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Trump on Putin plan to recognize breakaway Ukraine regions: 'This is genius'


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
While I wouldn't call it genius, it's a strategic move, just not for the reasons Trump thinks.

Putin's playbook is actually quite predictable. First he frames the whole situation as to paint Russia as the victim of foreign aggression, and he does it in the face of a massive Russian troop build-up and military exercises. He then makes strategic alliances that will allow him to at least reduce the pain of impending Western sanctions. Then he enters Ukraine under the guise of peacekeeping, which will lead at least some countries to dawdle on their response in a way they would not have if it were a full-scale invasion of a sovereign territory. When Ukraine fights back, Putin will use the resulting attacks as a provocation and justification that Russia must seize additional territory, and perhaps the entire country, in order to ensure its defense and maintain order.

Like I said, not genius, and quite predictable, but also likely to be effective. I'm not sold on this move being a net positive for Russia, but it's certainly a negative for the Western world.
Yes, we know that he would, as he is the least trust worthy leader in the manner in which he eliminates his own citizens who speak out against him or oppose his autocratic rule in Russia.
Ever since his annexation of Crimea, Ukraine was always going to be destabilized in whatever manner especially after the pro Russian Leader of Ukraine was deposed in 2014. More recently the Russians have blatantly lied about their intentions, first calling it just a military exercise and in Putin's speech blasting the former leaders like Lenin and Stalin for so called conceding parts of Russia to Ukraine. Now he calls it a "peace keeping" operation in those territories. Remember that media like Fox News Hosts Tucker Carlson was actually praising Putin and condemning Ukraine by throwing Hunter Biden into the mix. This is all part of the strategy to give Putin the ammunition to proceed to the next stage. So not surprising that Trump called it a "genius" move as he religiously follows his own disciples like Carlson and Hannity's constant misinformation. Overall these sanctions are far more severe than the previous ones after the annexation of Crimea. This is a no win situation overall though far more for Russia, and that is why the UN Security Council are in an Emergency Meeting. It has serious repercussions globally!!
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Aug 23, 2001
You believe these tweets but think Biden is still 100% operational...
I don't bother watching US news these days. Biden - unlike the clearly senile Trump - does what his advisors tell him. That's the important thing.

Putin may not. That's concerning.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
what's there to Justify? It's no secret Vlad and Donnie were BFFs right from the start...Of course he will support Vlad's moves.
This is not the time for such pro-Putin rhetoric from any politician whatsoever. But not surprising that Donnie's statement is in line with this disciple of his:

Tucker Carlson echoed Putin's talking points on Fox News, arguing the US should not care about Russia invading Ukraine



His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Putin's playbook is actually quite predictable. First he frames the whole situation as to paint Russia as the victim of foreign aggression, and he does it in the face of a massive Russian troop build-up and military exercises. He then makes strategic alliances that will allow him to at least reduce the pain of impending Western sanctions. Then he enters Ukraine under the guise of peacekeeping, which will lead at least some countries to dawdle on their response in a way they would not have if it were a full-scale invasion of a sovereign territory.
So predictable that such tactics were talked about 40 years ago. Sort of.

Yes Minister/Prime Minister. It eases he pain.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Trump sides with Putin as Biden tries to stop a war
It took only 24 hours for Donald Trump to hail Russian President Vladimir Putin's dismembering of independent, democratic, sovereign Ukraine as an act of "genius."
The former President often accuses his enemies falsely of treason, but his own giddy rush to side with a foreign leader who is proving to be an enemy of the United States and the West is shocking even by Trump's self-serving standards.
As President Joe Biden reprises the fabled presidential role of leading the free world, the predecessor who wants to succeed him is showing Putin that impunity, dictator-coddling and hero worship will return if he wins back the White House. Trump's remarks on a conservative radio show on Tuesday will not only find a warm welcome in the Kremlin. They also will concern allies standing alongside the US against Russia who fear for NATO's future if Trump returns.
Trump also sent an unmistakable message to Republicans, who are already playing into Putin's hands by branding the current President as weak, that siding with a US foe is the way into the ex-President's affections ahead of this year's midterm primaries.
Trump didn't take long to make sure Putin knew he approved of his movement of troops into parts of eastern Ukraine, knowing that his comments would be picked up and beamed around the world.
"I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine, of Ukraine, Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful," Trump said in an interview on "The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show."
The ex-President added: "So Putin is now saying, 'It's independent,' a large section of Ukraine. I said, 'How smart is that?' And he's going to go in and be a peacekeeper. That's the strongest peace force," Trump said. "We could use that on our southern border. That's the strongest peace force I've ever seen. ... Here's a guy who's very savvy. ... I know him very well. Very, very well."
Trump was referring to Putin's declaration on Monday that he would regard two rebel regions of eastern Ukraine, where he has been fostering separatism, as independent and his order for Russian troops, which Putin misleadingly called "peacekeeping" forces, to reinforce the enclaves. The move was a flagrant violation of international law, was resonant of the tyrannical territorial aggrandizement of the 1930s that led to World War II and was, as Biden said on Tuesday, tantamount to "the beginning of a Russian invasion."
In effect, the ex-President is trying to undermine US foreign policy as the current President tries to stop a war that could kill thousands of people and threaten the post-Cold War peace.
But it's unsurprising Trump would praise anything Putin does, given his genuflecting to the Russian leader while in office. Given that he tried to stage a coup that would have destroyed US democracy, it's hardly shocking either that he's not fretting at the loss of Ukrainian freedom. Trump once stood side by side with Putin at a Helsinki summit and trashed US intelligence agencies that said Moscow had interfered in the 2016 election to help him. And Trump tainted Ukrainian democracy himself, seeking to extort President Volodymyr Zelensky into announcing an investigation into his then-Democratic rival, Biden -- an abuse of power that earned him the first of his historic two impeachments.
More than the average Trump controversy
In the hierarchy of vital news stories on Tuesday, the ex-President's boastful ramblings pale in significance to the alarming events in Eastern Europe. But his comments amounted to more than the normal carnival barking and prioritizing of personal obsessions over national interests for which Trump is known.
No other living former president would dream of, let alone get away with, lionizing a Russian leader who may soon be waging the biggest war in Europe since World War II after declaring on Monday that Ukraine has no right to exist.
But Trump's status as the likely favorite for the Republican nomination in 2024 -- and the possibility that he could return to power -- takes his latest crowing over Putin's gangsterism to a new level. He's sending the promise of future favors and approval of Putin's illegal land seizures, which suggest he would do little to reverse them as president.
Trump's latest idolization of Putin is likely to widen the growing divide in the GOP between traditional hawks, who have sometimes praised Biden for standing up to the Russian leader, and pro-Trump lawmakers -- and conservative media stars like Tucker Carlson -- who have sided with Putin.
Trump's former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, a possible future Republican presidential candidate, also recently praised Putin, a scourge of democracy, as a "very talented" and gifted statesman. "He was a KGB agent for goodness sakes. He knows how to use power. We should respect that," Pompeo told Fox in January.
The fact that this is coming from leading members of the party of ex-President Ronald Reagan, who beseeched then-Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" in divided Berlin and was credited with winning the Cold War, represents a startling transformation. And it shows how far the GOP has traveled away from its respect for fundamental US democratic values in the pursuit of power.
Some Republicans have been more subtle in their criticism of Biden. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has backed the President's effort to unite Western allies behind the US in order to confront Putin and is in favor of strong sanctions to punish the Russian leader. But not for the first time on Tuesday, the Kentucky Republican demonstrated that he was ready to play the game at both ends -- accusing Biden of causing the crisis through weakness.
"I don't believe Vladimir Putin would have a couple of hundred thousand troops on the border with Ukraine had we not precipitously withdrawn from Afghanistan last August," McConnell said in Lexington on Tuesday. "The impression we have left, first with the abandonment of Afghanistan, is that America is not interested in playing as large a leadership role as we used to."
McConnell is tapping into a sentiment shared by many Americans of both parties that the US evacuation from Afghanistan last year was chaotic and poorly planned and hurt perceptions of Biden's leadership abroad. At the same time, however, Biden's leadership in this crisis has been more assured. He has, for instance, brought NATO members closer than they have been in many years.
The idea that Biden is weak in the face of Putin is sure to play out on the midterm campaign trail all year. But the fact that Republicans are laying such a charge following their complicity in Trump's obsequious attitude toward Putin is hypocritical and absurd. The House Republican leadership, which is in Trump's pocket, accused Biden of "appeasement" on Tuesday -- the same day that their de facto leader described Putin as a "genius."
Trump's repeated fawning over Putin
While the last administration often laid out a firm stance against Russia, it was repeatedly undermined by Trump's gushing admiration for Putin in public and his habit of making impulsive decisions that played into Russia's foreign policy goals, including the US withdrawal from northern Syria.
Trump lauded Putin in the interview Tuesday as a "tough cookie" who loves his country and he insisted that he had stopped Putin from invading Ukraine on his watch.
"I knew that he always wanted Ukraine. I used to talk to him about it. I said, 'You can't do it. You're not going to do it.' But I could see that he wanted it," the former President said. In reality, Trump suggested during his 2016 campaign that Russia could keep Crimea, another Ukrainian territory which Putin had annexed in 2014. "The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were," Trump said, parroting a Kremlin talking point.
The idea that Trump's toughness prevented Putin from invading Ukraine is undermined not only by his chummy exchanges with a leader who imprisoned opponents and presides over a country where journalists are often killed.
One of the goals of Putin's pressure on Ukraine -- as he has made repeatedly clear -- is to drive NATO back to its boundaries at the end of the Cold War and to divide the Western alliance. With Trump in power, the Russian leader didn't need to bother with the latter goal, since his counterpart in the White House frequently berated trans-Atlantic allies and cozied up to US enemies.
And it's not as if Putin let up on America when Trump was in power. Cyberattacks emanating from Russian soil also took place throughout the Trump presidency, including the SolarWinds operation that breached US federal agencies. Supposed respect for the US didn't stop Russian agents from using a biological weapon on British soil to poison a defector, according to the UK government.
There are multiple documented instances of Trump being soft on Putin. And GOP criticisms of Biden as failing to stand up to Putin conveniently forget Trump's notorious Helsinki news conference, not to mention the multiple strange contacts between his 2016 campaign team and Russian outsiders.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Then why is most of the "military aid" north of Ukraine in Belarus?
Why not? Belarus is OK with it, so, no law are broke., And Putin enjoys all the hype it causes in U.S. and Europe. After all this talk about invading Ukraine the West will be happy he took only Donbass. Same as in 2014: When he did not take Donbass West was OK with Crimea. Or as it will happen in 5-8 years from now when he will take more of Ukraine but not Kiev and Western Ukraine.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
That is not the letter of the law. If there was a serious problem, the UN would be involved and send in peacekeepers from countries not involved in the dispute. This was an invasion, pure and simple. Just like when a certain German dictator took parts of Czechoslovakia by saying Germanic people living there had the right to see determination...So, from 1938-45, it was occupied by the German...

The Emergency Act is legal. It was passed by the HOC, and signed by the GG. Was it the appropriate tool to use? Maybe, maybe not. There is likely stuff happening behind the scenes of the protests that might make it essential that they used it. We may never know.
Bur it is lawful to help independent country when they ask. DNR and LNR are now independent counties according to Russian law. So, same legal grounds as for Emergency Act


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Trump was as right in that "Genius" statement of his as he was when, "President Putin said it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be". Now when Putin and his Foreign Affairs Minister plus other spokespersons all along were denying that they had any intentions of entering or invading Ukraine, we know that they were blatantly lying. But then liars like Trump would always praise other downright dishonest individuals like Putin.

But totally hilarious, that you compare Putin's actions to that of The Emergency Act. The Emergency Acts are an internal affair that has the support of the vast majority of Canadians and it was 100% necessary to keep the billions of dollars of trade flowing, businesses reopened, and The local residents getting their normal lives and jobs back!!
Well, Russian army in DNR and LNR is also internal affairs of Russia, DNR and LNR. According top Rusiain law, DNR andnLNR are separate countries, not a part of Ukraine anymore. This is part of the "genius" of the plan.
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Yes, we know that he would, as he is the least trust worthy leader in the manner in which he eliminates his own citizens who speak out against him or oppose his autocratic rule in Russia.
Ever since his annexation of Crimea, Ukraine was always going to be destabilized in whatever manner especially after the pro Russian Leader of Ukraine was deposed in 2014. More recently the Russians have blatantly lied about their intentions, first calling it just a military exercise and in Putin's speech blasting the former leaders like Lenin and Stalin for so called conceding parts of Russia to Ukraine. Now he calls it a "peace keeping" operation in those territories. Remember that media like Fox News Hosts Tucker Carlson was actually praising Putin and condemning Ukraine by throwing Hunter Biden into the mix. This is all part of the strategy to give Putin the ammunition to proceed to the next stage. So not surprising that Trump called it a "genius" move as he religiously follows his own disciples like Carlson and Hannity's constant misinformation. Overall these sanctions are far more severe than the previous ones after the annexation of Crimea. This is a no win situation overall though far more for Russia, and that is why the UN Security Council are in an Emergency Meeting. It has serious repercussions globally!!
You know what "genius" means, right. A person may rob a bank, kill all the witnesses and never been suspected or caught. It is a genius move. Noone here defends what Putin did on moral grounds, we just saying that his plan was genius.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Well, Russian army in DNR and LNR is also internal affairs of Russia, DNR and LNR. According top Rusiain law, DNR andnLNR are separate countries, not a part of Ukraine anymore. This is part of the "genius" of the plan.
You sound like a spokesperson of Putin with trying to uphold the "Russian Law" in DNR and LNR!!
These concocted so called Laws in the territory of another nation makes zero sense!!
Hence more like GENE-ASS of a plan!!


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
You sound like a spokesperson of Putin with trying to uphold the "Russian Law" in DNR and LNR!!
These concocted so called Laws in the territory of another nation makes zero sense!!
Hence more like GENE-ASS of a plan!!
No, I just try to explain to you how Putin think and how the letter of the law can be stretched to support his point of view. Same as with the Emergency Act of JT.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You know what "genius" means, right. A person may rob a bank, kill all the witnesses and never been suspected or caught. It is a genius move. Noone here defends what Putin did on moral grounds, we just saying that his plan was genius.
Satan is of course a genius according to your logic. But when Trump then mentions that the Russians are going to be "Peacekeepers" and the "Strongest Peace Force" how do you now justify that it equates to killing of all those witnesses? Should it justify just killing all those seeking refuge in the USA through that border? I am waiting to hear your explanation to this statement of Trumpty Dumpty. ROTFLMAO!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
No, I just try to explain to you how Putin think and how the letter of the law can be stretched to support his point of view. Same as with the Emergency Act of JT.
Putin's thinking is 100% illegal as he has no authority over those regions that are not within the confines of Russia. Just his own Autocratic Dictatorship. But once again the Emergency Acts of not only the Federal Government, but also the Provincial ones were 100% Legal as they were passed through the Parliaments and / or within the confines of their official procedures. You are comparing night and day in this resect!!


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2017
TRUMP is an ass and always will be .
He needs to be locked up with all his enablers .

Its a sad world we live in when people think this was genius .

There is no humanity in the world - all because of POS like Trump, Putin , Kim Jong etc -

And all their followers -
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Trump sides with Putin as Biden tries to stop a war
It took only 24 hours for Donald Trump to hail Russian President Vladimir Putin's dismembering of independent, democratic, sovereign Ukraine as an act of "genius."
The former President often accuses his enemies falsely of treason, but his own giddy rush to side with a foreign leader who is proving to be an enemy of the United States and the West is shocking even by Trump's self-serving standards.
As President Joe Biden reprises the fabled presidential role of leading the free world, the predecessor who wants to succeed him is showing Putin that impunity, dictator-coddling and hero worship will return if he wins back the White House. Trump's remarks on a conservative radio show on Tuesday will not only find a warm welcome in the Kremlin. They also will concern allies standing alongside the US against Russia who fear for NATO's future if Trump returns.
Trump also sent an unmistakable message to Republicans, who are already playing into Putin's hands by branding the current President as weak, that siding with a US foe is the way into the ex-President's affections ahead of this year's midterm primaries.
Trump didn't take long to make sure Putin knew he approved of his movement of troops into parts of eastern Ukraine, knowing that his comments would be picked up and beamed around the world.
"I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine, of Ukraine, Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful," Trump said in an interview on "The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show."
The ex-President added: "So Putin is now saying, 'It's independent,' a large section of Ukraine. I said, 'How smart is that?' And he's going to go in and be a peacekeeper. That's the strongest peace force," Trump said. "We could use that on our southern border. That's the strongest peace force I've ever seen. ... Here's a guy who's very savvy. ... I know him very well. Very, very well."
Trump was referring to Putin's declaration on Monday that he would regard two rebel regions of eastern Ukraine, where he has been fostering separatism, as independent and his order for Russian troops, which Putin misleadingly called "peacekeeping" forces, to reinforce the enclaves. The move was a flagrant violation of international law, was resonant of the tyrannical territorial aggrandizement of the 1930s that led to World War II and was, as Biden said on Tuesday, tantamount to "the beginning of a Russian invasion."
In effect, the ex-President is trying to undermine US foreign policy as the current President tries to stop a war that could kill thousands of people and threaten the post-Cold War peace.
But it's unsurprising Trump would praise anything Putin does, given his genuflecting to the Russian leader while in office. Given that he tried to stage a coup that would have destroyed US democracy, it's hardly shocking either that he's not fretting at the loss of Ukrainian freedom. Trump once stood side by side with Putin at a Helsinki summit and trashed US intelligence agencies that said Moscow had interfered in the 2016 election to help him. And Trump tainted Ukrainian democracy himself, seeking to extort President Volodymyr Zelensky into announcing an investigation into his then-Democratic rival, Biden -- an abuse of power that earned him the first of his historic two impeachments.
More than the average Trump controversy
In the hierarchy of vital news stories on Tuesday, the ex-President's boastful ramblings pale in significance to the alarming events in Eastern Europe. But his comments amounted to more than the normal carnival barking and prioritizing of personal obsessions over national interests for which Trump is known.
No other living former president would dream of, let alone get away with, lionizing a Russian leader who may soon be waging the biggest war in Europe since World War II after declaring on Monday that Ukraine has no right to exist.
But Trump's status as the likely favorite for the Republican nomination in 2024 -- and the possibility that he could return to power -- takes his latest crowing over Putin's gangsterism to a new level. He's sending the promise of future favors and approval of Putin's illegal land seizures, which suggest he would do little to reverse them as president.
Trump's latest idolization of Putin is likely to widen the growing divide in the GOP between traditional hawks, who have sometimes praised Biden for standing up to the Russian leader, and pro-Trump lawmakers -- and conservative media stars like Tucker Carlson -- who have sided with Putin.
Trump's former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, a possible future Republican presidential candidate, also recently praised Putin, a scourge of democracy, as a "very talented" and gifted statesman. "He was a KGB agent for goodness sakes. He knows how to use power. We should respect that," Pompeo told Fox in January.
The fact that this is coming from leading members of the party of ex-President Ronald Reagan, who beseeched then-Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" in divided Berlin and was credited with winning the Cold War, represents a startling transformation. And it shows how far the GOP has traveled away from its respect for fundamental US democratic values in the pursuit of power.
Some Republicans have been more subtle in their criticism of Biden. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has backed the President's effort to unite Western allies behind the US in order to confront Putin and is in favor of strong sanctions to punish the Russian leader. But not for the first time on Tuesday, the Kentucky Republican demonstrated that he was ready to play the game at both ends -- accusing Biden of causing the crisis through weakness.
"I don't believe Vladimir Putin would have a couple of hundred thousand troops on the border with Ukraine had we not precipitously withdrawn from Afghanistan last August," McConnell said in Lexington on Tuesday. "The impression we have left, first with the abandonment of Afghanistan, is that America is not interested in playing as large a leadership role as we used to."
McConnell is tapping into a sentiment shared by many Americans of both parties that the US evacuation from Afghanistan last year was chaotic and poorly planned and hurt perceptions of Biden's leadership abroad. At the same time, however, Biden's leadership in this crisis has been more assured. He has, for instance, brought NATO members closer than they have been in many years.
The idea that Biden is weak in the face of Putin is sure to play out on the midterm campaign trail all year. But the fact that Republicans are laying such a charge following their complicity in Trump's obsequious attitude toward Putin is hypocritical and absurd. The House Republican leadership, which is in Trump's pocket, accused Biden of "appeasement" on Tuesday -- the same day that their de facto leader described Putin as a "genius."
Trump's repeated fawning over Putin
While the last administration often laid out a firm stance against Russia, it was repeatedly undermined by Trump's gushing admiration for Putin in public and his habit of making impulsive decisions that played into Russia's foreign policy goals, including the US withdrawal from northern Syria.
Trump lauded Putin in the interview Tuesday as a "tough cookie" who loves his country and he insisted that he had stopped Putin from invading Ukraine on his watch.
"I knew that he always wanted Ukraine. I used to talk to him about it. I said, 'You can't do it. You're not going to do it.' But I could see that he wanted it," the former President said. In reality, Trump suggested during his 2016 campaign that Russia could keep Crimea, another Ukrainian territory which Putin had annexed in 2014. "The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were," Trump said, parroting a Kremlin talking point.
The idea that Trump's toughness prevented Putin from invading Ukraine is undermined not only by his chummy exchanges with a leader who imprisoned opponents and presides over a country where journalists are often killed.
One of the goals of Putin's pressure on Ukraine -- as he has made repeatedly clear -- is to drive NATO back to its boundaries at the end of the Cold War and to divide the Western alliance. With Trump in power, the Russian leader didn't need to bother with the latter goal, since his counterpart in the White House frequently berated trans-Atlantic allies and cozied up to US enemies.
And it's not as if Putin let up on America when Trump was in power. Cyberattacks emanating from Russian soil also took place throughout the Trump presidency, including the SolarWinds operation that breached US federal agencies. Supposed respect for the US didn't stop Russian agents from using a biological weapon on British soil to poison a defector, according to the UK government.
There are multiple documented instances of Trump being soft on Putin. And GOP criticisms of Biden as failing to stand up to Putin conveniently forget Trump's notorious Helsinki news conference, not to mention the multiple strange contacts between his 2016 campaign team and Russian outsiders.
The scarey part is if the 2024 coup is successful it's only a matter of time for Donnie to annex Canada and 'save' us from the evil dictator Trudeau


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
You sound like a spokesperson of Putin with trying to uphold the "Russian Law" in DNR and LNR!!
These concocted so called Laws in the territory of another nation makes zero sense!!
Hence more like GENE-ASS of a plan!!
Well as of now, Putin already "encroached" part of Ukraine under the guise of "peacekeeping"...It is now up to UN how they interpret that act...I see it as Russia flexing it's muscle backed by big brother China...obviously he doesn't care about the sanctions anymore...

JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
Of course Trump is going to praise Putin.

The puppet must do as the puppet master commands or the puppet will have personal information leaked about him.
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Aug 23, 2001
Why not? Belarus is OK with it, so, no law are broke., And Putin enjoys all the hype it causes in U.S. and Europe. After all this talk about invading Ukraine the West will be happy he took only Donbass. Same as in 2014: When he did not take Donbass West was OK with Crimea. Or as it will happen in 5-8 years from now when he will take more of Ukraine but not Kiev and Western Ukraine.
The West will give him some pain re Donbas, but figures it's a lost cause anyway. The rest of Ukraine is a different thing altogether. And if he tries to take Estonia, it will be WW3. And Russia will lose.

Russia is weaker than NATO. Fighting NATO will end badly for Russia. And then Putin won't be laughing.
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