People on terb have argued your bullshit claims repeatedly over the last however many years you have been here. You continue to willfully ignore and deflect. Excessive weight more often than not CAN lead to serious health issues, like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc, but so can a million other factors like liver damage, poor diet (weight irrelevant) and as often as not, it can NOT lead to said issues. Plenty of healthy fat people out there.
Your claim are incorrect because they are based on the assumption that all fat people are fat for the same reason. This simply isn't true in any world. Fat people don't all over eat, for example, in fact, many under eat causing their metabolism to go slugglish so they retain all the unhealthy fats/empty calories instead of burning them off like a normal metobolic rated people would. But you know all this. It has been explained over an over an over an over again.
You just really like to try to take weak ass digs at fat people because you are insecure and it makes you feel better about yourself.
Have at it, Karen. We see through you.
If you don't agree, argue on the scientific merits. Your only argument is that I'm being mean and you don't appreciate it.
But I've learned that when it comes to certain topics, it doesn't matter what you say... it'll be construed as mean. There is no "nice" way to tell the truth when few want to acknowledge it [publicly].
And that's why I'm okay with being your Karen.