WTF are you going on about now? Just another excuse for Hamas to stay in charge.Now that you've stated that settlers also act as 'terrorists', would you accept all settlers in the Occupied Territories being disarmed as well?
For the Palestinians to accept any peace, either Hamas has to accept Jews living in the Middle East or be disarmed and become a purely peaceful/political movement. Sadly you would rather keep Hamas terrorists armed and active in their genocidal aims. According to the UN, the PA is the legitimate representatives of the Palestinian people so there is no legal justification for Hamas to maintain its own army.
On the other side, Israeli authorities are describing militant settler attacks as terrorism and are going to destroy houses the same way they do for Palestinian terrorists. They have also made it illegal to be a member of Jewish terrorist groups to be illegal. While Israel is eventually trying to act on Jewish terrorism, Hamas still celebrates it and the PA pays salaries to anyone convicted by Israeli courts or terrorism.
p.s. It is pathetic that someone who describes themselves as pro-peace is so against a peace deal that met every condition of the Arab League with the exception of only a small number of refugees being allowed to become Israeli (which is pretty insignificant as very few Palestinians want to become Israeli in a peace deal). the most negative response from that offer should have been Abbas coming back with a counter-offer. Instead he just walked away.
But sure, keep pretending to be in favour of peace while making excuses for designated terrorist entities to remain armed and rejecting exceedingly reasonable peace offers.