Bring in the Army and shut these truckers down!

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Trudeau was trying to protect the good citizens that lived by this protest to not rile up these truckers.

He was hoping they were going to be peaceful and calm like others have protested in time.

However the truckers decided to storm in the shelters steal food from the homeless

block emergency vehilcle entrances block hospitals

terrorize childrens schools

terrorize the malls

some wave there hateful symbol flags

some harass or assault anyone that is of color or woman or child

like burly caveman

while 80% of the good truckers are home with secure jobs vaccinated and watching this shit show of the 20% that think there smarter than science and doctor



Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Army has no law enforcement powers unless the PM declares Martial Law which I hope he never has to. His dad did back during the FLQ Crisis the famous quote when asked about bringing in the Army ''Just watch me'' He did.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Wouldn't Fucker Carlson just love that? Provincial LE and the Mounties are only now being given the go ahead to deal with the situation. Let's just hope nobody gets killed...
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Jun 3, 2002
Things have changed since then. Pierre used the War Measures Act - and even then (although it wasn't technically necessary) only because Quebec requested it and the Opposition was mostly in support. Mulroney repealed the WMA in the 1980's and replaced it with the Emergencies Act, which gives the government far more limited authority. From what I've been able to pick up any use of the military for something like this would be under the provisions of the National Defence Act, which requires a request from the provincial government in question, which has to make the request on the basis that there's civil unrest which the civil authorities are unable to bring under control. Ontario hasn't done that. People who say Trudeau should bring in the military don't realize that even though he's the Prime Minister he just doesn't have that authority on his own.


Active member
Mar 26, 2006
The Canadian Armed Forces can be brought in as aid to civil power under the NDA and enacted by the Emergency Act. Let just be clear, this is very different than helping nursing home, fighting fire or flood or even ice storm. This is an armed forces deployed inside your own country, this is your last resort or the last option before you lose control of your government. We are far away from that. Can the police do more, yes, look at all the summits in this country.

Even though Ottawa Police Chief and a whole bunch of other people talk about the military, neither municipal government or the provincial government have made any request. All talk. The federal government cannot deploy the military inside Canada on its own.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I just read the entire text of the Emergencies Act. It doesn't once explicitly mention the use of the Canadian Armed Forced to be used domestically to restore public order. Section 17 authorizes the Governor in Council (ie, the federal Cabinet) to declare a public order emergency and to take whatever steps are deemed necessary in response (which I suppose could imply that the military could be used) but it requires that to be done in accordance with Section 25, which says that it can only be done in consultation with the Lieutenant Governor in Council (ie, the provincial Cabinet in whatever province the emergency is taking place.)

And, you can't simply ignore the National Defence Act, which specifically governs how the Canadian Armed Forces can be used, which specifies:

Section 275: The Canadian Forces, any unit or other element thereof and any officer or non-commissioned member, with materiel, are liable to be called out for service in aid of the civil power in any case in which a riot or disturbance of the peace, beyond the powers of the civil authorities to suppress, prevent or deal with and requiring that service, occurs or is, in the opinion of an attorney general, considered as likely to occur.

Section 277: Where a riot or disturbance occurs or is considered as likely to occur, the attorney general of the province in which the place where the riot or disturbance occurs or is considered as likely to occur is situated, on the initiative of the attorney general or on the receipt of notification from a judge of a superior, county or district court having jurisdiction in the place that the services of the Canadian Forces are required in aid of the civil power, may, by requisition in writing addressed to the Chief of the Defence Staff, require the Canadian Forces, or such part thereof as the Chief of the Defence Staff or such officer as the Chief of the Defence Staff may designate considers necessary, to be called out on service in aid of the civil power.

(Section 276 simply deals with members of the reserve and how they're impacted by the law.)

Under neither piece of legislation can the federal government simply "bring in the military" without consulting the province or being asked to by the province.
OTOH, it's an ordinary statute, not a constitutional document. And that means that Justin can pass a bill through the House and Senate this week to deal specifically with this situation and make whatever specific rules he wants and not necessarily in compliance with the above acts.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
OTOH, it's an ordinary statute, not a constitutional document. And that means that Justin can pass a bill through the House and Senate this week to deal specifically with this situation and make whatever specific rules he wants and not necessarily in compliance with the above acts.
Shoot first and ask questions later. The right wingers will understand that.

Just Looking For A Latina

Totalmente perdido
Sep 7, 2020
Army has no law enforcement powers unless the PM declares Martial Law which I hope he never has to. His dad did back during the FLQ Crisis the famous quote when asked about bringing in the Army ''Just watch me'' He did.
The regulation is the Emergencies Act and the War Measures Act which Pierre Trudeau invoked was repealed over 30 years ago. Many historians believe the War Measures Act had little affect on the FLQ crisis and in fact the murder of Pierre Laporte was solved through regular police work. It was successful in getting the FLQ members to leave Canada for Cuba.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Shoot first and ask questions later. The right wingers will understand that.
They'll complain that they're being 'cancelled" like Dr Seuss.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Things have changed since then. Pierre used the War Measures Act - and even then (although it wasn't technically necessary) only because Quebec requested it and the Opposition was mostly in support. Mulroney repealed the WMA in the 1980's and replaced it with the Emergencies Act, which gives the government far more limited authority. From what I've been able to pick up any use of the military for something like this would be under the provisions of the National Defence Act, which requires a request from the provincial government in question, which has to make the request on the basis that there's civil unrest which the civil authorities are unable to bring under control. Ontario hasn't done that. People who say Trudeau should bring in the military don't realize that even though he's the Prime Minister he just doesn't have that authority on his own.
I really have no idea but I would think that clearing international bridges would be a matter of national security.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
Police have formed lines to begin removing proteters, They are slowly moving forward towards the fuckers, There are what appears to snipers on nearby rooftops, Behind the police are huge police vehicles.

🍿🍿🍿🍿 tune into CBCNN
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Active member
May 25, 2017
Trudeau was trying to protect the good citizens that lived by this protest to not rile up these truckers.

He was hoping they were going to be peaceful and calm like others have protested in time.

However the truckers decided to storm in the shelters steal food from the homeless

block emergency vehilcle entrances block hospitals

terrorize childrens schools

terrorize the malls

some wave there hateful symbol flags

some harass or assault anyone that is of color or woman or child

like burly caveman

while 80% of the good truckers are home with secure jobs vaccinated and watching this shit show of the 20% that think there smarter than science and doctor


Tear gas the lot. If that does not work, use rubber bullets.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
The U.S. would have sent in the storied 101st Airborne already.

I've seen this movie before. The "protesters" will provoke a confrontation with the police and scream police brutality and the liberal lefties will back the thugs (protesters) 100% and demonize the police.
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Active member
May 25, 2017
The regulation is the Emergencies Act and the War Measures Act which Pierre Trudeau invoked was repealed over 30 years ago. Many historians believe the War Measures Act had little affect on the FLQ crisis and in fact the murder of Pierre Laporte was solved through regular police work. It was successful in getting the FLQ members to leave Canada for Cuba.
Unlike his wimpy son, Pierre would not have put up with this. He would have cleared the roads by now.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I think it's doubtful that either the NDP or the Bloc would agree to new legislation that would give any extra powers to the government or the police, and since it's a minority government one of them would have to support it (or the Conservatives, but I doubt they'd side with the Liberals either.) Minority governments can't just decide to "pass a bill through the House and Senate this week."
The NDP under union pressure and JT saying that it's a temporary measure, just to deal with the current crisis might get it through.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Funny. the members here who all calling for this appear to be the lefies
Actually, it is kind of funny that it is people on the left who argues for law and order.

It shows how far out into fascism the righties have moved.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts