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One Year After Jan 6th Insurrection - Opinions of Far Right Trump Supporters


Active member
May 23, 2007
Keep on believing Your online alt right conspiracy theories. That is all you have posted, despite the truth being revealed to You. Yet you cannot accept the real facts!!
These days the difference between conspiracy theory and breaking news in all media is about 3-6 months. Remember the Lab Leak conspiracy theory, with people banned,
silenced and ridiculed and then turned to be very possible scenario by many of the same sources. From your list: on Trump discriminating against black renters ? Turned out
to be a part of class action against large number of rental companies as it was back then unwritten rule amongst these companies ....but it was attributed strictly to Trump
as being racist (of course). Tax issues ? (from your list btw) So, using tax credits is not criminal for the rest of us (I do [more precisely my accountant does]) but if done by
Trump's accountant is a huge scandal all of the sudden. May be Trump University is where you are right - the university wasn't a real university but the real-estate school,
some students complained and took him to court where it was settled. Him scamming his own family as you say - found nothing about it.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
"New documents show Trump kept 2 sets of books for his biggest property in Manhattan, pointing to potential financial fraud"
Was he charged and convicted ?

Here is the list of a bunch bogus claims that were attributed to him and turned out complete BS...just one small example

The story with so called Russian Collusion where all these bad players in fact colluded against him tells a lot:
Fake dossier then getting FISA court approval to be allowed to spy on a presidential candidate campaign and then
maintaining that crap for years while Muller with hundreds of lawyers tried to find something and found nothing,
while the press and all the dems were screeching - Collusion! ...quite a show. After that, how can anyone in right
minds take state/MSM media seriously ?
Thanks for the link to the always fair opinions and views from The Federalist...


Active member
May 23, 2007
It must be comforting not having to deal with realty. You are just proving that brainwashing works. By the way how many members of this administration have been indicted or forced to leave? And please keep in mind what I said about objective facts.
I am looking at your points and agree absolutely - brainwashing does work big time. Here is couple for you on the members of administration
that couldn't stand this crap and had to resign:



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
btw, he's no the first president with one term.
See You just do not comprehend what was clearly stated. He is the only President that had just one term, and did not have the majority of the popular votes in two elections. Maybe now You comprehend it!!

Yes, were charges on sedition...came out this week, so ? was anyone convicted yet ?
Were You not stating that no one was charged with sedition, although there were charges already implemented? They will get their time in Court, so be patient as it does not happen overnight, okay!!

innocent until proven guilty. How quickly you jump to judge others literacy ? Are those thugs from antifa and BLM were literate and educated ?
They will have their day in court. Do not lose sleep over it okay? These were clearly thugs breaking windows and kicking in the doors of Capitol Hill. Unless You think that the videos are "fake"?
See we do not rush to defend those who broke into stores etc to steal the stuff. If they are apprehended then they deserve what sentences they are given. ANTIFA / BLM have demonstrated against discrimination and he have seen Justice being implemented in cases like the killing of Arbery and George Floyd. They demonstrated for real Justice, and not the "stop the Steal" brainwashing of these violent mob who invaded the Capitol Hill on false premises to prevent the nomination process of the New President. Five people died and there were several injuries as a result of it!!

And how he was corrupt ? Did he brag about blackmailing Ukrainians with withholding billions if they don't stop investigations into his son deals ?
or may be he enriched himself from the taxpayers expense ? ah, I remember he even donated his presidents salary in full to charities ...does JB
do the same ? Trump with all his faults much better man than this life time lying parasite who sucked taxpayers blood for decades....and what he's
doing now ? exactly nothing...just some incoherent mumbling about how his presidency is a gift for everyone...right
Where was it proven that he blackmailed the Ukrainians into "stopping the investigations" into his son's deals?? Enriched himself from taxpayer's expense?? You are hilarious!! Especially as Trump has not paid any taxes for a quite a few years, the latest is that he fiddled the loans he got out of the banks, so that he evaded paying the taxes from false valuations of his properties. He tried to bribe Putin with offering him a free penthouse condo, that in the end did not get built. He scammed the University Students in his Trump so called University, and had to settle out of Court, as well as screwing the investors, contractors and employees in his numerous failed businesses. He paid hush money to Stormy Daniels and a Playboy model to bribe them not to disclose their sexual exploits during their 2016 campaign. This was during the time that Melania gave birth to their son. He was ordered to shut the Trump Foundation when he was using the funds for his own means. He and his Father openly discriminated against the Blacks in their Apartment rentals and had to settle out of court. His son travelled to India at taxpayers expense to sell condos on behalf of his Father, and the fee was around $40,000 just to hear his presentation. Like he has any expertise in that field, and more like bribery to get those condos. Trump's daughter Ivanka received those gifted 22 trademarks from Chinese President Xi during their State Dinner.

Job growth rates under Biden were the highest it's been for decades. He is trying to help the middle class with triggering the economy and building on infrastructure and healthcare, something the Republicans hate, except when it is all about giving huge tax breaks to the richest and the big Corporations!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
These days the difference between conspiracy theory and breaking news in all media is about 3-6 months. Remember the Lab Leak conspiracy theory, with people banned,
silenced and ridiculed and then turned to be very possible scenario by many of the same sources.
This is not just about Lab Leaks that are getting individuals banned. There are several other misinformation from some alt right ones that are designed to brainwash people into believing that these Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous, and that is why this virus keeps on mutating. But there is a lot of damaging misinformation by other extremists and I am not surprised that they had the insurrection at Capitol Hill on January 6th!!

From your list: on Trump discriminating against black renters ? Turned out
to be a part of class action against large number of rental companies as it was back then unwritten rule amongst these companies ....but it was attributed strictly to Trump
as being racist (of course).
Are You trying to say that in the sixties and seventies it was okay to discriminate against Blacks with respect to Apartment Rentals? Seriously?? So, if it is considered to be discrimination, then why does it not apply to Trump??

Tax issues ? (from your list btw) So, using tax credits is not criminal for the rest of us (I do [more precisely my accountant does]) but if done by
Trump's accountant is a huge scandal all of the sudden. May be Trump University is where you are right - the university wasn't a real university but the real-estate school,
some students complained and took him to court where it was settled. Him scamming his own family as you say - found nothing about it.
Again, why is Trump the first President in 40 years not disclosing his tax returns? He lost his case to submit it to the House Committee and keeps on fighting to keep it a secret. Remember that in 2016 campaign he stated that he will disclose it after the elections and if he wins the elections. Since then his excuse has always been that "it is under investigation by the NRA". That should give You a clue as to what he is hiding. Trump's own niece stated that Donald Trump embezzled her in the family settlement. Well this case is currently in court:

Lawyers for Trump and niece Mary Trump spar over lawsuit alleging she was defrauded in family settlement



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
You should go back home where you belong canada doesn't want people like you here
LOL. I have lost count of how many times I have been told that here.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
I am looking at your points and agree absolutely - brainwashing does work big time. Here is couple for you on the members of administration
that couldn't stand this crap and had to resign:

LOL. So in other words no one has been indicted or forced to leave. Why not just respond to my posts rather than diverting.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
You should go back home where you belong canada doesn't want people like you here
What we should be doing is putting ultra right on ignore and don't engage in discussions with them.

If we ever want to know what they “think” we can always go and directly check breitbart or the daily stormer. No need to listen to their regurgitation.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
And JB winning is a progress ?
Not as much as many people would like, but it is very hard to get everything you want in a system, so you just try to move forward (or at the very least stop the backward movement).


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You wouldn't want anyone with any experience in running a government to run a government, would you?
Defending whitehill_21 here. He didn't say he wanted someone with no experience in running government, he said he didn't want someone with no experience in business.
That's not the same thing at all.
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Active member
May 23, 2007
This is not just about Lab Leaks that are getting individuals banned. There are several other misinformation from some alt right ones that are designed to brainwash people into believing that these Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous, and that is why this virus keeps on mutating. But there is a lot of damaging misinformation by other extremists and I am not surprised that they had the insurrection at Capitol Hill on January 6th!!

This type of vaccines (mRNA) has much higher security profile than the regular vaccines. There are multiple databases that have the injuries documented and the count goes
on the thousands and thousands (I personally encountered in my family and number of people I know) An average time of any new medication before being released to public use
is about 7+ years, with mRNA treatment they did it in less than a year - so please exercise some common sense before you call this stuff a safe product. You can find on-line

number of virologists and epidemiologists who discus this topic and there are a lot of doctors who voice a great concern about this products rushed into the market without
the long term studies (I am not even talking about forcing little kids to be jabbed)

Are You trying to say that in the sixties and seventies it was okay to discriminate against Blacks with respect to Apartment Rentals? Seriously?? So, if it is considered to be discrimination, then why does it not apply to Trump??

I am not saying it was good, I am just saying that the rental businesses (and could be others) back then were much more strict and racially sensitive (or rather insensitive) But
it presented as
if it was a case against Trump personally and is the prove that he's racist.

Again, why is Trump the first President in 40 years not disclosing his tax returns? He lost his case to submit it to the House Committee and keeps on fighting to keep it a secret. Remember that in 2016 campaign he stated that he will disclose it after the elections and if he wins the elections. Since then his excuse has always been that "it is under investigation by the NRA". That should give You a clue as to what he is hiding. Trump's own niece stated that Donald Trump embezzled her in the family settlement. Well this case is currently in court:

How does it even make sense ? Everyone's taxes are an open book for the Revenue Agencies and if you don't pay your taxes as you should
or under pay or even overpay the Revenue will audit you. And especially if it is a large businesses which are audited pretty much all the time.
If any wrong doing is in place they will not let you go just like that. So, all the screeching from the Left "he didn't show us his taxes" is just
that - pathetic screeching find an "aha moment" like "you see he didn't pay much" or "he tried to minimize tax payments" ..and who doesn't ?
do you ask your accountant to make sure you pay maximum possible tax ? I don't think so.

Lawyers for Trump and niece Mary Trump spar over lawsuit alleging she was defrauded in family settlement

Should we care about inside family battles or issues in the Trump family ? To what degree ? Does anyone care about JB inside crap like he's son addictions, his brother and so on ?
The difference is that the Trumps issues were taken out and put on public as definite prove of he's evil doings, but the JB's crap was suppressed and silenced (if you remember that

laptop, or JB business partners interviews, or Ukrainian debacle , or direct wire transfers from Russian mayors to JB family)


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
So, all the screeching from the Left "he didn't show us his taxes" is just that - pathetic screeching find an "aha moment" like "you see he didn't pay much" or "he tried to minimize tax payments" ..and who doesn't ?
You have no idea how the custom of presidential candidates showing their taxes started and why it was maintained, do you?


Active member
May 23, 2007
Defending whitehill_21 here. He didn't say he wanted someone with no experience in running government, he said he didn't want someone with no experience in business.
That's not the same thing at all.
I like how Elon Mask puts it - that the Government is the largest corporation with exclusive license for violence. So, obviously if we have to put someone in charge
to run this corporation it cannot be a dude who's experience was a substitute teacher in primary school or a life time politician with zero achievements record


Active member
May 23, 2007
You have no idea how the custom of presidential candidates showing their taxes started and why it was maintained, do you?
I know about this custom. It is not an obligation or a written law though. For me personally it is quite infuriating, sort of like
an attempt to find a skid marks in your underwear.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Should we care about inside family battles or issues in the Trump family ? To what degree ? Does anyone care about JB inside crap like he's son addictions, his brother and so on ?
The difference is that the Trumps issues were taken out and put on public as definite prove of he's evil doings, but the JB's crap was suppressed and silenced (if you remember that

laptop, or JB business partners interviews, or Ukrainian debacle , or direct wire transfers from Russian mayors to JB family)
Guess it wasn't so suppressed and silenced if everyone knows about it lol. I love how your bent right folk contradict yourselves in a statement yet still claim to be right. Your are afraid to step up to your racist grandpa so you just go along with what he says


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Should we care about inside family battles or issues in the Trump family ? To what degree ? Does anyone care about JB inside crap like he's son addictions, his brother and so on ?
The difference is that the Trumps issues were taken out and put on public as definite prove of he's evil doings, but the JB's crap was suppressed and silenced (if you remember that

laptop, or JB business partners interviews, or Ukrainian debacle , or direct wire transfers from Russian mayors to JB family)
There's been a lot and even continue to be, threads about Hunter Biden.
But Biden hasn't been sued by a family member, had sexual assault accusations laid by a family member nor put his children directly in nepotistic positions of power.
Where is your moral bar?


Active member
May 23, 2007
LOL. So in other words no one has been indicted or forced to leave. Why not just respond to my posts rather than diverting.
If people resign in masses from a well paid and respectful (presumably) jobs, it tells something about the place, no ?
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