Note they are for fire and environmental safety, or outside issues to keep them safely indoors.
The USA training is specifically for an active school shooter to blockade individual classrooms, hide students and get them out via windows etc.
Last I checked Confirming the effectiveness of brands of BULLERPROOF backpacks for EIGHT YEAR OLDS were not part of back to school sales in Canada. Please don't lie and even try to equate the two.
20 Kindergarteners age 6 were shot and killed and the USA chose to side with gun owners. You have chosen violence over sanity.
wrong you do NOT lock down a school and hold everyone inside for fire.. I'm glad your not in charge of schools
5 Toronto schools locked down after shooting death | CBC News
Multiple Ontario Schools Are On Lockdown Over Bomb And Shooting Threats Today - Narcity
you can buy those backpacks for Canada too its a personal choice
the second amendment gives us the right to bear arms