See You just do not comprehend what was clearly stated. He is the only President that had just one term, and did not have the majority of the popular votes in two elections. Maybe now You comprehend it!!
well, for you the elections were fair, so the popular vote in second election is not for Trump. I don't see it that way, I could clearly see that the elections of 2020 were heavily manipulated, rules were changed,
legislators ignored. Thanks for expanding my comprehension - you are great teacher
Were You not stating that no one was charged with sedition, although there were charges already implemented? They will get their time in Court, so be patient as it does not happen overnight, okay!!
I am patient no worries. I was patient to watch Muller probe for 3 years also and we know where it ended. I'd say any news these days should be taken with huge grain of salt. So, what's coming out
as may be looking as a definite prove of something - may become a big nothing burger in a month or so
They will have their day in court. Do not lose sleep over it okay? These were clearly thugs breaking windows and kicking in the doors of Capitol Hill. Unless You think that the videos are "fake"?
See we do not rush to defend those who broke into stores etc to steal the stuff. If they are apprehended then they deserve what sentences they are given. ANTIFA / BLM have demonstrated against discrimination and he have seen Justice being implemented in cases like the killing of Arbery and George Floyd. They demonstrated for real Justice, and not the "stop the Steal" brainwashing of these violent mob who invaded the Capitol Hill on false premises to prevent the nomination process of the New President. Five people died and there were several injuries as a result of it!!
Did I say anything about fake videos ? The thugs who broke windows and kicked the doors have to be prosecuted - 100% agree. The same way the thugs who were burning cities/businesses, beating people to the pulp
trying to burn cops in their precinct, set up autonomous zones (were multiple people were shot) have to be prosecuted the same way and as harsh as any other thugs - and that I didn't see was done, they got away with
slap on the wrist.
Where was it proven that he blackmailed the Ukrainians into "stopping the investigations" into his son's deals??
Haha funny, JB bragged about it on TV
Enriched himself from taxpayer's expense?? You are hilarious!! -
Thank you. So, after you watch clip above, tell me if you bribe other governments with a taxpayer money
to get some personal favours from them, what would you call it ?
Especially as Trump has not paid any taxes for a quite a few years -
we talked about the taxes in previous thread the latest is that he fiddled the loans he got out of the banks, so that he evaded paying the taxes from false valuations of his properties. He tried to bribe Putin with offering him a free penthouse condo, that in the end did not get built. He scammed the University Students in his Trump so called University -
you keep repeating the same points , and had to settle out of Court, as well as screwing the investors, contractors and employees in his numerous failed businesses. He paid hush money to Stormy Daniels and a Playboy model to bribe them not to disclose their sexual exploits -
by sexual exploits you mean that he had sex outside of marriage ? You remember on what site we are do you ?
so when Trump is unfaithful to his wife he's a Satan himself, but you hanging out on the site where most of the dudes are unfaithful (and probably you) it's just fine ?
he had during their 2016 campaign. This was during the time that Melania gave birth to their son. He was ordered to shut the Trump Foundation when he was using the funds for his own means. He and his Father openly discriminated against the Blacks in their Apartment rentals and had to settle out of court. -
nope, that's not the outcome, no guilt was admitted and no settlement was ordered to be paid (I mentioned in other replies to you) His son travelled to India at taxpayers expense to sell condos on behalf of his Father, and the fee was around $40,000 just to hear his presentation -
didn't find anything on that, didn't we see something like that with JB son ? when he was
was travelling the world on taxpayers expense ( )Like he has any expertise in that field, and more like bribery to get those condos. Trump's daughter Ivanka received those gifted 22 trademarks from Chinese President Xi during their State Dinner -
did it involve defrauding the taxpayers ?
Job growth rates under Biden were the highest it's been for decades. He is trying to help the middle class with triggering the economy and building on infrastructure and healthcare, something the Republicans hate, except when it is all about giving huge tax breaks to the richest and the big Corporations!! -
this one is quite mind blowing. With soaring inflation (thanks Joe for the lockdaowns, mandates and etc), much higher gas prices, skyrocketing of gov. expenses an debt
job growth rates is we are not talking about creating new jobs, these are mostly people who coming back to their jobs after lockdowns and mandates