Ashley Madison

Cons go hard right


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yes Alberta continues to get shafted by the glaring inequities of transfer payments to Quebec but recently Alberta has falling on sustained hard times and is receiving a lot of financial aid from Ottawa .
let us know when that "financial aid" has reached 611 Billion
Alberta has paid $611 Billion in transfer payments from 1961 to 2017 | The Post Millennial

Ottawa's "help" also includes the intentional and deliberate efforts to shut down Alberta economic engine, "Energy" despite growing energy demand
Justin is a moron implementing Gerald's agenda

If Alberta leaves Quebec will still want its extortion money


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005

Liberals must be scared. That's why the MSM was defending O'Toole so much. :)
The interest rate when Harper left office was 0.5%. Presently it is 0.25%, so anything to trigger a positive message from Pissed Off Poilievre for that fact?
Since this Pandemic the rates all over the Globe are set to trend upwards. Canada is no exception unless the nation is all set to move towards Mars. Poilievre can save his questions for Tuesday, instead of looking pissed off all the time!!

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
let us know when that "financial aid" has reached 611 Billion
Alberta has paid $611 Billion in transfer payments from 1961 to 2017 | The Post Millennial

Ottawa's "help" also includes the intentional and deliberate efforts to shut down Alberta economic engine, "Energy" despite growing energy demand
Justin is a moron implementing Gerald's agenda

If Alberta leaves Quebec will still want its extortion money
Alberta is pumping more oil under the Trudeau Liberals than they ever did under Harper. Oil is still heavily required despite the Green energy games. Who ever gets the clean up bill from this ecological shit show will not be happy though.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
The one thing Sparta had going for it is that it was egalitarian - at least if you were a member of the master class and not a slave. Hard to compare that with the massive inequality of the modern USA.

But the idea of President Bone-Spurs as King Leonidas is pretty funny!
It wasn't egalitarian.
It was massively hierarchical. The free non-citizens didn't have any power even if they weren't slaves.
And it had WAY more slaves proportional to the citizens than most Greek city states.
The Spartiates were what... 6% of the population maybe?
Everyone else either wasn't a citizen or was a slave.
Sparta was just terrible all around.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Any pretense of the Conservatives wanting to hold the middle ground is now gone.

MAGA flags in downtown Toronto, fuck Trudeau signs on Wellington St, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier pissed on and Terry Fox's Statue has a Hitler mustache. Andrew Scheer and Pierre Poilievre dancing with glee with anarchists.

Going “hard right” in a pandemic and expecting to succeed is an oxymoron in terms. MAGA and CERB don’t mix well and are very foreign, even alien to each.
Poilievre is perhaps an interim caretaker PC would be leader that might serve only to hold the cantankerous potential splinter factions together to avoid a “Reform Party “ like situation that would take years repair. The Cons must know that Poilievre has little chance of forming a government and even more chance of damaging their brand even with Trudeau’s shortcomings.
The Federal PCs might still want to wait until the conditions are “right” for Jason Kenney to be anointed but the shot clock may have already ran out.
Harper wisely kept ominously silent until he was in office and was able to introduce his hidden agenda, allowing him to be one of Canada’s longest serving PMs. Poilievre is useful as an effective rabid opposition attack dog at best , but as a leader he would be an ultra short termed fart of a firecracker!

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I was making a cultural reference.
You were making a slapstick reference, 300 is the silliest film I've ever seen. I enjoyed watching it but there was no repeat. What started out as a film about the Greco-Persian War has now turned silly. His brogue is too sharp to be Greek and those aren't proper keep left signs. Shove off the lot of you. Right, now lets see something decent and military!



Aug 23, 2001
Going “hard right” in a pandemic and expecting to succeed is an oxymoron in terms. MAGA and CERB don’t mix well and are very foreign, even alien to each.
Poilievre is perhaps an interim caretaker PC would be leader that might serve only to hold the cantankerous potential splinter factions together to avoid a “Reform Party “ like situation that would take years repair. The Cons must know that Poilievre has little chance of forming a government and even more chance of damaging their brand even with Trudeau’s shortcomings.
The Federal PCs might still want to wait until the conditions are “right” for Jason Kenney to be anointed but the shot clock may have already ran out.
Harper wisely kept ominously silent until he was in office and was able to introduce his hidden agenda, allowing him to be one of Canada’s longest serving PMs. Poilievre is useful as an effective rabid opposition attack dog at best , but as a leader he would be an ultra short termed fart of a firecracker!
Kenney's tainted goods and Moe won't sell outside his own little fiefdom. They need an Ontario-based moderate who's smart and has impeccable patriotic antecedents. Maybe a lawyer who served in the armed forces for a while and seems reasonable and bright. A guy like that could unseat Trudeau, if the average Central Canada voter thinks that guy is independent of the rabid extremists and regionalists in his own party.

Can you think of a guy like the guy that I just described?.... MacToole? O'Poole? What's that name again?

What do you think the CPC would do with a guy like that? Would they support him or would they simply destroy him because he's not a Prairie, right wing fuckwit?


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Kenney's tainted goods and Moe won't sell outside his own little fiefdom. They need an Ontario-based moderate who's smart and has impeccable patriotic antecedents. Maybe a lawyer who served in the armed forces for a while and seems reasonable and bright. A guy like that could unseat Trudeau, if the average Central Canada voter thinks that guy is independent of the rabid extremists and regionalists in his own party.

Can you think of a guy like the guy that I just described?.... MacToole? O'Poole? What's that name again?

What do you think the CPC would do with a guy like that? Would they support him or would they simply destroy him because he's not a Prairie, right wing fuckwit?
I think that the PCs will have another split with a new radical party forming which can represent the West resulting in a Liberal majority with or without Trudeau even. Then after the Western radical off shots have spent themselves out, they will be brought into the party not likely by an Ontario politician but by a Harper typed Westerner consensus builder, with reconstructive surgeon like abilities.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Alberta is pumping more oil under the Trudeau Liberals than they ever did under Harper. Oil is still heavily required despite the Green energy games. Who ever gets the clean up bill from this ecological shit show will not be happy though.
Learn something about the oil industry

Investment $ was intentionally targeted, driven away and shut down

Oil is a depleting asset and requires constant investment to maintain reserves
No investment and conventional and shale oil reserves run down

The deliberate and intentional attack on pipelines also ensured the ongoing massive discounting of CAD energy continues
Alberta gets a fraction of the world price per barrel

Abandon wells is a reasonable beef
This can be addressed by a healthy energy industry
Killing the industry will create a whole lot more- ! not a threat but simple logic


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
let us know when that "financial aid" has reached 611 Billion
Alberta has paid $611 Billion in transfer payments from 1961 to 2017 | The Post Millennial

Ottawa's "help" also includes the intentional and deliberate efforts to shut down Alberta economic engine, "Energy" despite growing energy demand
Justin is a moron implementing Gerald's agenda

If Alberta leaves Quebec will still want its extortion money
Well they got 10B more then they paid in last year. Plus how much carbon did they dump into the air over those years for free?
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Well they got 10B more then they paid in last year.
Gt back to us when you get close to $611B

Plus how much carbon did they dump into the air over those years for free?
Ask the consumers of the product who actually released the Co2
Did you purchase gasoline or turn on your furnace or lights during that time period?
Buy any food, new clothing, anything made out of plastic, take any trips more than 10 Kms .........etc etc

You know stuff you demand and just expect a supply is available to meet that demand

By the way you paid world market price to the Saudis , while your countrymen in Alberta received a massive discount for the oil they sold
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
You were making a slapstick reference, 300 is the silliest film I've ever seen. I enjoyed watching it but there was no repeat. What started out as a film about the Greco-Persian War has now turned silly. His brogue is too sharp to be Greek and those aren't proper keep left signs. Shove off the lot of you. Right, now lets see something decent and military!
Bah to the military. Now being a Lumberjack, there is a man's way of live. The Larch, the Scotts Pine...
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Learn something about the oil industry

Investment $ was intentionally targeted, driven away and shut down

Oil is a depleting asset and requires constant investment to maintain reserves
No investment and conventional and shale oil reserves run down

The deliberate and intentional attack on pipelines also ensured the ongoing massive discounting of CAD energy continues
Alberta gets a fraction of the world price per barrel

Abandon wells is a reasonable beef
This can be addressed by a healthy energy industry
Killing the industry will create a whole lot more- ! not a threat but simple logic
Foreign capital left the Canadian oil patch which happens to be in Alberta because it is not profitable and has a poor prognosis for many reasons, nothing to do with being driven out by the Canadian Government. The Harper Conservative were in office for many years and failed to build a trans Canada pipe line. The present Canadian government is assisting in keeping the current production going devoid of previous foreign capital. The environmental damage is epic and has caught the world’s attention.
Neil Young said the oil patch looked like “ Hiroshima “ for good reason “.
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Gt back to us when you get close to $611B

Ask the consumers of the product who actually released the Co2
Did you purchase gasoline or turn on your furnace or lights during that time period?
Buy any food, new clothing, anything made out of plastic, take any trips more than 10 Kms .........etc etc

You know stuff you demand and just expect a supply is available to meet that demand

By the way you paid world market price to the Saudis , while your countrymen in Alberta received a massive discount for the oil they sold
This is Canadian oil, not Alberta oil as we are all in this together which is why as Alberta moves closer to becoming a “have not province”, they can count on Ottawa to backstop them.
Alberta is in no position to leave Canada now for sure and a guy like Poilievre will attempt to opportunistically stoke the rage, anger and hatred that has long festered in Alberta which has been home to many hate groups disproportionate to that province’s population.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
This is Canadian oil, not Alberta oil
So you want to claim ownership of the evil carbon molecules now do you?
Not willing to buy the Western Canadian oil, but you want to lay claim to it ?

I suggest you buy land leases, do the geological study, preform the seismic, drill , test and cap, lay 10-100 Km of pipe to connect to midstream and then market it

Until then the oil belongs to mother nature or the first company to extract it

Odd how the govt tried this before, it was called Petro Canada and it was a disaster until govt sold it off via a public offering

as we are all in this together
Not when the Federal government deliberately and intentionally works to shut down a provinces economic engine we are not

which is why as Alberta moves closer to becoming a “have not province”, they can count on Ottawa to backstop them.
That has to be one of the most condescending and ignorant things I have ever read
"we intend on driving you and your family into bankruptcy and then we shall give you food stamps"
That is precisely the arrogant attitude which will drive the odds of Albertan separation higher

Alberta is in no position to leave Canada now for sure.
Have a lot experience in extortion do you?]
Are you willing to risk the end of confederation on that uniformed opinion?
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Foreign capital left the Canadian oil patch which happens to be in Alberta because it is not profitable and has a poor prognosis for many reasons, nothing to do with being driven out by the Canadian Government.
Not even close
Justin Trudeau sent a clear and loud message
Oil money will be put to sleep here via strangulation by regulatory and environmental red tape

The Harper Conservative were in office for many years and failed to build a trans Canada pipe line.
Three pipelines were approved and ready to go when Steven Harper left office.
One was outright vetoed by the moron
The other was killed via environmental regulatory strangulation and the third had to be bought when Justin painted himself into a corner. He will not proceed with the planned expansion

The present Canadian government is assisting in keeping the current production going devoid of previous foreign capital.
The Canadian Got does not subsidize production or exploration/ development

The environmental damage is epic and has caught the world’s attention.
Canadian oil has one of the best records in the world for responsible development

The oil you use in your car comes from the middle east, you hypocrite

Neil Young said the oil patch looked like “ Hiroshima “ for good reason “.
Why anybody quotes celebrities about any matter has always remained a mystery
Neil Young has musical talent and has written some really cool songs

He is not an expert in economic policy and, he does not need to worry about putting food on the table
His opinion is moot.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I suggest you buy land leases, do the geological study, preform the seismic, drill , test and cap, lay 10-100 Km of pipe to connect to midstream and then market it
Far easier to just end the $16 billion in annual federal subsidies to Alberta oil


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
So you want to claim ownership of the evil carbon molecules now do you?
Not willing to buy the Western Canadian oil, but you want to lay claim to it ?

I suggest you buy land leases, do the geological study, preform the seismic, drill , test and cap, lay 10-100 Km of pipe to connect to midstream and then market it

Until then the oil belongs to mother nature or the first company to extract it

Odd how the govt tried this before, it was called Petro Canada and it was a disaster until govt sold it off via a public offering

Not when the Federal government deliberately and intentionally works to shut down a provinces economic engine we are not

That has to be one of the most condescending and ignorant things I have ever read
"we intend on driving you and your family into bankruptcy and then we shall give you food stamps"
That is precisely the arrogant attitude which will drive the odds of Albertan separation higher

Have a lot experience in extortion do you?]
Are you willing to risk the end of confederation on that uniformed opinion?
Not even close
Justin Trudeau sent a clear and loud message
Oil money will be put to sleep here via strangulation by regulatory and environmental red tape

Three pipelines were approved and ready to go when Steven Harper left office.
One was outright vetoed by the moron
The other was killed via environmental regulatory strangulation and the third had to be bought when Justin painted himself into a corner. He will not proceed with the planned expansion

The Canadian Got does not subsidize production or exploration/ development

Canadian oil has one of the best records in the world for responsible development

The oil you use in your car comes from the middle east, you hypocrite

Why anybody quotes celebrities about any matter has always remained a mystery
Neil Young has musical talent and has written some really cool songs

He is not an expert in economic policy and, he does not need to worry about putting food on the table
His opinion is moot.
Again, we are all in this together. All Canadians benefited from the “Petrobuck” being at or above par with the US $ mostly due to taxes collected by Ottawa not too long ago. The demise of the Canadian oil patch is due a significant drop in the price of oil on the markets and geopolitical factors which dwarf any impact that actions from Ottawa could have orchestrated. You conveniently neglect to mention OPEC and I am sure this deliberate, mischievous and disingenuous on your part in your arguments. The drop in the price of West Texas Crude directly correlates to the drop in the Alberta advantage which is moving more towards a disadvantage.
Furthermore to suggest that the present government seeks to deliberately destroy the Alberta economy and Albertan families is pure, pure cackamamie and refutes your claim that Quebec survives on transfer claims from Alberta.

My car runs on oil from Alberta and sweet crude from Texas and not from Middle East oil. I would prefer if no foreign oil would have to be imported into Canada and that the abundant Canadian oil could be used everywhere in our borders but unfortunately this may never happen. The name Trudeau father and son has been historically fuel for rabid hatred in Alberta however more vitriol should be directed at the abysmal management Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund. Alberta got kicked hard for being a one trick pony.

Sweet Home Alberta, I heard old Neil put her down with the truth!
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]Again, we are all in this together.
You cant "all be in this together" if your policy is to screw over one or more of the provinces

Actions mean a whole lot more than slogans from a moron

All Canadians benefited from the “Petrobuck” being at or above par with the US $ mostly due to taxes collected by Ottawa not too long ago.
Mega billions in tax revenue which the moron wants to shut down

The demise of the Canadian oil patch is due a significant drop in the price of oil on the markets and geopolitical factors which dwarf any impact that actions from Ottawa could have orchestrated.
The liberals have systematically worked to cut off investment

You conveniently neglect to mention OPEC and I am sure this deliberate, mischievous and disingenuous on your part in your arguments.
OPEC does determine Canadian regulator or environmental policy
TransCanada reviewed the changes the liberasl put in place and said we can not build a pipeline to meet those ridiculous regulations
They included offsetting the carbon impact downstream of the pipeline operation>>> Physically impossible, absurd, plain and simple stupid and quite intentional

The drop in the price of West Texas Crude directly correlates to the drop in the Alberta advantage which is moving more towards a disadvantage.
You do not have a clue what you are talking about Western Canadian Select has never sold at a premium to West Texas crude

Alberta has weathered price volatility many times before
What it can not withstand is the Trudeau family and even worse Gerald Butts

Furthermore to suggest that the present government seeks to deliberately destroy the Alberta economy and Albertan families is pure, pure cackamamie and refutes your claim that Quebec survives on transfer claims from Alberta.
Again you do not have a loose clue
Gerald butts is on record as stating he wants to see Alberta oilsands shut down
All he need to do was get his moron best friend elected PM

My car runs on oil from Alberta and sweet crude from Texas and not from Middle East oil.
Prove that
The majority coming into eastern Canada is imported

I would prefer if no foreign oil would have to be imported into Canada and that the abundant Canadian oil could be used everywhere in our borders but unfortunately this may never happen.
Because the pipeline regulations are impossible to meet and Quebec

]The name Trudeau father and son has been historically fuel for rabid hatred in Alberta however more vitriol should be directed at the abysmal management Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund.
Re Trusts Fund- so now your an investment management expert too?

Alberta got kicked hard for being a one trick pony.
So now you want to kick them again?
Alberta has weathered price volatility many times before
What it can not withstand is the Trudeau family and even worse Gerald Butts


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
You cant "all be in this together" if your policy is to screw over one or more of the provinces

Actions mean a whole lot more than slogans from a moron

Mega billions in tax revenue which the moron wants to shut down

The liberals have systematically worked to cut off investment

OPEC does determine Canadian regulator or environmental policy
TransCanada reviewed the changes the liberasl put in place and said we can not build a pipeline to meet those ridiculous regulations
They included offsetting the carbon impact downstream of the pipeline operation>>> Physically impossible, absurd, plain and simple stupid and quite intentional

You do not have a clue what you are talking about Western Canadian Select has never sold at a premium to West Texas crude

Alberta has weathered price volatility many times before
What it can not withstand is the Trudeau family and even worse Gerald Butts

Again you do not have a loose clue
Gerald butts is on record as stating he wants to see Alberta oilsands shut down
All he need to do was get his moron best friend elected PM

Prove that
The majority coming into eastern Canada is imported

Because the pipeline regulations are impossible to meet and Quebec

Re Trusts Fund- so now your an investment management expert too?

So now you want to kick them again?
Alberta has weathered price volatility many times before
What it can not withstand is the Trudeau family and even worse Gerald Butts

Better to create a bogeyman, namely the Trudeau PMs to blame for the increasingly unmarketable Alberta bitumen than face the truth. Better to ingrain in ever Alberta school kid that it is Ottawa, under the Trudeau’s that Alberta has been busted than to teach them the truth that Canada oil sand projects are not competitive on the world stage, not with oil prices where they are and the momentum globally to move away from fossil fuels.
Currently only Irving in the Maritimes is importing a declining amount of non USA oil and that is not what is fueling my car in the GTA. My car is fueled mostly by Canadian oil from Alberta with some Texas oil. Since the pandemic, due to falling demand, Canada dramatically reduced oil imports from non USA sources. The Canadian Energy Centre which is the propaganda arm of the Kenney government continues to spew out inaccuracies about the extent to which Canada imports non USA oil as they desperately seek their difficult to sell bitumen. Notice the “ethical oil” theme was a dog that understandably did not hunt. Still it is a disgrace that Canada needs to import oil in the first place and it is in all Canadians interest for the Canadian oil patch to become profitable again with Alberta known for energy production and not for the production of vile and divisive right wing hatred groups like those present in the Ottawa occupation
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