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NOT GUILTY on all charges, Kyle Rittenhouse

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
LE would stop "killing them" if they stop breaking the law, stop assauting unarmed women, stop having a warrant for their arrest, stop resisting arrest and stop pulling knives/guns on cops. (These are all things that Jacob Blake did prior to getting shot)
Let's remember that the police responded to a 911 call from Blake's former (black) GF. Then Blake attacked the officer(s) with a knife. The liberal biased press is spinning this as a police shooting a young black male for no valid reason(s).

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
It's all about optics. The gun "looked cool" . Guns are like children to Americans. Sacred and hallowed. How would it have worked out for him and the legal outcome if, same scenario but he was walking down main street with an axe? Do you think anyone might have seen that as provocation?
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Jan 31, 2014


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
There actually ARE photos which suggest that he really IS a racist. There were a set of shots taken when his mom took him out drinking with the Proud Boys and they made white power signs together and he wore a "Free as Fuck" t-shirt. The DA moved to revoke bail and the photos were widely shown on media.

Now let's add it up. What ordinary, community-minded young citizen hangs out with the Proud Boys??..... No one I know. It suggests that he has been indoctrinated with their views and he wants to emulate them. And he was willing to risk having his bail pulled when he was invited to go hang with them.

And the White Power Hand?........

(Yeah, I know the current Fox News spin is to claim it's 'All a Big Hoax', but c'mon! that Hand is fucking everywhere you see Militia / Proud Boy / Neo Nazi assholes).

If he brings this big, bad lawsuit that all the righties are demanding is going to make him a $ million, the defendants are going to force him to disclose his browsing history and his phones and emails and he is going to be
so what a free as fuck t-shirt who cares what does that prove?

he was/is famous and people wanted to pose with him big deal

please provide detailed evidence such as YOU would present at trial proving HIS browsing history phone and email records are what YOU claim they are...your speculating

the hand signal existed LONG LONG before the proud boys

what's next someone will find a picture of hitler or himmler giving the thumbs up and that's now a racist hand signal?


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
It's all about optics. The gun "looked cool" . Guns are like children to Americans. Sacred and hallowed. How would it have worked out for him and the legal outcome if, same scenario but he was walking down main street with an axe? Do you think anyone might have seen that as provocation?
you would likely need a CCW permit to carry an axe which means you were vetted by the state police

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
Because guns are needed to self-defence, e.g., against a rape r any other violent crime. When only criminals have guns, it is much easier for them to commit crimes.
A guns advocate will say, “The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is too have a good guy with a gun.”

JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
This whole mess was a "child" of MSM and the LEFT. They deliberately lied about details in Kenosha shooting case. They painted Blake as another innocent black man shot by bad cops. Kamala Harris went to visit and praise Blake... and so on and so forth
Yup. But they fail to understand it takes a fraction of a nanosecond for a "law-abiding citizen" with a gun to become a criminal with a gun.

JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
This whole mess was a "child" of MSM and the LEFT. They deliberately lied about details in Kenosha shooting case. They painted Blake as another innocent black man shot by bad cops. Kamala Harris went to visit and praise Blake... and so on and so forth
Here in Canada and any other country in the CIVILIZED WORLD private citizens don't legally walk around with loaded guns.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
so what a free as fuck t-shirt who cares what does that prove?
he was/is famous and people wanted to pose with him big deal
please provide detailed evidence such as YOU would present at trial proving HIS browsing history phone and email records are what YOU claim they are...your speculating
the hand signal existed LONG LONG before the proud boys
what's next someone will find a picture of hitler or himmler giving the thumbs up and that now a racist hand signal
The Free as Fuck t-shirt isn't the point. Re-read my post.

He's out hanging with a Far Right street thug group, giving the White Power Sign. Now you're going to give the bullshit speech about how it's not really the White Power Sign, but those assholes ALWAYS make that sign. So I don't believe you.

And yes, I'm speculating about his browsing history, but someone who hangs with the Proud Boys and gives the White Power Hand is very, very, very likely to browse some pretty gnarly neo Nazi sites. So if you're a betting man - or a betting high-powered law firm representing CNN - you get that disclosure order from the judge and lookee-lookee at who Kyle texts with and what sites he visits.

What do you think is in that browsing history?.... Porn, I guess. But that's normal for a teenage kid. But then lots and lots and lots of right wing nasty. And that libel suit disappears in a big toilet flush of judicial costs sanctions and consent dismissals. And all those fake-as-fuck congressional intern offers and Tucker Carlson interviews, they disappear as well.

Am I right? Or am I right?
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JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
Because guns are needed to self-defence, e.g., against a rape r any other violent crime. When only criminals have guns, it is much easier for them to commit crimes.
LOL, what a fucking stupid comment. Stop tuning into US media. It's rotting your brain.
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
you would likely need a CCW permit to carry an axe which means you were vetted by the state police
which means you were vetted by the state police Whereas if it's an AR-15 you are Petted by the police. If it wasn't concealed and you were just swaggering along with it in the open, like an AR-15 you wouldn't need the permit I imagine.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
This whole mess was a "child" of MSM and the LEFT. They deliberately lied about details in Kenosha shooting case. They painted Blake as another innocent black man shot by bad cops. Kamala Harris went to visit and praise Blake... and so on and so forth
The liberal biased press is the single most divisive force in the U.S. They even said that Kyle shot 3 black men who were just minding their business, killing 2.
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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
Here in Canada and any other country in the CIVILIZED WORLD private citizens don't legally walk around with loaded guns.
I don't disagree. Having this many guns is a bad idea. Allowing people to carry guns is also not the best idea.

It's been American way since forever though. Don't act so surprised now.

American media should acknowledge such reality and take it into consideration when spreading lies and misinformation that makes population's blood boil (doesn't which media outlet).


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
The liberal biased press is the single most divisive force in the U.S. They even said that Kyle shot 3 black men who were just minding their business, killing 2.
No Darts, it's not just liberal media.

Left and Right are just as responsible for their lies. CNN lies, Fox lies, others lie. They get their damn ratings, viewerships etc. Fckn assholes make money on chaos.

They're pitting us against eachother instead of uniting us. Journalistic integrity isn't popular anymore.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
The Free as Fuck t-shirt isn't the point. Re-read my post.

He's out hanging with a Far Right street thug group, giving the White Power Sign. Now you're going to give the bullshit speech about how it's not really the White Power Sign, but those assholes ALWAYS make that sign. So I don't believe you.

And yes, I'm speculating about his browsing history, but someone who hangs with the Proud Boys and gives the White Power Hand is very, very, very likely to browse some pretty gnarly neo Nazi sites. So if you're a betting man - or a betting high-powered law firm representing CNN - you get that disclosure order from the judge and lookee-lookee at who Kyle texts with and what sites he visits.

What do you think is in that browsing history?.... Porn, I guess. But that's normal for a teenage kid. But then lots and lots and lots of right wing nasty. And that libel suit disappears in a big toilet flush of judicial costs sanctions and consent dismissals. And all those fake-as-fuck congressional intern offers and Tucker Carlson interviews, they disappear as well.

Am I right? Or am I right?
I didn’t make any speech that it’s not a white power sign if you reread my post I clearly stated that the OK symbol was around for years before the proud boys

The rest of your post is just pure speculation


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Nice thing to be famous for , killing two people. Now hes going to appear on Fucker Carlson and laugh about .
The kid needs a good ass whooping
He legally killed two people defending his own life as the court clearly ruled in the evidence showed

You leave out the fact that the three people he shot attacked Kyle with physical violence

JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
I didn’t make any speech that it’s not a white power sign if you reread my post I clearly stated that the OK symbol was around for years before the proud boys
Yes, yes, yes, we know, and the swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol that has nothing to do with the Third Reich.
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