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Australian vaccine developer claims 10 years are needed to monitor side-effects

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Australian vaccine developer claims at least 10 years are needed to monitor side-effects of the new mRNA vaccines.
This is what I've been saying all along.

Protein vaccines are much safer, they've been used for decades now with relatively few side-effects.
Novavax is currently working on a protein-based covid vaccine.
Its pending approval in many Western countries.

A protein vaccine I have no problem taking every 6 to 12 months (or as often as a booster shot is required).
The new Pfizer vaccine I will NOT take every 6 months, you'd have to be crazy to do that.

Background story:

Novavax protein vaccine:

Watch first 11 minutes of video for better explanation


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I see, so this isn't a case or conflict of someone pushing a certain vaccine type while throwing negativity on the vaccines that actually are enjoying complete market share of the vaccinated at the moment??

BIg pharma is the enemy but a small want to be big pharma is ok, it's fine, he's a good guy. LMAO, you people are hilarious.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Australian vaccine developer claims at least 10 years are needed to monitor side-effects of the new mRNA vaccines.
This is what I've been saying all along.
And how does that correlate with when you would consider it safe to take the vaccine? How many years?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I see, so this isn't a case or conflict of someone pushing a certain vaccine type while throwing negativity on the vaccines that actually are enjoying complete market share of the vaccinated at the moment??
Exact same situation as the Wakefield guy who kicked off the modern ant-vax movement (while trying to patent his own measles vaccine)


Aug 23, 2001
An Adelaide medical researcher who has developed and been administered with his own COVID-19 vaccine says he is facing the sack because of his refusal to get one of the TGA-approved jabs.

Key points:
  • Nikolai Petrovsky has been working on a vaccine called COVAX-19
  • He said it has been approved for use in Iran and is hoping it will be approved in Australia
  • Professor Petrovsky said he has been threatened with the sack for refusing other vaccines

Flinders Medical Centre director of endocrinology Nikolai Petrovsky has developed a vaccine candidate, COVAX-19, which completed phase 1 trials in August last year.

The vaccine was developed by Professor Petrovsky's company Vaxine, which has laboratories at adjacent Flinders University, and is based on a protein produced in insect cells.

Professor Petrovsky said, after clinical phase two and phase three trials, it had been "approved for use in Iran and we're now looking to see if we can get it approved in Australia".

He said he had been administered with COVAX-19 and was disinclined to have any other dose.

"That could be very dangerous to do. There is no data on what would happen if you had a full course of one vaccine and then had another course of another kind of vaccine," he told ABC Radio Adelaide's David Bevan.

"Normally you would have to do clinical trials to establish the safety of that approach."

He said he believed "it would be a little unusual if we had someone else's vaccine rather than have the one we've developed ourselves".

What Squeezer said above. He likes his own vaxx and hates on everybody else's.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The problem with you on the Left is you're unwilling to see both sides of the argument
The only thing folks like you on the right want to hear is

VACCINE IS BAD, it's not necessary, LOCKDOWNS are bad, they are unnecessary, MASKS DON'T WORK, they are unnecessary. LET'S LET IT run wild and get natural herd immunity.

It really is incredible what dumb shits many are showing themselves to be.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Sounds like he's back to the herd immunity argument.
Phil was always a guy who was not afraid to say what he really felt and meant.

He says the vaccine has not had studies to test long term side effects, indicating that he does not think that it is safe to take the vaccine until that time.

I have asked him 3 times now what his definition of "long term" is. He has ducked/turtled every time. All of a sudden he is afraid to tell us what he actually means. Please put a number, or range, of years that "long term" means.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The only thing folks like you on the right want to hear is

VACCINE IS BAD, it's not necessary, LOCKDOWNS are bad, they are unnecessary, MASKS DON'T WORK, they are unnecessary. LET'S LET IT run wild and get natural herd immunity.

It really is incredible what dumb shits many are showing themselves to be
What part of "This mRNA vaccine is still new, and we dont know the long-term effects yet", do you not understand??!!!

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Regardless of which side of the vaccine fence you sit on, one fact cannot be disproved - the PRC's vaccine diplomacy has crashed and burned like a 737 MAX.

Maybe they should have hired Scott Moe to sell it.



Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Aren't shots of two different vaccines possibly better than two shots of the same?...


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What part of "This mRNA vaccine is still new, and we dont know the long-term effects yet", do you not understand??!!!
So when you say that we don't know long term effects of the vaccine yet, how should that influence our choice of whether to get the vaccine now or not? What is your position?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
What part of "This mRNA vaccine is still new, and we dont know the long-term effects yet", do you not understand??!!!
So what would be a reasonable amount of time to study mRNA vaccines? 10 years? How about 13?

And the first mRNA vaccine trials on mice was in 1993


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Aren't shots of two different vaccines possibly better than two shots of the same?...
As far as I'm aware, both mRNA vaccines work the same way and the only significant difference is the delivery and stabilizing agents. Even compared to the non-mRNA vaccines, it is the immune response that is significant, not the specific method of creating that response.
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
I understand the two sides, science and anti-science. Forgive me for only respecting one side.
Correct. And listen to federal public health agency like the fda, health canada and especially europe. They are the only ones who have public health decisions to make. Lets say their opinion is quite more important since it was based on peer consensus. A single physician wackos saying things here and there is irrelevant and dangerous. People die because they preferred to listen to these wackos.
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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2006
I suppose waiting until 2031 to start a vaccine campaign might have some benefits. There would have been a great culling, and herd immunity, and those left alive would definitely have nothing to worry about from the vaccine.

Even better, just like smallpox did, the virus would eventually run out of hosts as all the particularly vulnerable people died off. Given four years it would just, as Trump predicted, fade away. Exactly how it happened with smallpox, several times, after 50-70% of the European population died.

These things do tend to take care of themselves if you wait long enough...and if you don't mind all the dead bodies.
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