Fox isn’t biased at all


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
three dirt balls found guilty for murdering a black man and fox reports 24 stories ahead of it including a dc school board chancellor talking about thanksgiving. Fox only posts the most important news. Not slanted at all lol


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
three dirt balls found guilty for murdering a black man and fox reports 24 stories ahead of it including a dc school board chancellor talking about thanksgiving. Fox only posts the most important news. Not slanted at all lol
KR isn't biased (as in racist) either - he said so himself:rolleyes:👌...
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
three dirt balls found guilty for murdering a black man and fox reports 24 stories ahead of it including a dc school board chancellor talking about thanksgiving. Fox only posts the most important news. Not slanted at all lol
Should they have hosted multiple guests claiming that the verdict was a result of the jury pandering to racists, like CNN and MSNBC did after the Rittenhouse ruling? Would that have satisfied you?
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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Should they have hosted multiple guests claiming that the verdict was a result of the jury pandering to racists, like CNN and MSNBC did after the Rittenhouse ruling? Would that have satisfied you?
Actually CNN did not do that if you actually watched the day of the verdict. Which I suspect you didnt and just read some alt right bullshit that claimed such.

They have mock the idea that he has been made a hero by the right.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Actually CNN did not do that if you actually watched the day of the verdict. Which I suspect you didnt and just read some alt right bullshit that claimed such.

They have mock the idea that he has been made a hero by the right.
Here's CNN hosting a guest on the day of the acquittal who attributed the verdict to a racist justice system:

Makes me wonder if you actually watch CNN. Of course, it's getting harder to find these clips, as CNN is currently scrubbing the internet in preparation for Rittenhouse's suit against them.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Here's CNN hosting a guest on the day of the acquittal who attributed the verdict to a racist justice system:

Makes me wonder if you actually watch CNN. Of course, it's getting harder to find these clips, as CNN is currently scrubbing the internet in preparation for Rittenhouse's suit against them.
It's appalling the way that the leftists regard CNN as the gold standard in journalism....
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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Here's CNN hosting a guest on the day of the acquittal who attributed the verdict to a racist justice system:

Makes me wonder if you actually watch CNN. Of course, it's getting harder to find these clips, as CNN is currently scrubbing the internet in preparation for Rittenhouse's suit against them.
Yes I watched for a good portion of the day.. however not all the day. if you would have watched the majority of the coverage like I did you would have seen that it was not fully tilted like you claim.

Of course you went and found the a video where they talked to one guy who was not happy about it .. being whatecer right wing sight you found the clip from played it up as if this what they were talking about all day.

From watching the trial and listening to their legal analysts during the trial they were able to lead to my opinion that while I dislike the gun laws, they were not on trial, and he was clearly not guilty . As I posted a few times in the KR thread I did not think he was guilty and there was really nobody at CNN thst was disputing it.

Was CNN twisting the info before the trial. Quite possibly as does most cable news networks in the states. Whatever side you listen to you have to be aware that cable news have a bias in how they present info even if it’s not fully false.
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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
It's appalling the way that the leftists regard CNN as the gold standard in journalism....
Dont claim it as gold standard. Never did. Cable news on any side is not the gold standard as they all have narratives.. typically use real information but twist in the way they present it. At least Fox and CNN. Things like newsmax don’t even bother with real info.

But CNN offered me a channel to watch the trial — not sure what other channels that I had access to in Canada did that. And I could tell you that as soon as I saw KR speak I knew that under the laws he would not be found guilty and none of their analysts were challenging my view as they agreed as well (reluctantly) .

Was CNNs behaviour prior to the trial unbiased. It strongly appears not and that can certainly be called out. But all i was challenging Dutchie on was their overall reaction to the trial as it played out on the airwaves. They were supporting my views and not really challenging them in their analysis, even if I can sense a reluctance on all parties (and that includes me) to give way and accept it.

It was nothing like Dutchie claimed even if there was isolated people who disagreed with the decision that day on CNN.

My above views and reasons I watched CNN during the trial were totally reasonable. Why would my choice to actually watch the trial be appalling?

The best source for news at time is simply reading the tweets of government officials. It’s not fake news — right from their mouth — and I can assess their principles and bullshit myself


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
It's appalling the way that the leftists regard CNN as the gold standard in journalism....
But take the side of Dutchie. Be my guest.

Dutchie being one of the few who somehow “followed” the Arbery trial and found them believable and not guilty. Dutchie, the Lin Wood , and Mike Lindell, of terb who still thinks the election was a vast conspiracy

Believe that guy or believe the guy who actually watched the trials and had fair assessments on it.

I don’t believe in things like police defunding — I believe in reform. And I have stated that here, but some keep claiming in response to my posts that I support defunding and that I lie about what I watch.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
But take the side of Dutchie. Be my guest.

Dutchie being one of the few who somehow “followed” the Arbery trial and found them believable and not guilty. Dutchie, the Lin Wood , and Mike Lindell, of terb who still thinks the election was a vast conspiracy

Believe that guy or believe the guy who actually watched the trials and had fair assessments on it.

I don’t believe in things like police defunding — I believe in reform. And I have stated that here, but keep claiming in response to my posts that I support defunding and that I lie about what I watch.
Clearly, if Fox New Network had any credibility at all then they would have invited Arbery's Parents to be interviewed. All they did was to promote a person like Rittenhouse who killed two American Citizens as a "hero". Tucker Carlson went on and on for two days about the brave Rittenhouse and how he was "mistreated" by the MSM. Yet they were the ones that were defending the McMichaels and Bryan in the killing of Arbery. But for these right wingers to call CNN "racist" is total BS. The real racism we saw was The McMichaels Defence Attorney portraying Arbery as a ragged jogger who had "dirty toenails". The expression from Arbery's Mother was very sad indeed to hear her dead son being slammed by that disgusting Defence Attorney. She left the Court in tears. Tucker Carlson is a racist in many of the things he said in the past. But the usual right winger individuals will not accept that fact. Fox will not even discuss this very sad Arbery case in a less biased manner!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
It's appalling the way that the leftists regard CNN as the gold standard in journalism....
If You think that this La Marr individual did not have any substance in what he said during the Wolf Blitzer interview then look at this particular case of 62 Year Old Kevin Strickland a Black Man who was wrongly convicted 43 Years ago, and just released from Prison after they finally exonerated him. Yet under the Missouri Law he will not even be able to sue the State for the wrongful conviction. This was the type of Justice that occurred in the USA, and even though there was enough of evidence over the years to exonerate him, there were always coverups in that respect. This wrongful conviction would never have occurred if he was not a Black person. Even if it initially did, then definitely the case would have gone back to court for true justice to occur!!

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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
It's appalling the way that the leftists regard CNN as the gold standard in journalism....
I know of no leftists who regard CNN as the gold standard in journalism.
I don't even know any journalists who regard it as the gold standard in journalism.
It's a sub-replacement mediocrity.
It had some strong years when it was launched and CNN international was actually good for quite some time but never shown in the US.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Anyone who watches any news media nowadays and believes anything is just foolish
“In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true."
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K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Fox News is by far a more reliable source of news than any other outlet in the United States. That includes the major networks.
I don't know what the OP is talking about. Fox had live coverage of the Arbery verdict on their network.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
Fox News is by far a more reliable source of news than any other outlet in the United States. That includes the major networks.
I don't know what the OP is talking about. Fox had live coverage of the Arbery verdict on their network.
Hey thanks for that...I needed a laugh...
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K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Fox News is by far a more reliable source of news than any other outlet in the United States. That includes the major networks.
I don't know what the OP is talking about. Fox had live coverage of the Arbery verdict on their network.
Wow reading comprehension is so difficult for trumpists. If you actually read what I said they did post it...25th from.the top down with thr Dr ho and Tampax ads. Fox is reliable to post slander propaganda and have sensational headlines that have little to do with the story and are sometimes contradictory to the actual article. Fox is shameless clickbait and a GOP propaganda rag. The same people that believe it is a reputable news source are anti vaxers religious nuts, Trump believers bigots misogynist, gun lovers and other forms of uneducated conspiracy believers. Same people believed thst the WWF was real back in the day, or thst obama isn't American, or that Trump won the election
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Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
Laugh all you want, its the truth. BY FAR more honest than any other news network.
Sure...I think when Jesse Watters, Tucker, etc, make one their nonsense monologues they go off screen and laugh about the stupid people their were able to convince of it.

When FOX does one of their "election was stolen" bits they lose all credibility on reliability...although, they stopped doing it when the lawsuits came in and they had to back up their dialogue, and couldn't.
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