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Have You Had Your Booster? Did You Have a Reaction?

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Just wondering what vaccines you got and if you had a reaction to you first, second and booster shots.

I'll go first.

Shot #1. Pfizer - No Reaction whatsoever.

Shot #2. Pfizer - Other than being a little tired when I woke up the next day, no reaction.

Booster #1. - Scheduled for next week.
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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2020
I remember seeing this study referenced a bunch last time that basically said that people who are anticipating side effects are much more likely to experience them.

Good luck not thinking about them, but I’ve only heard ‘I felt better than last time,’ ‘not bad, not nothing,’ and anyone I know that didn’t really feel it on either of the last two, didn’t really notice anything again this time.

Friends and family my age/health all pounded fluids and took a couple Tylenols if needed and it didn’t change our days after the second dose (most were double Pfizer, some were Pfizer Moderna).


Jun 23, 2017
Trying to stay in a Happy Place
I had AZ for my first two shots - no side effects either time (other than the typical slight soreness where the needle went in)

Last week had Pfizer as my booster. Felt a little more muscle ache but nothing major - the muscle ache also be explained by the fact I am back to playing hockey 3 to 4 times a week.
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Another shit show, Hunger Games mad scrambling start for the booster.

A 20 year age grouping at the sound of the starter's gun on Monday at 8am without the necessary physical/human infrastructure in place ala spring/summer 2021 ensured this mad. mad battle royale for boosters.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2020
Another shit show, Hunger Games mad scrambling start for the booster.

A 20 year age grouping at the sound of the starter's gun on Monday at 8am without the necessary physical/human infrastructure in place ala spring/summer 2021 ensured this mad. mad battle royale for boosters.
I’m sure the backlog will clear before they open it up for 18-49 yrs. 🙄

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Should it not concern you that when you originally took your 1st and 2nd doses, not one medical official was saying that you would need at least a booster shot in 6 months? You have no problem with moving goalposts/fly by the seat of your pants healthcare policy? Helping to lead western civilization down the path to an Eastern style communist social credit system. What a shame.


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
Three Pfizers. Only a mild sore arm at the injection site for about 24 hours each time.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
A sore arm from the needle is not a side effect of the vaccine.

First 2 shits were AZ- no reaction
Booster was Pfizer-no reaction
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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
I had a sore arm my first two shots and felt absolutely nothing for the third one. My wife had a sore arm for the third, much like the first two.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Should it not concern you that when you originally took your 1st and 2nd doses, not one medical official was saying that you would need at least a booster shot in 6 months? You have no problem with moving goalposts/fly by the seat of your pants healthcare policy? Helping to lead western civilization down the path to an Eastern style communist social credit system. What a shame.
Not at all. The science is evolving and as such, so do the recommendations and protocols.

This is a new virus with new strains. We have no history that deals directly with the covid virus.

Concerns=excuses for needle phobics and people who have politicized what should be a non-political issue. I'll put you in the latter category.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Should it not concern you that when you originally took your 1st and 2nd doses, not one medical official was saying that you would need at least a booster shot in 6 months? You have no problem with moving goalposts/fly by the seat of your pants healthcare policy? Helping to lead western civilization down the path to an Eastern style communist social credit system. What a shame.
No problem at all. And I recall boosters being discussed when I got my second shot.

That was an easy one. Next questions.


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Got my booster on Monday. Pfizer (all 3 have been Pfizer.) Just the usual sore arm and a bit tired the rest of the day into Tuesday. Nothing more.

That's merely conspiracy-minded scare mongering.

There's been ongoing talk about the need for boosters from the time the vaccine was first developed and the probability is that this will likely settle in eventually as an annual shot like the flu shot once more is known about the virus and how it operates and how best to counteract it.

When you're dealing with a brand new virus you're going to have "seat of your pants healthcare policy" because that's how science works. As we learn more, we adjust; we adapt. Anyone who knows anything about science understands that science is not static.
Yesh, but that doesn't play as well on Freak Show Row of the Stranger Than Fiction Wandering Circus and Carney Side Show .

"Hurrey, hurrey, hurrey .... step right up and see the amazing 3 headed, penis armed bearded vaccine freak woman"
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Should it not concern you that when you originally took your 1st and 2nd doses, not one medical official was saying that you would need at least a booster shot in 6 months? You have no problem with moving goalposts/fly by the seat of your pants healthcare policy? Helping to lead western civilization down the path to an Eastern style communist social credit system. What a shame.
Everything you said just screams of "I get all my pandemic and scientific information from what my anti-vaxxer friends continually repost on YouTube and Facebook." Standard anti-vaxxer talking points, not based on any science.

Many vaccines, including many you've had as a child have required boosters. This one is no different.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Should it not concern you that when you originally took your 1st and 2nd doses, not one medical official was saying that you would need at least a booster shot in 6 months? You have no problem with moving goalposts/fly by the seat of your pants healthcare policy? Helping to lead western civilization down the path to an Eastern style communist social credit system. What a shame.
Everyone talked about boosters constantly.
If you were actually talking to health care practitioners, they had constant worry that pitching it as a very short-spaced two-dose series might be a mistake. Most vaccines are multi-shot series and you space them out to maximize effect. The early protective data was so strong though, that they thought maybe it wouldn't be necessary. But everyone was worried about it. Now it is turning into a more typical multi-shot series.

Given how fast this was done on the fly in the middle of a health emergency, the fact it has been as successful as it has been is impressive.
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