In terms of income disparity, you’re much more likely to find a very successful guy married to a hot and unproductive woman than a super successful woman married to a hot but unproductive guy. Men and women are just generally wired differently. Men gather resources to attract women; sex generally forms a much stronger motivator for men than women. For men getting a hot mate is the end goal. Women generally don‘T think that way.
Not all of them. Dated a lawyer early 30’s, pit bull in the courtroom & just as dominate in the bedroom. Couldn’t say no to her I was afraid she’d tie me up & beat me! At least a 9 on the crazy scaleWomen who are dominate at their jobs are the most submissive in bed. Men too for the most part
You obviously don’t know women.Most women will not commit to a man who makes less money than them.
Good. Fear me. Cower in my presence.