Love PC Chips! Especially the triple Dill or Ketchup. I think it’s called Loads of Ketchup/Dill. Delicious and better than Lays if you ask me. lolPC has their own line of chips and tortilla chips anyways. Their PC kettle chips are pretty good.
Love PC Chips! Especially the triple Dill or Ketchup. I think it’s called Loads of Ketchup/Dill. Delicious and better than Lays if you ask me. lolPC has their own line of chips and tortilla chips anyways. Their PC kettle chips are pretty good.
There is also the possibility that Loblaw intends to launch a PC line of chips made by Frito lays at a lower price point. Frito Lays will make the chips under the PC brand and sell it to Loblaw, this way they are using up their production capacity and making a profit and not paying a shelf fee for Loblaw to stock their product. Eventually the PC brand and Frito Lays products can exist side by side with both Loblaw and Frito Lay making a profit.Love PC Chips! Especially the triple Dill or Ketchup. I think it’s called Loads of Ketchup/Dill. Delicious and better than Lays if you ask me. lol
Yup. Never tried them, though.And has anyone ever heard of these guys?
Old Dutch, Miss Vickie's, Que Pasa for corn chips, and the list goes on, along with Neal brothers who I beieve make chips for Loblaw group of companies. Frito Lays bought out Hostess potato Chips long ago and I miss that brand.Your thread heading is only partially correct.
No More Chips At Loblaws Over Price Dispute With Fritolay
They won't be carrying Frito-Lay products for a while, but there are other brands on the market.
Not just for Loblaws and Fortinos, but also for their other divisions that they operate.People don’t shop at Loblaws for value or low prices so it’s odd to see them fighting to hold the line on a nonessential item.
Nobody will demand they resolve the dispute or cheer on either side.
You make it sound like you know that Loblaws caved? Maybe Fritos learned their lesson and that they need Loblaws and their 1/3 of the Canadian grocery market.Loblaws learned their lesson!
They need Frito Lay and their brands.
Let’s just say that I am in the business and I know that Loblaws was hurting. No name and Old Dutch chips they filled up the shelves with just we’re not selling like Frito Lay did. Also other stores like Metro and other Loblaws competition we’re up approximately 40% in Frito Lay products during the time that Loblaw‘s did not have them.You make it sound like you know that Loblaws caved? Maybe Fritos learned their lesson and that they need Loblaws and their 1/3 of the Canadian grocery market.
Do you have a link to the deal that Frito and Loblaws worked out on the pricing?
Like I said, Loblaws controls 1/3 of the Canadian grocery market. It's a symbiotic relationship.Let’s just say that I am in the business and I know that Loblaws was hurting. No name and Old Dutch chips they filled up the shelves with just we’re not selling like Frito Lay did. Also other stores like Metro and other Loblaws competition we’re up approximately 40% in Frito Lay products during the time that Loblaw‘s did not have them.
In the end both parties are better off with each other but if one party was suffering the most it was definitely Loblaws.
Humpty Dumpty was popular in Quebec when I was a kid.I was in my local No Frills today, and I noticed the shelves where Frito-Lay used to be are now occupied by Humpty Dumpty.
And has anyone ever heard of these guys?