Why JT wants to end Freedom Convoy demonstration in Ottawa


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
LOL!! Too bad they didn't burn some buildings or attacked anyone with axes like the eco-terrorists, yesterday. Just imagine the headlines, eh? Bunch of honkers!
$300 million a day in loss of income for Canadian businesses.
Feb 14, 2022
Protests in DT Ottawa maybe a bit disruptive for a few people (it is just 1-mile stretch on a street that has parliament and government building on one side and mostly offices on the other) and, regardless who may be among protesters, it is a peaceful protests (even "harassment" that may happen is just a few nasty words, not physical). So, yes, it may violate the letter of the law, however, it is nowhere near the point the force should be used. Police can easily go inside and stay there - there is no provocation or physical threat to anyone, especially police officers. So, go there and enforce the "no honking" law (this is, actually, the only thing that may disturb people - streets just 100 meters away are completely empty, so, the traffic problem is the same as any major road construction will cause). But try to break the protest on the pretend that it is a major disruption to Ottawans is simply ridiculous: the only one who is really disrupted by this protest is JT. I think, at this point all medical data points to the fact that vaccine mandates are no longer needed, so, JT can easily end this protest by removing mandates for truckers and all COVID test entry requirements. This move will satisfy most of the protesters (and many people who support it) and will effectively end despite of the radical minority that want to use this protests in their own interests. Yet, it seems the goal of JT s not to end the protests and make everyone's life easier, his goal is to "win". He behaves like little dictator who always must show his strength.
Police and officials have respectfully (maybe too respectfully) asked them to leave plenty of times. They insist they won't until ALL mandates are gone. Whether you believe in mandates or not, these demands are unreasonable to the point it makes it likely that it would not be enough even if every last mandate was scrapped. The protest organizers are horrible negotiators if they expect every demand to be met without any compromise. If mandates were scrapped, there is every indication that they would just ask for more.
They could protest like normal disgruntled Canadians (on foot) but parking their rigs there makes it an occupation because of the difficulties of removing them. Since so many of you supporters love to bring up BLM, how long do you think black protesters would be given if they were parking tractor trailers at the borders and in Ottawa. I'll put the over-under at 48 hours and bet the under.
It's easy for you to diminish the effect that this has had on local residents from the comfort of your location away from it but it shows stubborn insensitivity (I'm being polite) to question how much harassment is it really? I would opine that the very strong counter protest from residents shows you just what hell they've endured with this protest.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Shitting in the streets.
Streets blocked off
Residents harassed.
Illegal parking.
911 repeatedly shut down by fake calls
militia associated with the protest arrested for conspiracy to murder
foreign funding
money laundering
taking CERB and CEWS money then complaining about it
using children as human shields
demanding the government resign
All of this is valid...except demanding the government resign. That one transcends all protests...I mean, nearly every protest demands the government resign at some point. Now, these folks wanted to overthrow the government...which is different...


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
Protests in DT Ottawa maybe a bit disruptive for a few people (it is just 1-mile stretch on a street that has parliament and government building on one side and mostly offices on the other) and, regardless who may be among protesters, it is a peaceful protests (even "harassment" that may happen is just a few nasty words, not physical). So, yes, it may violate the letter of the law, however, it is nowhere near the point the force should be used. Police can easily go inside and stay there - there is no provocation or physical threat to anyone, especially police officers. So, go there and enforce the "no honking" law (this is, actually, the only thing that may disturb people - streets just 100 meters away are completely empty, so, the traffic problem is the same as any major road construction will cause). But try to break the protest on the pretend that it is a major disruption to Ottawans is simply ridiculous: the only one who is really disrupted by this protest is JT. I think, at this point all medical data points to the fact that vaccine mandates are no longer needed, so, JT can easily end this protest by removing mandates for truckers and all COVID test entry requirements. This move will satisfy most of the protesters (and many people who support it) and will effectively end despite of the radical minority that want to use this protests in their own interests. Yet, it seems the goal of JT s not to end the protests and make everyone's life easier, his goal is to "win". He behaves like little dictator who always must show his strength.
A bit disruptive? Businesses have been closed for 3 weeks. People can't drive out of their homes or buildings with their cars. It's more than a 1 mile stretch, They have blocked off different sections of the city. They needed to be removed and arrested Jt can't give them what they want. Then every cause can block downtown Ottawa until they get their way. While I agree he behaves like a little dictator I don't think this was his idea. He's not that smart. You can't give in to demands of people who are breaking the law.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
All of this is valid...except demanding the government resign. That one transcends all protests...I mean, nearly every protest demands the government resign at some point. Now, these folks wanted to overthrow the government...which is different...
It's really been Protest MIS-management 101.....
  • Organized by questionable characters who immediately bring the motivation of the protest into question.
  • Organized by people with no known association to the trucking industry so much so that it gets zero support from the industry's governing bodies and associations. In fact they explicitly reject the protest.
  • Exagerrate support so much so that it becomes a source of mockery.
  • These same organizers come with some crazy demands of new government that feeds right into the skeptics who suspected this has little to do with trucking mandates.
  • Open the protest with a number of offensive and illegal acts. Sure, it may only be a few and they might be relatively small in the big picture but still reflects poorly.
  • Start to possibly gain some momentum and sympathy with political support and from covid-fatigued Canadians... only to flush it down the toilet with border blockades, harrassing local residents and making a mockery of the whole thing. Protests are supposed to be from people who are fed up and have had enough. The optics of turning into a party atmosphere are not good even if they are relatively harmless.
  • Have the organizers stay in swank, comfy hotels while the people the protest is supposed to be fighting for sleep in their trucks.
  • Refuse to leave despite multiple warnings, increased penalties for failing to do with every possible opportunity afforded to make them aware of the seriousness of their actions.
  • Have a group of indiduals tied to the cause arrested with a cache of weapons and plans to use them.
  • Using children who never should have been there as shields to prevent police from shutting it down.
I'm certain there's more that has slipped my mind but I truly believe a group of high schoolers could put together a better and smarter protest than this one and avoid these mistakes.
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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
It's really been Protest MIS-management 101.....
  • Organized by questionable characters who immediately bring the motivation of the protest into question.
  • Organized by people with no known association to the trucking industry so much so that it gets zero support from the industry's governing bodies and associations. In fact they explicitly reject the protest.
  • Exagerrate support so much so that it becomes a source of mockery.
  • These same organizers come with some crazy demands of new government that feeds right into the skeptics who suspected this has little to do with trucking mandates.
  • Open the protest with a number of offensive and illegal acts. Sure, it may only be a few and they might be relatively small in the big picture but still reflects poorly.
  • Start to possibly gain some momentum and sympathy with political support and from covid-fatigued Canadians... only to flush it down the toilet with border blockades, harrassing local residents and making a mockery of the whole thing. Protests are supposed to be from people who are fed up and have had enough. The optics of turning into a party atmosphere are not good even if they are relatively harmless.
  • Have the organizers stay in swank, comfy hotels while the people the protest is supposed to be fighting for sleep in their trucks.
  • Refuse to leave despite multiple warnings, increased penalties for failing to do with every possible opportunity afforded to make them aware of the seriousness of their actions.
  • Have a group of indiduals tied to the cause arrested with a cache of weapons and plans to use them.
  • Using children who never should have been there as shields to prevent police from shutting it down.
I'm certain there's more that has slipped my mind but I truly believe a group of high schoolers could put together a better and smarter protest than this one and avoid these mistakes.
Disagree. They outsmarted our governments for 3 weeks. Pretty sad commentary about our government at all levels.
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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
Disagree. They outsmarted our governments for 3 weeks. Pretty sad commentary about our government at all levels.
I wouldn't call it outsmarting when the local police did nothing to enforce existing laws but maybe that in itself shows the municipal government being outsmarted.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Neither does our government so what's your point.
My point was exactly what you just admitted to in your attempt at a deflection.

You don't give a shit about businesses, the economy and the welfare of others.

That's a pretty damning indictment of yourself. Why should we listen to any of your arguments? You hate your fellow citizens.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Police and officials have respectfully (maybe too respectfully) asked them to leave plenty of times. They insist they won't until ALL mandates are gone. Whether you believe in mandates or not, these demands are unreasonable to the point it makes it likely that it would not be enough even if every last mandate was scrapped. The protest organizers are horrible negotiators if they expect every demand to be met without any compromise. If mandates were scrapped, there is every indication that they would just ask for more.
They could protest like normal disgruntled Canadians (on foot) but parking their rigs there makes it an occupation because of the difficulties of removing them. Since so many of you supporters love to bring up BLM, how long do you think black protesters would be given if they were parking tractor trailers at the borders and in Ottawa. I'll put the over-under at 48 hours and bet the under.
It's easy for you to diminish the effect that this has had on local residents from the comfort of your location away from it but it shows stubborn insensitivity (I'm being polite) to question how much harassment is it really? I would opine that the very strong counter protest from residents shows you just what hell they've endured with this protest.
First of all, federal government did absolutely nothing to ease mandates. If they did the reasonable things that are supported by current medical advice and data (like dropping arrival test requirements or mandatory vaccination for truckers), protesters will have less moral rights to continue the protest: majority of them will leave and less Canadians would be willing to support the ones that are left. As of now, government show no good will (saying "go home" is not a good will"

And about BLM and tractors. LOL. If BLM of Indians would go to Ottawa and block a single DT street, the government would meet half of their demands and give lots of money to the chiefs (in case of Indians) in the first few days.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The mounted units have retreated. Not sure why


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
They were warned multiple times.
"You must leave the area now. Anyone blocking streets or assisting others in the blocking streets, are committing a criminal offence and you may be arrested. You must immediately cease further unlawful activity or you will face charges. If you are arrested you may be released on bail depending on factors contained in Part XVI of the Criminal Code."


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
After watching these videos, I agree that protesters are not well organised. They should have used handcuffs to make a make a stronger human chain and, possible, attach a few to street signs or bike racks. Will make it much harder for police to advance. Also, instead of standing, they should have lied down: this way it is much harder to be pushed and video of police trying to pick up people lying on the ground will eliminate all the doubts where the violence in this confrontation comes from. They should have learned from some 20th century liberal protests (when liberal still had the original meaning of "freedom" and not the mockery of it)


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
It is cold out and plus, you know, covid.
Yes, it seems politicians love COVID. I know Putin and Lukashenko do - it makes it so much easier to deal with everyone who dos not agree with them. Now it is JT's turn
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