The truth about disability and sex workers


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
I have seen many posts about sex workers say they see clients with disabilities. Sex workers might not know this, people with a disability live in poverty with receiving 1169 a month on social assistance. Only some people with a disability can afford an escort.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I have seen many posts about sex workers say they see clients with disabilities. Sex workers might not know this, people with a disability live in poverty with receiving 1169 a month on social assistance. Only some people with a disability can afford an escort.
A lot of guys live on limited income and would like the services of high class escorts. I don't think it's fair to expect the escorts to lower prices because you can't afford their price. If you follow that line of reason, the expectation is that escorts should be giving free BJ 's to every panhandler they meet.

I think a more productive thought would be approaching the government to make these essential mental health encounter therapies a tax deductible activity..


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
And yet, if disability paid enough that these guys could afford the occasional sex worker.. certain types would lose their shit for them "wasting tax payer money".. maybe that is the real issue? We don't let these people have any quality of life that we would expect in their shoes.

I have seen many posts about sex workers say they see clients with disabilities. Sex workers might not know this, people with a disability live in poverty with receiving 1169 a month on social assistance. Only some people with a disability can afford an escort.
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Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
Im trying to understand the point of this thread. Are you expecting SPs to give out freebees to the handicapped? Disability or no disability if you cant afford to pay you cant play.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
A lot of guys live on limited income and would like the services of high class escorts. I don't think it's fair to expect the escorts to lower prices because you can't afford their price. If you follow that line of reason, the expectation is that escorts should be giving free BJ 's to every panhandler they meet.

I think a more productive thought would be approaching the government to make these essential mental health encounter therapies a tax deductible activity..
Same complaint, better heath plan! Think I saw that on one of the joke threads...


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Im trying to understand the point of this thread. Are you expecting SPs to give out freebees to the handicapped Disability or no disability if you cant afford to pay you cant play.
We do expect Drs to work for set fees, regardless of the patient's ability to pay.

Perhaps OHIP could stand for Ontario Hooker's Insurance Plan in the future?
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Councils across Denmark have been left with no choice but to follow suit. In Aarhus, the second-largest city, disabled residents have been told that they may visit a brothel or call a male or female prostitute to their home once a month and pass the bill - which can be up to £300 - on to the state.

Same in Netherlands.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Councils across Denmark have been left with no choice but to follow suit. In Aarhus, the second-largest city, disabled residents have been told that they may visit a brothel or call a male or female prostitute to their home once a month and pass the bill - which can be up to £300 - on to the state.

Same in Netherlands.
Aarhus ,is a very very very fine house. With two cats in the yard. Life used to be so hard. Now everything is easy cause of you.
renamed Arshouse.
so how does that reconcile with the Scandinavian model?


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
A lot of guys live on limited income and would like the services of high class escorts. I don't think it's fair to expect the escorts to lower prices because you can't afford their price. If you follow that line of reason, the expectation is that escorts should be giving free BJ 's to every panhandler they meet.

I think a more productive thought would be approaching the government to make these essential mental health encounter therapies a tax deductible activity..

There is a difference between a guy on limited income, and a guy with a disability. Why would you conflate the 2?

No one ever suggested an SP give every pan handler a free BJ. (Straw man)

Which gov’? Conservatives want to criminalize sex work. Never mind paying for, or giving tax credits for sexual services for special needs.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Aarhus ,is a very very very fine house. With two cats in the yard. Life used to be so hard. Now everything is easy cause of you.
Aarhus has been called the happiest city in Europe, an educational and cultural hothouse. If I was a young man, I'd be franking non-stop living there.



Nov 25, 2005
I’m late to this thread and, wish I’d seen it sooner. I am physically disabled and despite efforts and hopes to avoid such, I live on Ontario disability. I keep hearing this notion that…it’s always $1,500 a month. I can say…mine is considerably less than that and I’m a full time wheelchair user. Anyway…firstly I think it important to say…not ALL disabled people are on support. There ARE greater opportunities now to gain the kind of employment and income needed to cover all the added costs and concerns that come with and from, life with a disability. This is not to say it’s a straight path. A lot has to go exactly right, and you need to find a willing and open minded employer who sees the potential and not, risk or added costs etc. This is improving too but more could be done. I’m not that old, and things didn’t align as needed when I was in school so, yes I went on support. I always thought it would be temporary. The longer you’re on it though, the more aspects of your life it involves. It’s never been about the cash in hand…that’s shit. It’s much more that while on support, your rent is lower, your chair repairs are covered, and most equipment you need is funded. This can be thousands a year. I’ve always believed there should be levels to it. If you land a great job that will give you a salary that covers everything…you’re on your own. If you find work that you can live on but you need help with disability related costs, that should be funded. However, it’s largely on the system or, off.

As for the topic of sex work and using such services in a fixed income, it’s complex. I have Cerebral Palsy and while I’ve enjoyed a rich social life and a great degree of acceptance and integration, sexual intimacy has been much harder to find. I’m a good looking, intelligent, capable man. Yet I’ve encountered and still encounter fear and misconceptions around my sexual ability. Most often, I am written off intimately. P

when I started using services, I was 26. It wasn’t a hobby nor was a particularly delighted to go that route. I felt, and still feel sometimes, that it’s like saying….this is my only option. I so badly wanted a different reality. I’m 48 now, and if I’m honest….these sessions ARE my only option. I have no non platonic or sexual life beyond them.

I’m not so slowly being priced out of the industry. Even now, it takes saving and planning to even approach being able to book. Now, before anyone says it, I realize I’m not alone in that. We all make choices and sacrifices.

I’m no angel. Sometimes I just want a hot time with a beautiful woman. Most times though, it’s about much more than the obvious. Even just contact and that closeness is nice.

In my time, I’ve met and been with some extraordinary women. People who understand me, my situation, and my motivations beyond simple gratification. Some used a sliding rate scale, others sometimes offered a specific arrangement. That’s become more rare now and even when it did come…it was usually born over a bond built rather than an expectation or request.

I’ve tried simply going without. Sometimes life dictates that regardless. However I know…that even if it’s less often, an hour with the right person not only helps me, but adds to my quality of life. . I say to anyone who NEEDS these services for more complex reasons, know that this is a business first. However I’ve found If you build relationships and never ASK for special consideration, but are open and kind…you never know what can unfold. It’s rare, not impossible.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
And yet, if disability paid enough that these guys could afford the occasional sex worker.. certain types would lose their shit for them "wasting tax payer money".. maybe that is the real issue? We don't let these people have any quality of life that we would expect in their shoes.
Depends. I'd fully support a monthly stipend of a certain amount going towards services such as massage or more intimate encounters. However, we'd have to be a lot more stringent with who receives disability benefits for me to agree to that. I've seen far too much exploitation of the system. 12 years ago, both my neighbors were, in my estimation, exploiting government assistance.

The one family was on welfare. Despite both parents being able to work, neither of them chose to seek employment. They spent much of those funds on booze and weed. Their three kids went lacking. Not quite to the point of neglect, but certainly to the point that all three got the Hell out of there as soon as they could. They also lived in subsidized housing.

The other neighbor was in a workplace accident that was a result of his own stupidity. While framing, he left a wall standing upright without any supports whatsoever. While messing around on the floor, the wall fell on his hand, damaging his wrist. He took a medical leave, and then went on permanent disability. He moved next to me 11 years after his accident. The guy built his own deck, enclosed chicken coop, and fence around his yard. He regularly went fishing and enjoyed other leisure activities of the sort. Yet, he never sought a job and continued to collect disability. At one point, he bragged about it at a poker game after he had gotten drunk. Claimed it was incredibly easy to get a doctor's backing to his claim that his wrist was incredibly painful still. He thought we were buddy buddy, but he disgusted me. I was neighbors with him for only a few years before I moved away. As far as I know, he's still suckling at the taxpayer teat.


Jul 3, 2020
Depends. I'd fully support a monthly stipend of a certain amount going towards services such as massage or more intimate encounters. However, we'd have to be a lot more stringent with who receives disability benefits for me to agree to that. I've seen far too much exploitation of the system. 12 years ago, both my neighbors were, in my estimation, exploiting government assistance.

The one family was on welfare. Despite both parents being able to work, neither of them chose to seek employment. They spent much of those funds on booze and weed. Their three kids went lacking. Not quite to the point of neglect, but certainly to the point that all three got the Hell out of there as soon as they could. They also lived in subsidized housing.

The other neighbor was in a workplace accident that was a result of his own stupidity. While framing, he left a wall standing upright without any supports whatsoever. While messing around on the floor, the wall fell on his hand, damaging his wrist. He took a medical leave, and then went on permanent disability. He moved next to me 11 years after his accident. The guy built his own deck, enclosed chicken coop, and fence around his yard. He regularly went fishing and enjoyed other leisure activities of the sort. Yet, he never sought a job and continued to collect disability. At one point, he bragged about it at a poker game after he had gotten drunk. Claimed it was incredibly easy to get a doctor's backing to his claim that his wrist was incredibly painful still. He thought we were buddy buddy, but he disgusted me. I was neighbors with him for only a few years before I moved away. As far as I know, he's still suckling at the taxpayer teat.
Years ago, I worked for a company that did administration/ record keeping for a number of pension and health and welfare plans for some large trade unions.

One time, the administrator of one of the health and welfare plans showed me a letter she had received from one of the plan Trustees, who was a senior executive at one of the participating employers. He had included a clipping from a local newspaper, showing that one of his employees, (who was receiving Workman's Comp for an on-the-job injury), had been named MVP in a softball tournament.
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