It all depends on what YOU like to do.I was reading this article here: and it states that
Which I thought was interesting because from my estimation, the average cost of seeing an escort in 2021 for 30 minutes would be $160 with the range being $150 - $250 and the average cost of seeing an escort for 1 hour would be $300 with the range being $250 - $400 which is all more than the average cost of a romantic night in Toronto according the to article. I have very limited expierence in wine and dining women so I am asking men who has dating expierence if dating is in fact more cost-effective than seeing SPs. If so, I would to give dating another shot as an attempt to save money and meet beautiful women at the same time.
on a semi related note, I mostly do p4p of sorts and half of the time sex is not great enough to repeat. I wonder what's the rate of success for civilians? Must suck to spend time on bedding a woman only to find out she is not worth a repeat... free sex is cheaper. You might wine and dine a woman for a long time before sex enters the picture.
Until you find a civvy who is, and they are out there!on a semi related note, I mostly do p4p of sorts and half of the time sex is not great enough to repeat. I wonder what's the rate of success for civilians? Must suck to spend time on bedding a woman only to find out she is not worth a repeat
agreed. as a younger man I was attracted to older women. now as a man in his 40s when I look at a woman I see age, lifestyle and relationships that have transformed into the woman she has become now.I guess I've been spoiled. The last [and sadly first] GF payed her own way, going out to eat, no more than 25 or 30 bucks each, a movie 12 bucks. The one hour drive to get there was worse.
If you are a panty dropper, it would be cheaper or even free to get laid in the civie world.
If you are unfortunate in one way or another, it's bound to be much more affordable to pay for it. Dates that go nowhere because she isn't that into you, or you do the slightest thing she doesn't like. Girls you because you are not all that decide that they want to "get to know you better" where if you were hot you would be plowing her fields like a farmer that night.
Then you get the time invested. You gotta find the girl which takes more time if you are unfortunate. Then there is the time on the date which again might not pan out at all.
Dating only makes sense if you actually want to spend time with the girl doing stuff you would do anyway and if she pays her own way. I don't care how charming she is, if you have to pay her way, that is a slap in the face in terms of how she sees you, this isn't the 50's any more. But in terms of coitus only... Nayh.
Also as you get older... paying for it is better than granny fanny. Save money on the ice pick to chip away at the crust.