Um...... yea, because most mandates were provincial. Am I the only one who saw this posted a million times here since the protest began?First of all, federal government did absolutely nothing to ease mandates.
As for federal mandates, you expect them to meet the demands of organizers who bring a MOU demanding the federal government step down and be replaced by a Citizen's committee lmao!
Yea, one thing about antivaxxers is that they sure are open to medical advice and scientific dataIf they did the reasonable things that are supported by current medical advice and data
Very reasonable group of people willing to consider logical science.
The ones left are decreasing support all on their own, our Prime Minister can sit back and do nothing. Protesters are determined to become the fringe element Trudeau accused them of being (even though he shouldn't have). They are making his comments prophetic through their thuggish occupation.less Canadians would be willing to support the ones that are left.
If thhese protests are allowed to continue, we'll find out soon enough because hiding behind their big trucks will become the new norm for all protests since the authorities have been so accommodating for nearly a month.And about BLM and tractors. LOL. If BLM of Indians would go to Ottawa and block a single DT street, the government would meet half of their demands and give lots of money to the chiefs (in case of Indians) in the first few days.