet that penetrated his eye in clashes during IOF’s incursion into Bita village, southeastern Nablus. Also, IOF wounded a Palestinian near the annexation wall, southern Tulkarm, when they targeted workers in their attempt to infiltrate in order to work in Israel. In the afternoon, a young man was wounded in his chest with shrapnel of a sound bomb fired by IOF in their incursion into Kobar village, Ramallah. IOF arrested 4 Palestinians and later withdrew.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF opened fire 3 times at agricultural lands in access restricted areas, eastern Khan Younis. Also, five IOF shootings were reported on fishing boats mostly off the northern, southern, and western Gaza shores.

So far in 2022, IOF attacks killed 28 Palestinians, including 7 children and 2 women, and wounded 235 others, including 45 children, 2 women, 2 paramedics and 10 journalists: all in the West Bank, except 5 fishermen in the Gaza Strip.
Settler-attacks on Palestinian civilians and their properties:

This week, settlers carried out 9 attacks in the West Bank, wounding 6 Palestinians, including 2 with bullets, and damaging many vehicles. The details were as follows:

07 April: setters from “Beit El” settlement, northern al-Bireh, threw stones at the Palestinian car traveling on the main street adjacent to the settlement and leading to al-Jalazone refugee camp. No injuries were reported. On the same day, settlers from “Shiloh” settlement, eastern Ramallah, threw stones at the Palestinian cars traveling on Ramallah-Nablus main street. no injuries were reported.

08 April: 2 Palestinians were wounded with bullets when settlers opened fire at the Palestinian vehicles in Tarmesi’yah village, Ramallah. IOF’s patrols arrived and took the wounded to an Israeli hospital. On the same day, a Palestinian vehicle sustained damages after settlers threw stones near Ras Karkar intersection, western Ramallah. Also, settlers sneaked into Sinjil village, eastern Ramallah, and opened fire at a house. No injuries were reported.

09 April: a Palestinian sustained wounds in his face when he was working in a kindergarten near his house in the closed Martyrs Street neighborhood in H2 area in Hebron. Settlers from “al-Daboya” settlement outpost threw a stone at him. in the afternoon, settlers beat up an elderly when the latter was herding his sheep in al-Hafasi pastoral areas surrounding ‘Inab settlement, eastern Tulkarm. Also, settlers stormed agricultural lands in ‘Anabta

village, eastern Tulkarm, and raised the Israeli flag on the roof an agricultural room. Settlers also threw stones and sprayed pepper gas at a Palestinian and his wife in an agricultural room in Kafr al-Deek, western Salfit.

So far this year, settlers carried out 95 attacks on Palestinians and their properties in the West Bank.
Land razing, demolitions, and notices

On 10 April, IOF confiscated a bulldozer and a truck for Palestinians in Tarmesi’yah village, Ramallah.

On 12 April, IOF uprooted 2 tents; one is residential and the other is for grazing sheep in Kafr Malek in Ramallah, under the pretext of building in an archeological area and within Area C.

Since the beginning of 2022, IOF made 40 families homeless, a total of 244 persons, including 47 women and 113 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 50 houses and 5 residential tents. IOF also demolished 29 other civilian objects, razed 174 dunums and delivered 49 notices of demolition, cease-construction, and evacuation.
IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 210 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During this week’s incursions, 131 Palestinians were arrested, including 7 children.

So far in 2022, IOF conducted 2260 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 1360 Palestinians were arrested, including 153 children and 14 women. IOF also conducted 12 limited incursions into eastern Gaza Strip and arrested 27 Palestinians, including 14 fishermen, 11 infiltrators, and 2 travelers via Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossing.
Israeli collective punishment and closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

On 09 April 2022, Major General Ghassan Alian, head of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), announced collective punitive measures against Jenin, northern West Bank, following the shooting in Tel Aviv carried out by one of the city’s residents.

The announcement published on ‘Alian’s Facebook page says: “following the latest incidents in Jenin and upon the Israeli Defense Minister’s decision: businessmen from Jenin are not allowed to enter Israel, and Arabs in Israel are not allowed (neither in cars nor on feet) to enter or exit via al-Jalbou’a and Barta’a crossings. Also, the rock rubble will not be transferred via DTD at crossings in Jenin, and due to security concerns, family visitations to Palestinians in Jenin will not be allowed (within the 5000 approved permits)

The Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 15-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s February monthly update on the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its
108 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 93 temporary military checkpoints this week and arrested Palestinians at those checkpoints. The majority of the checkpoints were in Hebron (39) and Bethlehem (17). Jerusalem also witnessed many restrictions on freedom of movement in Ramadan,



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Electronic Intifada A so called Pro-Palestinian website when in reality is an anti-jewish hate propaganda outlet


Electronic Intifada (EI)
is an online anti-Israel publication that purports to focus “on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.” The publication draws its name from the Arabic word “intifada” which, since the early 2000’s, has carried the connotation of violence.

As of December 2020, EI’s Twitter bio described the publication as “Palestine’s weapon of mass instruction.” EI’s website also claims to be an “education resource.”

EI is a staunch promoter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. Articles on the site spread a wide variety of anti-Israel propaganda, describing Israel as a “racist” or “apartheid” state that carries out “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide” against Palestinians.

EI’s founder, Ali Abunimah, and its contributors have also spread anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel.

EI was founded in 2001, reportedly as a project of the Middle East Cultural and Charitable Society (MECCS), a non-profit organization that claims to provide humanitarian support to displaced Iraqis in the Middle East.

As of December 2020, MECCS’s GuideStar profile said its other projects included the Electronic Iraq News & Analysis website, which was defunct as of February 2021.

In March 2001, an EI article said that the site aimed to “enable a growing, worldwide network of human rights and media activists to challenge myth, spin, and distortion about Palestinians and Palestinian rights disseminated by Israel’s official spokespersons and allied pro-Israeli organizations in North America and Europe.”

As of December 2020, EI’s Twitter page showed over 116,000 followers, while its Facebook page showed more than 364,000 followers.


As of December 2020, EI stated that it was supported primarily by readers’ donations and funding from private foundations. The site also said that its financial information was included in “public 990 Forms filed with the Internal Revenue Service” by the Middle East Cultural and Charitable Society, Inc. (MECCS), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that listed Ali Abuminah as its CEO in 2018.

According to Schedule A of MECCS’s 2018 990 filing, the organization received $597,415 of “public support,” for a total of $2,675,432 since 2014.

In November 2010, it was reported that the Dutch aid organization Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO), which was heavily funded by the Dutch government, financed EI. Since 2016, ICCO reportedly ceased funding a number of anti-Israel non-governmental organizations.

Founders and Contributors

1. Ali Abunimah is a co-founder and executive director of EI. Abunimah has spread anti-Semitism and called for sending targeting systems to Hamas. Abunimah has been described as the “leading American proponent of a one-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.” The “one-state solution” has been denounced as a scheme to dissolve Israel as the Jewish State.

2. Arjan El Fassed is a co-founder of EI and a former Dutch politician. He worked for the ICCO and various humanitarian organizations. In 2007, El Fassed reportedly authored a fake, widely circulated letter from Nelson Mandela comparing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to Apartheid South Africa.

3. Laurie King-Irani is a co-founder of EI and a professor of Anthropology at Georgetown University. She has advocated that Israelis be prosecuted internationally under the principles of Universal Jurisdiction used to extradite individuals for crimes against humanity. King-Irani has also accused Israel of “killing Palestinians, deforming the Jewish people, and preventing the American government from staying true to the founding documents of the United States and the principles of the Geneva Conventions.”

4. Nigel Parry is a co-founder of EI and reportedly a former webmaster for Birzeit University in the West Bank. Parry has justified Palestinian terrorism and demonized Israel for assassinating the founder of Hamas, who financed suicide bombers and said: “The use of suicide bombers is the democratic right of Palestinians everywhere.” .

5. Steven Salaita is listed as an EI contributor. In 2014, The University of Illinois (U of I) withdrew an offer of employment to Steven Salaita after becoming aware of his anti-Semitic tweets. One tweet, posted shortly after Hamas kidnapped three teenage Israeli high school students, read: "You may be too refined to say it, but I’m not: I wish all the f**king West Bank settlers would go missing.” On July 8, 2014, he tweeted: "There's something profoundly sexual to the Zionist pleasure w/#Israel's aggression. Sublimation through bloodletting, a common perversion."

6. Ilan Pappe is listed as a contributor to EI. Pappé is an international BDS leader and has toured North American campuses to speak at events organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

Electronic Intifada - Canary Mission


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Well, if you're going to copy and paste articles you should at least read even one week's reports from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, which details life under apartheid which you appear to support.
Have you because if you have, you'll have to admit your complaining includes people killed in engaging on attacks on police or terrorist attacks (as I predicted).

The first woman, during a wave of terror attacks ran towards the checkpoint, ignored verbal warnings and warning shots. And even still, they aimed at her legs.
The second one was killed after stabbing a cop.
The third one was alleged to be throwing firebombs at civilian vehicles and ambulances.
The next paragraph is about Israel going to arrest terrorists and being met by gunfire and violence.

And you wonder why I ignore PCHR Gaza (other than the PFLP members on their board of directors). Pure propaganda.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Making accusations of this type is against board policy, basketcase.
Please retract it.
You just made excuses for Palestinian leadership promoting and celebrating violence against civilians and for a nearly half of Palestinians thinking violence is a way forward and supporting "attacks on Israeli civilians inside Israel".

But you can never admit that some things done by Palestinians are bad.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Palestinian Centre for Human Right’s Links to the PFLP Terror Group

PCHR’s Organizational Ties to the PFLP
According to information posted on the PFLP website, on June 27, 2015, the PFLP’s prisoner committee participated in a workshop organized by PCHR. The event was held “in solidarity” with Khader Adnan, a member and “leader” of the terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad, during his two-month long hunger strike. During the event, PFLP prisoner committee member Hani Mezher called on PCHR to “exert a double effort to make urgent contacts with all institutions and raise the issue of prisoners with the international community and the free world so we can save his life.”

PCHR Staff with Ties to the PFLP
Raji Sourani: General Director3
  • In 2013, the Swedish Right Livelihood Award Foundation awarded Souranithe Right Livelihood Award, commonly known as the Alternative Nobel Prize.”
    • According to the PFLP’s website, the terrorist organization sent “leader” and PFLP Central Committee member Rabah Muhanna to PCHR’s offices to congratulate Sourani. PCHR Chairman Riyad Al-Zaanoun “thanked the Popular Front for the visit, stressing the important national role it took upon itself in the field of adherence to Palestinian national rights and principles.”
    • On February 16, 2014, the PFLP held a ceremony honoring Sourani for receiving the award. Several members of the PFLP’s Gaza Central Committee4 attended, including its chief, Jamil Mizher.5
      • During the ceremony Sourani stated that “I was in the ranks of the Popular Front, and there were comrades who taught us with their own hands. This organization has given us much more. We hope that the direction and the sense of belonging that were planted inside us will remain in our minds. We don’t apologize and don’t regret our past, we are proud that once we were members of this organization and we fought in its ranks” (emphasis added).

Raji Sourani accepts award from the PFLP on February 16, 2014. From right to left: PCHR General Director Raji Sourani, PFLP Central Committee member Rabah Muhanna, and PFLP Central Committee member Mariam Abu Daqah
(Source: Al Watan Voice, “The people honor the fighter Professor Raji Sourani in recognition of his role in transmitting the message of our people,” February 17, 2014:

Another photo of Sourani received the award. The banner reads “Recognizing the distinguished professor, Raji Sourani on receiving the Alternative Nobel Prize, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.”
(Source: PCHR, “PFLP honors Lawyer Raji Sourani for Winning ‘Alternative Noble Prize,’” February 20, 2014:

Raji Sourani standing at the award ceremony with the head of the PFLP in Gaza and PFLP Central Committee member Jamil Mizher (far right) (Source: Al Watan Voice, “The people honor the fighter Professor Raji Sourani in recognition of his role in transmitting the message of our people,” February 17, 2014:

Palestinian Centre for Human Right’s Links to the PFLP Terror Group » ngomonitor (


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Electronic Intifada A so called Pro-Palestinian website when in reality is an anti-jewish hate propaganda outlet
Electronic Intifada - Canary Mission
Canary Mission is an Israeli outfit.
Posting attack pieces funded by apartheid Israel is not a way to win a debate.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Have you because if you have, you'll have to admit your complaining includes people killed in engaging on attacks on police or terrorist attacks (as I predicted).

The first woman, during a wave of terror attacks ran towards the checkpoint, ignored verbal warnings and warning shots. And even still, they aimed at her legs.
The second one was killed after stabbing a cop.
The third one was alleged to be throwing firebombs at civilian vehicles and ambulances.
The next paragraph is about Israel going to arrest terrorists and being met by gunfire and violence.

And you wonder why I ignore PCHR Gaza (other than the PFLP members on their board of directors). Pure propaganda.
What a surprise, you defend killing Palestinians.
Someone who supports equal rights, the rule of law and basic human rights wouldn't immediately blame Palestinians for dying under apartheid.
Kind of like your defence of Israel using snipers on civilian protesters in Gaza in the Great March of Return.
And really, its just the same as your defence of apartheid.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You just made excuses for Palestinian leadership promoting and celebrating violence against civilians and for a nearly half of Palestinians thinking violence is a way forward and supporting "attacks on Israeli civilians inside Israel".
You said it was 'celebrating violence' to blame Palestinians for views caused by living under apartheid military occupation for 50 years.
For some reason you think support of violence isn't the result of a state that allows and backs with the military, racist attacks against civilians.

If you want to end support for violence you need to provide a way to end the occupation and end apartheid.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
What a surprise, you defend killing Palestinians.
Only the ones engaged in attacks on civilians or police. I know you love complaining that Israel kills people engaged in terror attacks but that is just another case where you love justifying violence against Jewish civilians. As I said when this terror wave started, you would be pretending terrorist attackers killed in the act were really innocent civilians.

The woman who died after being shot in the leg is tragic but in the midst of a terror wave, running at a checkpoint, ignoring warnings and warning shots, the actions of the police were 100% understandable. People killed while attacking cops or civilians do not deserve pity nor do those using violence to try and stop the police from arresting terrorism suspects.

And yes, you are justifying violence conducted by Palestinians against Jewish civilians and you are justifying Palestinian leadership and 44% of polled people promoting/supporting attacks on civilians inside Israel. You also keep justifying racial violence instead of peace. You overtly ignore every one of your stated morals when it comes to Israel and the people trying to remove it and there is only one possible rationale for it. You have hit almost all the points on Canada's definition of anti-semitism. At least you haven't veered into direct Holocaust denial yet.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You said it was 'celebrating violence' to blame Palestinians for views caused by living under apartheid military occupation for 50 years.
For some reason you think support of violence isn't the result of a state that allows and backs with the military, racist attacks against civilians.

If you want to end support for violence you need to provide a way to end the occupation and end apartheid.
I love how quickly you swallow the racist spin and endorse their violence. A couple times a week, the Jordanian WAQF allows non-Muslims to visit the plaza outside the mosques. Sadly many Muslims promote the idea that Jews simply being on the plaza is somehow a desecration and have been attacking the legitimate visitors. Earlier this week, Palestinian extremists attacked random Jews and buses on the way to the Western Wall with the conspiracy theory that they were somehow going to destroy the mosque. Today some of those fundamentalists were desecrating the mosque themselves by throwing firebombs at police and visitors from it simply because they know Israeli police are very reluctant to actually enter the mosque.

Israel sees Al Aqsa as so controversial and bans Jewish prayer (though even the WAQF sometimes accepts silent prayer) and recently banned/arrested several Jewish groups who planned to hold the Passover sacrifice on the Mount. Israel also bans non-Muslim visits on the last 10 days of Ramadan for fears of violence from upset Muslims.

And Hamas is openly calling on there to be more violence tomorrow. A peace supporting person would condemn that call but instead you will continue to justify it.

You keep talking about equal rights but here you are promoting violence from fundamentalist Muslims who think Jews shouldn't have the right to even be on Judaism's holiest site. So surprising that you apply a double standard that not only endorses racist violence but also denies equal rights to the 'other' side. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Mondoweiss An anti-jewish, terror apologist hate site funded by alt rightist and white supremacist Ron Unz

Ron Unz: Controversial Writer and Funder of Anti-israel Activists (

Mondoweiss is an anti-Israel news site that claims to provide “news and analysis unavailable through the mainstream media regarding the struggle for Palestinian human rights.”

Senior editor and co-founder Philip Weiss launched the site in March 2006 as a blog in the New York Observer. Weiss made Mondoweiss an independent website in 2007.

Articles and social media posts published by Mondoweiss have expressed support for terrorists, spread anti-Semitism and denied Jewish history and peoplehood.

Mondoweiss has also spread an anti-Israel conspiracy theory as well as hatred of Israel and Zionism.

The site also provides a platform for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement leaders and organizations.

On November 8, 2020, the Mondoweiss website said it was: “[f]ounded in 2006 as a personal blog of journalist Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss grew inside the progressive Jewish community and has become a critical resource for the movement for justice for Palestinians.”

The site also claimed: “We recognize that Jewish voices are often prioritized in discussions of Israel and seek to challenge that dynamic by bringing a universalist focus to an issue that is commonly dominated by narrow points of view.”

On May 4, 2015, the Washington Post published a column that said: “Anything bad that goes on in Israel will be publicized and exaggerated at Mondoweiss. If you want to know the far-left anti-Israel party line on any recent event, Mondoweiss is the place to go.”

Mondoweiss is part of the Center for Economic Research and Social Change (CERSC), a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in Chicago. CERSC hosts The Socialism Conference annually and also runs Haymarket Books, which was founded in 2001.

Mondoweiss maintains a P.O. Box address in Detroit, where donations by check can be sent.

According to CERSC’s 2018 form 990 filed with the IRS, CERSC receives substantial funding from both anti-Israel and anti-American sources, including: $475,000 from Wallace Global Fund, with a reported history of anti-Israel bias, $450,000 from the Tides Foundation, $290,000 from the Lannan Foundation, $392,000 from activist Mark Dickman, $25,375 from the Hasib J.Sabbagh Foundation and $20,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Founder and Contributing Writers
Mondoweiss founder Philip Weiss has used the site to promote hatred of Israel and spread anti-Semitism since 2006.

As of February 2021, the site’s contributing writers had included Mondoweiss executive editor Adam Horowitz, who joined in 2009. Other contributors include a host of anti-Israel activists such as Nada Elia, Dareen Tatour and Steven Salaita.

Elia, a supporter of violence against Israel, wrote an article in the fall of 2015 — during the Knife Intifada — titled “Why Be Afraid of an Intifada?” In that article, Elia stated: “Intifadas are good.”

In October 2015, Tatour was placed under house arrest for incitement to violence and for support of a terrorist organization on social media.

Tatour had supported the terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and posted to her 4,800 + Facebook friends “I am the next shahid [martyr]” on Facebook under a picture of attempted-murderer Asraa Zidan Tawfik Abed. Tatour also posted a Youtube video of a woman reading a poem that glorified violence and rejected peace.

In 2014, The University of Illinois (U of I) withdrew an offer of employment to Steven Salaita after becoming aware of his anti-Semitic tweets. One tweet, posted shortly after Hamas kidnapped three teenage Israeli high school students, read: "You may be too refined to say it, but I’m not: I wish all the f**king West Bank settlers would go missing.”

A month later, Salaita tweeted "Zionists: transforming ‘antisemitism’ from something horrible into something honorable since 1948." On July 8, 2014, he tweeted: "There's something profoundly sexual to the Zionist pleasure w/#Israel's aggression. Sublimation through bloodletting, a common perversion."

Supporting Terrorists
On October 27, 2020, Mondoweiss published a story by “The Palestinian Feminist Working Group” that honored Leila Khaled as a “Palestinian freedom fighter” and praised her for being part of the “Palestinian liberation struggle.”

Khaled was a leading member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and participated in the hijacking of TWA Flight 840 in 1969 and El Al Flight 219 in 1970. Khaled has said that the second intifada failed because it was not violent enough, advocated for the use of children in terror activities and compared Zionists to Nazis.

Also on October 27, 2020, Mondoweiss tweeted the above story honoring Khaled, including a photo of Khaled wearing a PFLP scarf.

The PFLP is a designated terrorist organization by the United States, European Union, Canada and Israel.

On December 15, 2017, Mondoweiss published a story titled: “Cuba welcomes 50th anniversary of the PFLP leftist movement,” about a PFLP-hosted event in Havana. One photo showed a person wearing a shirt honoring PFLP founder, George Habash.

On May 31, 2017, Mondoweiss published an article titled: “In first statement since end of hunger strike, Marwan Barghouti celebrates ‘the victory of the strike of freedom and dignity.’” The statement began: “In the name of God, the merciful, To our great people, the people of struggle and sacrifice, To our people of revolution and intifada …”

Since the early 2000’s, the term “intifada” has carried the connotation of violence.

Marwan Barghouti initiated the 2017 hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners known as the “Dignity Strike.” He headed the Palestinian Authority (PA) terrorist Tanzim force and founded the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. His organizations carried out many deadly attacks against Israeli civilians.

Barghouti financed the bomb used in the Sbarro Cafe bombing and was sentenced to five consecutive life terms in an Israeli civilian court for some of his crimes. Many of the over 1,500 prisoners who participated in the strike had also carried out terror attacks, including Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Secretary General Ahmad Sa’adat.

On June 25, 2014, Mondoweiss posted to Facebook an image that said: “Hungry Until Freedom #PalHunger.” The image promoted a hunger strike that included Barghouti.

On November 10, 2014, Mondoweiss published a story titled: “In travesty of justice, Rasmea Odeh found guilty despite history of Israeli torture.”

Odeh was a key military operative [00:02:08] with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization. In 1969, she masterminded a PFLP supermarket bombing that killed two college students. She also attempted to bomb the British consulate in Jerusalem. Odeh later moved to the United States but was deported to Jordan in 2017 for immigration fraud.

Odeh confessed, in a highly detailed account, the day following her arrest. In a 2004 documentary, one of Odeh’s co-conspirators directly implicated [00:10:53] Odeh as the mastermind.

On April 7, 2014, Mondoweiss published a story titled: “‘For me, Palestine is paradise’: An interview with Leila Khaled.” In the interview, Khaled praised the PFLP and other armed groups who “helped the armed struggle, that helped defend the revolution.”

On December 23, 2013, Mondoweiss published an article, titled: “Palestinian prisoner Samer Issawi who went on hunger strike for 266 days is freed.”

Samer Issawi received a twenty-six year prison sentence in 2002 for manufacturing and distributing pipe bombs and shooting at Israeli civilians and police during the second intifada. He is a member of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP).

On February 18, 2012, Mondoweiss tweeted: “Khader Adnan’s dignity #HungerStrike63Days.” The tweet linked to a story in support of Adnan, who was then on hunger strike.

Khader Adnan is a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist organization. A 2007 YouTube video showed Adnan praising and encouraging suicide bombings: "Who among you will carry the next explosive belt? Who among you will fire the next bullets? Who among you will have his body parts blown all over?”

Spreading Anti-Semitism
On February 19, 2019, Philip Weiss wrote a Mondoweiss article titled: “The Israel lobby is built on the biggest guilt trip in the world.” Weiss claimed that American Jews harbor guilt that “they are not on the front lines” which leads them to “raise money for Israel, buy off politicians, make sure that the U.S. government sticks by Israel through thick and thin and every massacre too.”

On July 1, 2016, Philip Weiss wrote a Mondoweiss article titled: “‘NY Jewish Week’ speaks bluntly of ‘Israel firsters’ in US politics.” Weiss claimed that “the issue of dual loyalty is inherent in Zionism, especially as Israel has evolved, to be totally dependent on the United States and on Jews inside the United States to compel American politicians to support Israel.”

On April 27, 2015, Philip Weiss wrote a Mondoweiss article titled: “Forgiving the anti-Semites.”

Weiss said he was once asked “to explain the Israel lobby.” He answered: “I said that it reflected a contract the American establishment had made with Jews to drive the economy in the 1970s. We were really good at the four horses of the global economy (finance, software, education, and media), and people thought we were smarter, and maybe we were smarter; Yuri Slezkine says we are the magicians and the priests of modernity; and in exchange for that leading role, the government would support Israel.”

The same article quoted another person who said: “The Israelis have never felt a sense of forgiveness about what was done to them by the Nazis. Till they get there they will recreate that experience endlessly. They are in their own prison..”

On July 21, 2014, Mondoweiss published an article during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge (OPE) against Hamas, which was titled: “Renouncing my Israeli citizenship.” The article said: “As a serious student of the Nazi Holocaust, I can only be horrified at the disgrace that the State of Israel and its Jewish supporters continue to bring upon the memory of Jewish Holocaust victims. It’s a moral abomination to emulate Nazi tactics in the name of the Jewish people and their alleged security…”

Israel commenced OPE in July 2014, to stop rocket fire targeting Israeli civilians and to destroy Hamas attack tunnels.

On July 27, 2011, Philip Weiss wrote a Mondoweiss article about former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, who is Jewish, which was titled: “‘NYT’ spots Ed Koch standing by Israeli flag (in story hinting at Planet Zio).”

The term "Zio" is a commonly used derogatory reference to Zionists and an often-used anti-Semitic slur.

Denying Jewish History
On April 18, 2018, Mondoweiss published an article titled: “The ‘Jewish nation’ is the central myth of Zionism. It needs to be dismantled.” The article suggested that Judaism should “become a mere religion or societal tradition within modern constructs of ‘nations,’” and abandon the “archaic concept of a religious-conditioned ‘nation.’”

On December 19, 2016, Mondoweiss published an article titled: “Historical evidence does not support Zionist claims re the Western Wall.”

The Western Wall refers to a part of the retaining wall of the complex that housed the Second Jewish Temple approximately 2000 years ago in Jerusalem.

One way anti-Israel activists spread anti-Semitism is by denying [00:17:45] Jewish history, in order to delegitimize restored Jewish sovereignty, attack Israel’s legitimacy and portray Jews as foreign to the Land of Israel.

Spreading an Anti-Israel Conspiracy Theory
On February 18, 2021, Philip Weiss published a Mondoweiss article titled: “Condemning BDS and promising to visit Israel are price of entry in Democratic race for NY mayor.”

On August 12, 2020, Mondoweiss tweeted: “The foundations of the Israel lobby’s hold on the Democratic Party is quite evidently crumbling.” The text was from an article American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)’s managing director, Josh Ruebner, published in Mondoweiss titled: “The Democratic Party’s pyramid of support for Israel is crumbling.”

On November 26, 2019, Philip Weiss wrote a Mondoweiss article titled: “The root cause of the conflict is the Israel lobby.” The article began: “The good thing about [U.S.] Secretary of State Pompeo’s declaration that the U.S. does not regard settlements as illegal is that it is a naked expression of the power of the Israel lobby in U.S. policy making.”

Spreading Hatred of Israel
On December 11, 2018, Mondoweiss tweeted: “Apartheid, military occupation, and even ethnic cleansing are effectively part of a structure that is rarely verbalized: Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian population.” The text was from a story titled: “Palestinicide(s),” which was linked to in the tweet.

On October 20, 2017, Adam Horowitz and Carlos Latuff co-wrote an article titled: “Contest! Design a logo to celebrate the IDF’s 70th birthday,” referring to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The article featured a cartoon that equated IDF soldiers with Nazi German soldiers.

Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian political cartoonist who has equated Israel and America with Nazi Germany and promoted violence. In 2006, he won second prize at Iran’s “International Holocaust Cartoon Competition” for a cartoon that compared Israel’s security barrier to Nazi concentration camps.

On July 30, 2014, Philip Weiss published a Mondoweiss story during OPE, which was titled: “More voices describe Gaza slaughter as a ‘genocide.’”

Spreading Hatred of Zionism
On February 7, 2019, Mondoweiss published a story titled: “Intersectionality and Israel’s transnational violence.” The story claimed that Zionism is “a transnational imperialist-colonialist force” and said: “In fact, while Palestinians are suffering genocide at the hands of Zionism, they are not Israel’s only victims. Zionism has traditionally enabled the oppression of diverse population groups globally.”

The story went on to allege “Zionism’s structural targeting of people of color” and claimed: “Zionism has traditionally enabled the oppression of diverse population groups globally.“

Zionism is the belief that Jews have the right to self-determination in their own national home, and the right to develop their national culture.

On August 7, 2017, Mondoweiss tweeted: “The gravest crimes against humanity are apartheid & genocide. They are both being committed in the name of Zionism.” The text was the last line in a story titled: “Zionism is apartheid, and worse.”

On November 7, 2013, Mondoweiss tweeted: “Iran deal is crisis 4 the lobby & 4 Zionist construction of Jewish identity,whch entails some measure of dual loyalty.”

Supporting BDS
As of November 9, 2020, Mondoweiss had published 21 stories by BDS movement founder Omar Barghouti and another 47 stories by the Palestinian BDS National Committee.

As of the same date, Mondoweiss had also published six stories by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), which is part of the BDS movement.

Omar Barghouti co-founded the BDS movement in July 2005 and co-founded the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions National Committee (BNC) in November 2007.

Barghouti has expressed support for terrorism, promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and regularly demonizes Israel. He opposes the Jewish right to self-determination and Israel’s existence, openly calling for its destruction as a Jewish state.

On May 29, 2020, PACBI published an article in Mondoweiss promoting a BDS campaign to remove the Jerusalem Film Festival (JFF) from the We Are One global film festival. The article said JFF should be boycotted because it is “sponsored by the extremist Israeli government,” including multiple Israeli ministries.

On December 12, 2019, Omar Barghouti wrote in a Mondoweiss article: “I rely on Mondoweiss and similar movement media to enlighten me about the extremely important US context of our struggle and beyond.” Barghouti also urged readers to donate to Mondoweiss.

On March 21, 2019, Mondoweiss published a Palestinian BDS National Committee article titled: “Israeli Apartheid Week opens worldwide, as Netanyahu confirms discriminatory regime.”

Israel Apartheid Week (IAW) is presented as “an international series of events that seek to raise awareness of Israel’s settler-colonial project and apartheid system over the Palestinian people” and build support for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. IAW has been re-named Palestine Awareness Week.

On July 18, 2018, Mondoweiss posted to Facebook an image promoting the BDS movement and protesting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of anti-Semitism.

Mondoweiss - Canary Mission


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And your pathetic double standard of rejecting something because it is connected with Israel while trying to support a website with a clear bias.
Canary Mission is an Israeli government funded operation to shame people for supporting equal rights and rights of Palestinians.
Of course you back a website who's stated goal is trying to shut down debate on human rights.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts