NOT GUILTY on all charges, Kyle Rittenhouse

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
So sad, the liberal media and their lefty sheep audience.

Question: Why does CP24 keep saying killed a black man?
Because killing some white criminals is nothing to riot about.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2014
It's only a semi-automatic firearm that rapidly fires full metal jacket rounds that goes through bullet proof vests like butter, through flesh, bone, organs and then exits out the other side of a executed person's body to possibly connect with more innocent victims.
Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) ammunition is actually more humane than soft-lead or hollow-point. You see, the FMJ remains intact and passes through the body thus leaving only one canal and taking the majority of it's energy with it as it exits. This is the reason the Geneva convention specifies that soldiers only use FMJ. Soft lead and hollow point rounds deform and fragment on impact leaving multiple canals through the body and converting all of their energy into mechanical deformation of the body. PM me your real name and contact info and I'll take you out to the range for some practical experience behind the trigger.

As for the innocence of the people KR killed: 2 wife beaters and a pedophile who were themselves armed and travelled a great distance to attend a riot where they burned other peoples homes and livelihoods.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Ottawa, armed police with their weapons drawn. We Canadians shouldn't be so smug. Let's fix our own problems before pointing fingers.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
As for the innocence of the people KR killed: 2 wife beaters and a pedophile who were themselves armed and travelled a great distance to attend a riot where they burned other peoples homes and livelihoods.
But, Sandy Hudson said they were nice civilians. Knowing Sandy, she will spin this to raise more money from her liberal sheep and use that money to buy a bigger nicer house.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
Well you’re wrong he wasn’t underage that’s why the charge was dismissed he had business being wherever he wants this is America

so you’re saying the US court system is wrong you sound like you’re one of those Trump lost the election deniers

He was 17 yo at the time , you don't classify 17 yo kid underage . He had no business being they , why did he had gun to cause trouble


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
He was 17 yo at the time , you don't classify 17 yo kid underage . He had no business being they , why did he had gun to cause trouble

he was 100% allowed to be there and was 100% allowed to posses and carry the rifle

he legally had a gun to defend himself which is 100% within the law

kyle was the one who was attacked

I notice you didn't say those guys shouldn't have attacked Kyle. oh and YES the evidence showed they did attack kyle
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Seattle CHOP/CHAZ, Portland Riots, Minneapolis come to mind. Dozens of burned buildings, businesses destroyed and looted, people dead. Sure, call them mostly peaceful if you'd like. Some of us can see and think ourselves, not listen to a CNN reporter who's standing in front of a burning building, calling it "mostly peaceful protest".

New York, Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis just as example. Cops were treated like trash while they were beaten, injured, insulted, arrested. New York slashed police funds by half IIRC.

In Atlanta 2 cops were arrested for doing their job. They arrested a drunk driver Rayshard Brooks who resisted, fought with them, shot a taser at them and was killed for it. Cops were immediately fired by Democratic Mayor who didn't even wait for dust to settle while a POS hypocrite AG pressed charges. (2 weeks prior he fired 6 Atlanta police officers for using a taser which is considered a deadly weapon in the State of Georgia, but when a drunk convict shot it at cops, it wasn't a deadly weapon anymore).

Cops were discouraged from doing their duty throughout US. Many lost their jobs, pension. Then, when a riot happens, you wonder why they are staying put and not interfering.

And it goes on, and on, and on... and you still only see what you want to see.

NYC did NOT cut the police budget by 1/2. And now it's being increased again. I'm betting I could go through the rest of your post and pick it apart as well.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
oh and YES the evidence showed they did attack kyle
Would any of our lefty members want to be the guy on the ground? Good thing Kyle was able to hang on to the rifle. Otherwise, he would have been dead meat. Old Irish proverb: "Better to be judged by 12 intelligent people than be carried by 6".
OIP (3).jpg
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Seattle CHOP/CHAZ, Portland Riots, Minneapolis come to mind. Dozens of burned buildings, businesses destroyed and looted, people dead. Sure, call them mostly peaceful if you'd like. Some of us can see and think ourselves, not listen to a CNN reporter who's standing in front of a burning building, calling it "mostly peaceful protest".

New York, Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis just as example. Cops were treated like trash while they were beaten, injured, insulted, arrested. New York slashed police funds by half IIRC.

In Atlanta 2 cops were arrested for doing their job. They arrested a drunk driver Rayshard Brooks who resisted, fought with them, shot a taser at them and was killed for it. Cops were immediately fired by Democratic Mayor who didn't even wait for dust to settle while a POS hypocrite AG pressed charges. (2 weeks prior he fired 6 Atlanta police officers for using a taser which is considered a deadly weapon in the State of Georgia, but when a drunk convict shot it at cops, it wasn't a deadly weapon anymore).

Cops were discouraged from doing their duty throughout US. Many lost their jobs, pension. Then, when a riot happens, you wonder why they are staying put and not interfering.

And it goes on, and on, and on... and you still only see what you want to see.

Well, you did a great job cherry-picking facts. But then you got that from Fox News, right? I agree with you about the situation in Portland and Seattle was ridiculous. The problem is that criminals and low-lifes attach themselves to any genuine protest and use it as an excuse to perform criminal acts.

The BLM protests were largely non violent.

The Rayshard Brooks shooting sure strikes me as unjustifiable use of force. Drunk, stoned guy steals a taser and runs away? He empties the 2-shot taser without scoring a hit. Surely that perp can be taken down without being shot!

Charges are still pending against the cops. That's not "lefty extremism". That's just standard police code of conduct shit - excessive deadly force. Next you're going to tell me that Derek Chauvin was a hero.

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