Jussie Smollett’s Lawyer Asks Attacker About Bathhouse Masturbation
Smollett’s Defense Team Accuses Seething Judge of ‘Snarling,’ ‘Lunging’ at Them
I am impressed. The defence team has taken an embarrassing, hopeless train wreck of a case and made it into an even more embarrassing, even more hopeless train wreck of a case.
Smollett’s Defense Team Accuses Seething Judge of ‘Snarling,’ ‘Lunging’ at Them

Smollett’s Defense Team Accuses Seething Judge of ‘Snarling,’ ‘Lunging’ at Them
A heated argument erupted at the bench during a sidebar after a defense attorney requested a mistrial, a motion the steamed judge denied.
I am impressed. The defence team has taken an embarrassing, hopeless train wreck of a case and made it into an even more embarrassing, even more hopeless train wreck of a case.